Gay lovers discover that theyre actually twins

So I just read an article from over a year ago about a couple that discovered through a DNA test that they were actually siblings, though their friends who urged them thought they were just cousins at first (fanfic plot lmao).

One brother doesnt wanna talk to his partner at all and the other brother wants to restart as siblings.

I'm not posting this on Facebook because I know some people are gonna judge me hard. Not that whoever reads this here won't, but anonymity is pretty nice sometimes.


I know is a major taboo irl, but honestly I've always felt that as long as the relationship is same generation it shouldn't be too much of a big deal. 

Not to mention, in this case they never grew up together, the only thing they have as siblings is blood. 2 years of being in a relationship, growing from that, becoming family to each other, loving each other and suddenly bam you hate them bc they're blood related family. I never really saw the rationality in that.

I respect their decisions whatever it is, but I'm just expressing how I feel about it being taboo when there isn't really any real reason for it to be.


What are your thoughts? Agreement and opposition is welcomed.




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is bad biologically cause it'll cause genetic defects...but since they're gay & didn't grow up together, meh.
But did u hear that it's oddly common for children who didn't grow up with their parent, if they become an adult and reunite with them, they can fall "in love"...
There was recently a story where this happened to a girl who grew up w/o her dad, then met him for the first time when she was around 20 and he was around 40, and he had a wife but ended up divorcing her and began a relationship w his daughter AND THEY HAD A KID TOGETHER???
And then the dad went crazy and ended up killing his daughter, their baby and then himself. Too crazy.
(fanfic plot lmao)...that was shocking tho