kinda figuring out what i want to do

i still don't know how to get to this point in life but i think i know what i would like to do in life

so like i've said before i really want to do haircare stuff and basically be like another lush company

so making products or helping to advertise these products would be really cool

but i also started to recently be into styling

i love how bts looks, especially their airport styles 

and i think with training in that i could totally do it

like stage outfits are so cool and every time i watch a live performance or an MV I comment on the outfits and how good they look or how i would have styled them differently, like i would have chosen a different corset to go over her outfit or i would have done the jeans with fishnets look for the live performance

i really love paying attention to the outfits and hair and how that changes the mood of the video and you can better express the song through the outfits

i just think that it's really cool and professional and how you can dress them to match their personalities or make them look good for the fans

and i really love the sparkly suits bts has worn especially over new years during their performances and some bst stages

i love love love how the groups matches but are also unique in their outfits

like with all groups there's a common look but it's unique 


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That's interesting . You can be a stylist . You remind me of a friend of mine who are in this field . I'm also interested in styling and fashion so I always pay attention on clothes , hair , shoes , accessories :)