
Assalamualaikum yeorobon... :D

Haha lama tak upate blog so rasa macam gatal tangan nak update. Saya nak cakap pasal blackpink T_T. Siapa yang tak kenal member blackpink semua? Saya tengah gila dengan k-drama, lagu spain, fanfics, novel seram, novel fiksyen :D

Dulu, masa first2 blackpink debut saya tak berapa suka group tu haha saya bukannya dengar satu lagu tu terus suka, kadang-kadang je dengar terus suka tapi kebanyakkannya kalau dengar dia jadi tak berapa nak suka sangat haha bila group tu dah lama debut dah banyak lagu diorang nyanyi barulah saya suka tapi suka lagu jela member2 saya tak suka. 

Entah macam mana lah kan, semalam balik sekolah lepas exam saya buka youtube saja jelah ingat nak download lagu baru sebab dapat data free 1GB untuk satu jam, uish peluang tu rugi kalau tak download lagu ke drama ke kan, dari terbuang macam tu je 1GB tu baik saya guna untuk tengok youtube dan sebagainya.

sebelum ni saya minat lagu blackpink playing with fire. saya minat lagu tu je ^_^ saya kenal dah nama member2 dia tapi saya tak minat sangat, saya minat Lisa je kot tapi tak adalah minat sangat minat gitu-gitu jela. Tiba-tiba time tengah download lagu lepas tu saya terbuka siaran youtube yang ketarikan group member lain tengok blackpink buat persembahan dekat atas pentas melon arward. Mula-mula saya tengok Got7 fansboy exo haha lepas tu Bts punya extraction ? dekat lagu-lagu exo. lepas tu ada dalam senarai tu pasal blackpink pula trylah buka, lepas tu buka weekly idol pula. Punyalah nak guna 1 GB tu banyak tab saya buka untuk layan youtube sambil download hahahahahaha. Hilangkan stress jap lepas exam kan T_T. 

Lepas tu, saya asyik buka extraction group bts, exo, nct dekat blackpink terutama dekat Lisa haha, tiba-tiba rasa minat dekat member2 blackpink T_T. Saya pun bukalah lagu-lagu blackpink yang lain selain lagu playing with fire... serius ah cakap minat dekat blackpink hahahaha. Tadi balik, tengok youtube lagi sebab setiap hari 1GB free internet so rugilah kalau tak habiskan hahaha...

Serius ah tibat-tiba minat semua member blackpink T_T, saya ingat lagi saya dah lama tak minat group perempuan haha. Last saya minat group SNSD paling lamalah tu saya minat haha sejak 2012 sampailah Jessica keluar dari SNSD lepas tu saya just minat lagu je. Sama juga dengan group lelaki pula, saya pernah minat Super Junior. Gila lama saya minat SJ haha sejak 2010 sampailah 2013, sebab start pertengahan 2013 saya minat group exo haha sampailah exo tinggal 8 orang saya just minat lagu dengan Chanyeol, dulu minat Baekhyun lepas tu tiba-tiba minat Chanyeol pula hahahaha... sekarang minat semua member blackpink ^_^... 

Semalam juga, tengok cerita Chanyeol berlakon dalam I Married Anti-fan... cerita cina dia belakon omo omo omo dia punya falling in love dengan Chanyeol tulah T_T tak tahulah nak cakap macam mana hahahahahahahaha...

Siapa minat group blackpink? saya nak tanya siapa ketua dia? Jinnie ke? Jiso ke? Rose ke? Lisa? Serius cakap Lisa comel T_T... mata dia bulat T_T hahahaha...

okey habis dah saya melabun, lain kali labun lagi hahahah babai :3


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parkinseo2014 #1
Blackpink takde leader tapi somehow, my opinion Jennie mcam leader dorang sebab dia paling rational dalam group tu :D
Btw, in case you are womdeeing position dorang:-
Jennie; Lead vocal, rapper.
Rosè: Main vocal, lead dancer.
Jisoo; vocal, visual
Lisa: Main Dancer, rapper

I pun tak dulu tak suka members punya personaliti sebab macam fake/ try hard sangat tapi sekarang macam rasa comel ^___^
Hahaha siapa tak suka lisa. Comel, tinggi, lawa plakkk. My bias is lisa tho xD
Sameeeee oh my god I was in that situation too. At first of their debut I was like who the hell is blackpink?! Oh they're from yg! Then I began to compare them with 2ne1. How 2ne1 was cool and not girly at all and how this blackpink girls all too beautiful and tall and their songs are pretty girlish and I decided I don't like blackpink. They are not that yg type despite their songs are literally stuck in my head lol. But thne idk how and when it happened I was suddenly into them. Ooo yeah I watched weekly idol! And yeah I still thought that they are way too girlish gedik especially rose with the way she talked and laugh please! But then again I can't deny that they are pretty crazy and fun especially jisoo with her 4d personality. And jennie yeah she's beautiful and cute i can't deny that. And now I like them. But I still envy them for being that gorgeous! They are so cantik ok I cannot.

Oh and Jennie is the leader. She is a 96' liner from the US I think or Dutch or something like that but the point is she's half korean. Jisoo is the eldest, 95' liner. Jisoo is full korean. Rose and Lisa both 97' liner with Lisa being the maknae. Rose is from australia and also half korean while Lisa is full thailand. Yeah Lisa is cute. She got big eyes and full lips. I learnt a lot about them actually. Jennie has been active before with collaborations with yg artist like gd and lee hi and epik high. While Jisoo has been active with lots of cf and modelling and she made a cameo in kbs drama producer along with Sandara and Seungyoon. Lisa was a dancer before in Thailand. She was in the same dance club with got7 bambam and they are pretty close. Rose, I just know that she's very active in singing even before she got into yg.

And yeah! They all are very skinny! Kurus sangat sangat. I wish they would gain weight! Just a little bit.
kan.. kan Lisa memang comell ehehehe.. sorry menyibuk