Notice to all of my Readers

To all of my current ongoing stories, excluding WAITY and FSOB (since that's finished, and I can get that ready for Vidisha to just undraft on Sunday) I'm going on a trip from Wednesday until Monday evening. To the mountains. Which means....

No wifi (T.T).

But, even so, I'm hoping to have some service to use my data with, so I can write on my phone, but if not I can write with my laptop, offline with Scrivener. I'll basically be stranded in the middle of nowhere for the majority of a week. There won't be much to do for me, since I'm only going to shuttle a hiker to and from trails in the morning and evening, and will be spending most of my time in the motel since there's no where to go.

If I have no cell service, I'll be spending a lot of time writing, playing sims 4 offline, or finally beating Pokemon Sun. It will be an interesting week for me.

But my main goal will definitely be to get a ton of writing done (I may flake on this, since I'm a little with no self-control and procrastination is my bestie) and will try and update everything I missed from this week and next.

That means 52 and Delivery will be updated on the same day(ish), AIW should still have it's regular update next Wednesday, and if I'm lucky (and not a little ) I'll even get ahead on updates.

Updates will resume on 4/5, with AIW (and possibly Delivery/52). And then that Saturday will be the next update for 52, as planned (which may turn into a double update to make up for this past weekend, we'll have to see).

I will also have to spend some time studying and memorizing a menu so I'll be able to work that Tuesday at the restaurant.

Wish me luck, and sorry for all of the late updates. It's been a weird week, and I'm very out of it, still.


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_libbon #1
ok nvm,, i can wait ...^^
Sara_Azizan #2
aww that's okay ~~ we can wait !! take your time and take it slow okay ?
epikdark #3
Luck'! & have fun :)
taeyang818 #4
I love the sims 4!
I hope u wont be stressed abt ur stories too much ^^ we can all be patient for u as long as ur happily doing sth! Hope u have a safe and fun trip <3