Writing Schedule: Updates for Summer

It's been 2 months so it's time! Here's what I proposed last time:

  • March - Orb Bodies ch + Best Days of Our Lives fic
  • April - 2 Orb Bodies chs + BDoOL fic revealed
  • May - Campaigning For Your Heart sequel + Independent one shot OR New chaptered fic (Ch 1)

And here's what's happened:

So I'm behind by an Orb Bodies ch, but I did the Tumblr drabble unplanned, and I will still get that OB ch up within the next week. Then I was going to start the chaptered fic BUT I'll be travelling for a few weeks, so I'm going to wait until I'm back in June to start posting. Here's the rough plan:

  • June - New chaptered fic: Spy!au (Ch 1-3); Maybe an Independent One Shot (collab fic)
  • July - Spy!au (Ch 4-7)
  • August - Spy!au (Ch 8-10/Completed - ugh this is ambitious...)
  • September - Kaisoommer fic + ExoMythology fic

I have joined the Exo Mythology fest (Gods and Monsters) and Kaisoommer. So for the summer, I'll have those 2 I'm working on, and I can't promise anything beyond those and my Spy!au chaptered fic. WHICH LET ME PREFACE - I want to try writing something chaptered again like W&W, but don't want to be stressing over every word & heavily editing like I've been doing with fest fics. I'm pretty pleased with the quality I've put into those stories? But I want to just embrace writing something for fun without thinking too much on it. So. I'll be prioritizing speed over quality with the spy!au, I think, to try and churn out all 10ish (short) chapters in a timely manner. Even as I'm looking at my proposed schedule, though, I'm basically shooting for a ch per week IDK ABOUT THAT OTL. I'll try to not go longer than 2 weeks between updates.

There's a one shot that hopefully will happen this summer but it's a collab fic ^^ so I don't know when it'll come out, but it will be fun (any guesses who I'd be writing with?).

Also, there are no more Orbiting Bodies updates planned after next week. Kaisoo has given me plenty of fodder, but I see it in all its glory and just think - what more can be said?? LOL. There's one additional ch that will still happen (it's a year old moment at this point, oops), but it's on hiatus after next week's update. Unless Kaisoo does something I just gotta drabble.

XOXO - At1stsight (PS Come talk to me on Twitter - that's where I'm most active)


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Baozisaur #1
Whoah authornim is soooo organized. Everything is already planned out. *applause* As an avid fan of yours, i will wait patiently for your creations to be ready for fans' eyes :)) hwaiting!!
what the heck lizzie how do u plan like that omg
im like ok i will write 50 words for the next month and then i write like a single "the" for half a year
wow - it all sounds so exciting! I can`t wait to read the spy au. Please don`t overtire yourself though by writing too much in a short space of time!!!!
eddicosta #5
Giiiirl you applying to some BIG work out here. That's a lot of things to write... Good luck tho! I look forward to them.
Oh dear god...spy!au. I can't wait for this. You give us so much, Lizzie unnie ^_^ Collaboration? Ren or Indi? Another friend? You make me so excited :-*^_^
My guesses for who you'd be writing with: adtoyks or indigomini?

Good luck with all that though and freak, you're gonna write a spy!au? yeah :O.