Update: Thank you guys so much

WE DID IT GUYS! While she did not delete her tumblr, she took the stories down and made a face and name change. Hopefully this means she won't do it again, but I will be keeping an eye on this blog and any other social media links I can find to be safe, not just for me but for other authors as well.

And for readers, because in situations like this, it isn't only the author's attacked, but the genuine and loving readers as well, who feel betrayed or regretful. It's a shame that I now am suspicious of everyone who subscribes to my story, fearful of what people could do. Maybe after some time I'll get over that fear.

The thing that honestly floored me about this is... all of my stories are subs only, and all of them do not allow text selection. This person not only subscribed to my story, as well as other authors, they also retyped, word for word on their own. That takes dedication to plagiarise something, especially something as big as FSOJ, which has 50 chapters. 

She has yet to apologize to me or any of the other authors, but honestly, I don't care about that, because I'm just glad the stories are down.

And to those of you who think I've handled it incorrectly, thank you for your opinion, but I disagree. We were able to get the stories taken down in less than 12 hours. I was able to let the authors effected, as well as any other author who came across my blog know about the potential threat that person holds. I do not regret that.
Originally I had planned to be quiet about it, not expose her or the blog, but after seeing that it wasn't just my stories effected, I couldn't do that. I had to make sure other authors knew.
I understand some people may take it to far with their comments, which is why I said I did not condone it. But, everyone has the right to make their own decisions, and it would not be on me if someone else did. However, from what I saw from the many people who helped me, no one took anything too far.

So do not lecture me.

I did what I felt was right, and still stand by it and would do it again if I had to (let's hope I don't). You may have handled it differently, but that's your decision.

Thank you again to everyone who helped and supported me with this problem. It really means so much to me, and if I could pay you back in some way, I would.




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So I was testing what you said about not allowing the text selection. What I found was, if you go to the story (whichever chapter) then view it in reading mode, it's copy and pastable. It's great that you got the person to stop but I don't think it'll keep her from doing it later.