Day 17 - Best hair, eyesmile, smile, jawline, body and personality

Day 17 - Best hair, eyesmile, smile, jawline, body and personality


Best hair - I like their hair at different times D: they always change it!

Best eyesmile - it's a tie between leeteuk and sungmin

Best smile -
TEUK OF COURSE! his smile is beautiful and he ALWAYS smiles, legit, even when he's hurt. Like when it was heechul's last mr simple performance before the army he was crying :( but he was still smiling beacause he doesn't want us to be sad like him D: gaah.

Best Jawline - I don't really know?....Wookie?

Best Body - uh, Siwon...LOL, he also has the best derp pictures xD

Best Personality - In all honesty, everyone's personality has something that I enjoy.
Siwon's  sweetness and fairness for everyone.
Leeteuk's hardworking attitude and leadership skills
Sungmin's honesty and aegyo
Kyuhyun's childish and stubborn attitude
Ryeowook's shyness
Shindong's jokes
Kibum's caringness
Kangin's toughness/sweet guy attitude
Henry's (cheeks) considerateness ijhgr, henry is precious ;__;
Yesung's goofiness and his dancing skills...
Donghae's competitive style
Eunhyuk's determined attitude.
Heechul's everything. Heechul's image is quite different than what he really is. Like I said, it's an image bu he gets bashed on for not supposedly being 'arrogant, rude, disrespectful, etc.' Yes, his image might not be the brightest but he is a good person, he's done a lot for suju and leeteuk. I could explain this in depth but then this would become a 'Heechul is a good person' blog. but, it's true he is. He always takes good care of his dongsaengs and he helps teuk with all his problems. It's just that in Korea respect is like a big thing and people don't reall get much affection out of his image. But he is a caring, respectful person -.- don't let rumors tell you otherwise.



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