Story in the works to reconsider?

So, since about October, I've been slowly (and a bit half heartedly) writing a story about aokigahara (the Japanese forest where people often attempt/commit suicide) and depression.

When that one issue happened back in December, I kept away from most of anything in the K community, besides bands and some fanfics.

But now even aokigahara itself is a pretty sensitive topic (not that it wasn't before, but it's more of an issue bc of a certain youtuber) and I honestly don't know if I should continue to pursue it.

I feel as though writing it might entice others to have even worse feelings regarding a lot of issues as I have a tendency to lean into dark themes.

What do you think? Should I keep it to myself, choose another site to post, wait until the issues die down, or continue with writing and eventually post?


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I don’t know the YouTuber and I don’t know the fuss about Aokigahara but you shouldn’t stay away from writing about sad and dark things because of Jonghyun. I write a lot of mental disorders myself and I have decided not to let his death stop me from doing what I like doing - writing dark angst.
Write it because you want to write it, because you like the work you’re doing. If you lose your passion, that’s another issue. But don’t let Jonghyun’s death stop you from writing something you like writing.

If you’re not referencing Jonghyun’s death by “that issue in December”, then I’m sorry. It’s just ... the only issue in December for me. And again, I don’t know the fuss about a youtuber and Aokigahara in and of itself but ... don’t let that affect your story either.