To my Dearest Dongsaeng, DG

Dear Toni, 

Today is your special day :)

It may not seem all that special with how hectic and horrible it may seem, but its still special.


Because its your 17th annual year of living. And living is special in its self.

Sometimes the bad things bring us down, but you need to keep smiling and work through it even when you don't think you can.

Mickey and I are ALWAYS right here for you.

I promise that.

Ge2TT does everything together.

And will continue to do so.

We can carry heavy burdens together, so don't crush yourself with worry, or panic, or fear. 

You don't need to carry it all on your own. Even if you are leader. Groups share problems. 

We can do it together and make it through together :)

We not have been with you for 17 years, but we've been with you for at least 3, even if we've only been a group for a little less than one.

And I plan on being there for both of you for a long time♥

Ge2tt forever :)

I'll follow you wherever you say, Leada♥

Hey look! You were still wearing red then! I think we've all gotten prettier~ [I'm definitely an improvement from what I was...]

Happy Birthday~ to T~

Happy Birthday~ to T~

Happy Birthday~ Birthday~

Happy Birthday~ to T~

Happy Birthday DG, and cheers to many more♥ :D


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that awkward michael jackson reference 0.0 and shut up, you were beautiful then and you still are XD i love you ♥
AbriMathos #3
Awwww~ ^____^ lmao at the Michael Jaehyo pic XD