2PM -.- y u do that to my babies?

Zico shaved his head bald, and if any of you were BBCs remember when he cut off his dreads? He was devastated, he called his hair his ‘Friend’, now think how he feels about shaving his head bald?

Okay, Block B made a mistake, and it’s embarrassing to know that most international fans who aren’t of Korean tongue really believed allkpop. Guys, it’s allkpop, they mess up their translations all the time- coming from a Korean who isn’t that fluent. Even I could tell the translations were messed up.

On another note, Zico shaved his head. I don’t know if you guys believe this, but to Koreans, hair is precious. We take high pride in our hair (And yes, it’s embarrassing but it’s true.) and shaving his head bald shows that Zico, as the leader of Block B is throwing away the immaturity he showed to the people of Thai and anyone else.

On another note, have you ever seen an idol shave their head after screwing up? No, neither have I. When a Korean idol messed up, they either apologize in their fan cafes or their interviews. Never, I repeat NEVER, have I seen a idol reflect on their actions by shaving themselves bald. That shows that Zico really meant his apology, and you can tell. (Also, damn you Allkpop for not making an article of how ALL of Block B apologized straight after.)

Also I think this issue wouldn’t have been as bad as it is now if Nichkhun didn’t tweet about it and start a fanwar between BBCs and Hottests. No offense to 2PM, but wasn’t the whole Jay conspiracy enough? Not to mention there was a ing petition asking Block B to disband, when Jay had to leave you were heartbroken weren’t you? Also Nichkhun, you have no right to speak- remember the whole thing with Japan’s earthquake? Reflect on your actions. 2PM, you guys are seriously being immature, making a tweet about it? Really? Why not just meet Block B in person and tell them it’s wrong?

2PM, you ed up big time. You ed up a great group, now they might have to become ‘better’ idols- and let me translate that for you: Fake. Block B is one of the most genuine groups I know, they don’t fake anything. And you can tell by everything they do in interviews and in public.

Thank you for taking that away from them.


As a BBC, I agree to fuqin everything this person said. allkpop always fuqs everything up.

They forgot to mention that EACH member of block b donated $200 to the Thai Flood BEFORE the interview started.

zico is bald and damn, now i can tell how ashamed he really is. But, seriously, 2PM.... god. did you know that Hottests made a petititon to BISBAND block b? I mean, Nickhun is just as rude as block b was -.- he shouldn't have involved himself in there. now there
's this HUGE fanwar between BBCs and Hottests

No matter what they do they wil always be the real idols to me. they don't even have an image besides being themselves and honestly, it cant any more real than that.

i love you block b ;____;




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I agree AKP is starting fanwars and even Dongho twit about it :'( I hope they don't disband. I've heard that some people are starting to give death threat just to make them disbanf. Even to zico's mom. It's starting to get big. They have so much talent