Procrastination Writing

My exams officially start in three days and I'm dreading it already.

I've known they're going to be a huge struggle because not only is it my third year at university so therefore, they're the hardest exams I've taken so far but I've also got 9 of them >.< I feel like 9 is a ridiculously big number and I'm a little intimidated simply by the sheer quantity of them. Add that to the fact I'm a pretty professional procrastinator, I don't really know how these are going to go. But I've got some time left to stress and cram and do my best to memorise all the numbers and equations I need so I have a little hope.

I joke about how bad my procrastination is normally but in my avoidance of revision, I managed to edit and re-write a little bit of my ChanXing fic and start a whole new one. I also finished another Reconciliation chapter which I will probably post sometime soon (like in the next week). The new oneshot is ing and I've been having a little bit of fun reversing roles. I feel like Sehun is always perceived as the smooth, y bad boy in fics with Yixing and I kind of wanted to make him act a little more like the younger one for once. It feels a little truer to Sehun's character to make him more nervous and embarassed at himself. He still has a little of his sassy maknae self in there but I didn't feel like going all out on making him an overconfident bratty character like some fics do. It's not a bad thing to characterise him in that way. I just like the thought of him showing the fact that he's definitely younger than Yixing.

I don't have a title for this one... It's working title is Blurry but I know I'm not going to happy enough with that in the long term and want to change it. I always find it really difficult to decide on titles. I like them to have something related to the fic with them without being blatant. I completely contridict that with Kitty's title but it was 2:30am when I finished writing that and I had exhausted my creativity by that point. Reconciliation was another working title but because it's a chaptered fic that I've been working on for an extended time, I've gotten used to calling it that both in my head and online. I don't mind that one too much now. I feel like it's revealing enough about the plot without giving any of the twists away.

By far my favourite title is Trying to Hear the You I Couldn't See. It's inspired by the beginning lyrics of Miracles in December and I think it really fits the AU super well. I don't remember why I was checking the lyrics to it, but when I found them I knew that that was what I could call my story.

I'll keep working on it. Between the hours of revision I need to do, I'll keep writing. Expect to see ing before the end of May because I'm good at procrastinating in ways that help my fics.

Happy Reading and Writing,

Miss Uprising :3


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