Accidentally deleted my sticky notes

So i reformatted my laptop today because it was getting too slow and it had a virus, so I started moving all the files I wanted to keep in a flashdrive.

Right before I started reformatting it, I stopped for a full 15 minutes just going around files and apps, because I felt like I was forgetting something, but eventually shrugged it off and convinced myself that it wasn't important.

Unfortunately, when it was done erasing everything and I started to re download some apps, I realized that my sticky notes were all gone.


Normally I wouldn't care, but for the past year I've been keeping that as my journal where I keep all the best of my thought vomit. I dont have a copy of any of it. I've tried searching. Nothing.


I cant even remember what I wrote, I just remember that they're really important and that I have them color coded according to favourite quotes, unimportant things, favourite thoughts, story prompts, and reminders for real life.


Sometimes I seriously believe that i have memory problems. The rest of the time I tell myself I'm exaggerating. Am I though? Because I honestly don't know myself.

(Seriously sticky notes should have an online sync thing) 


I'm never gonna find them again. Not in my head, not in my computer. 


Always make a copy of your even if yoy think it isn't going away any time soon




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