Need help with mom's birthday gift

Hi. My mom's birthday is in few weeks and I have no idea what to give her. She has everything she needs as for material things so I don't know what to give her. Any ideas? I mean what would you do for your mom?


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11thPhilanthropist #1
There are a lot of diy gifts that can be found in pinterest or youtube. My personal favorites are the following: an exploding gift card, 52 things I love about you (using a deck of cards) and your memories put into a jar that she can look back to whenever she's feeling nostalgic.
Give her hugs XOXO.
Give her a card:D
Give her a card:D
Write her a poem? Sing her a song ? Cook for her , make a card for her , buy her flowers , treat her to pedicure , or maybe do her hair . Basically you mom will be happy with anything because all that matters to her is the thoughts and kind deed from her child
What I am doing for my Mom, for her birthday this year is taking her to Venice. It's always been her dream and I am finally able to make it happen.

What is something that you know your Mom could want or want to do? Is it in the realm of something you could provide? Time, is the most priceless gift you can give, so perhaps thinking of spending the entire day with her, no distractions, no interference, just you and her ♡
Sandiii #7
I would write coupons for her like "Redeem for a day off" or "Redeem for me to do the dishes today" it's really cute and makes a good DIY gift!
A day of pampering by my own hands to show her my appreciation for having been bless with a wonderful mother like her. Something like that
i made my mother a ginkgo leaf necklace and got gingko tea for her as its her favorite plant i also painted peonies which are her favoriet flower for her and she loves them
I would make my mom breakfast on the morning of her birthday, compliment on her clothes or things she's wearing, make dinner with my siblings and such ((i knw this is childish but)) maybe a work coupon; massage coupon, gag coupon or something like that. Since my sister and I are always away from home; spend some time with her, watch a movie or two, fangirl on our korean oppa ((hahaha idk with boys though)) tell her you love her :) that would certainly make her day
My siblings and I once created a photo album for our father with our own pictures and wrote memories attached to them.
Experiences are always a great gift as well in my opinion, they create memories and shows appreciation in another way.
So I would probably go for an experience, something you could enjoy together, depending on your budget.
Maybe a piece of jewelry with her favorite color\birthday (a gum on it I mean)