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iskandar liang

BIRTHNAME : Iskandar Liang

▸ Kandar — his friends and aquaintances & 'cause it's a shortened form of his name

▸ Coach Crush — his kid students & 'cause he's the swim coach and once he did an inpersonation of Crush the Turtle

DATE OF BIRTH : March 3rd, 1991
BIRTHPLACE :Singapore, Malaysia
ETHNICITY : ugh... kinda complicated since his animal part is from a really wide range of places, but he indentifies himself as malay-chinese.


FACE CLAIM : Cross Gene's Casper (Play With Me & sHi-tai! & Love&Peace) [all of them have shaved head Casper x3]
BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : Teen Top's C.A.P (Crazy)

▸ He has tanned skin (like VIXX's N and C-Clown's Maru), 177cm, shaved head, bulky frame and a tribal turtle tattoo on his left shoulder (that disapears when his hybrid form shows up).


▸ His skin get a very very light tone of pale green, and he gets "turtle scales" (those marks that turtles have) on his head (forehead, temples and cheekbones included) and on the outer side of his arms and legs. Those marks can go from the light green, merging with his skin tone on the outerlines, to the dark mudy green/brown in the center. They also are smaller in the extremities and bigger in the middle. He also has hexagonal brown crusts on his back, on an imittion of a turtle's shell (it's not like a shell, it's just hexagonal embossed shapes on his back more like a carapace really) .


▸ Half of the time he's wearing gym clothes made of dry-fit material, the other half he's wearing sports clothing (t-shirts, shorts, sweatpants and sneakers). And yes, to him there IS a difference between them.



levelheaded, pacient, responsible, enthusiast
                                                              explosive, worriwart, perfectionist, introvert

Something between the Sage and the Caregiver - Neutral Good

PERSONALITY : First of all Kandar is that person that will always be calm and composed no matter the ruckus that's happening around him (...well, mostly. But we will get to it latter). He always stays calm so he's great to help when problems arise. He doesn't panic and just looks around trying to understand the situation while thinking the best way possible to solve everything. He's really REALLY patient so you can ask the same question to him over and over again, or ask him to go back to the convenience store because you forgot to buy something when he just arrived home from there. He's also an anthusiast, so when he likes something or is compromise to something, he will give his best. Because of those two traits (pacient & enthusiast) he can get well with kids, because he can match their level of energy.

He's also a very polite person. He would not be rude to anyone and old people like him because of that. Tho, his polite side sometimes make some (delusional) girl think that he's being a gentleman on purpose and flirting with them, but no. That's just how he is.

Also, despite having an almost saint-like personality he does have his faults. The most shocking of them is that when he can't that it anymore, he explodes. People frequently abuse of his good will and patience, and he will just bottle up when things botters him. Tho when he reaches his limit he become very scary and he usually slams his hands onto something (that make a loud noise) and then he starts to vent angrily everything that has been bothering him. One of the most scary aspects is that his accusations are always on point (and his bulky frame + loud voice makes him a pretty scary presence in those moments). He's also a worriwart and a perfectionist, having to take care of the smallest details or he couldn't get peace of mind. He worries too much about others and it just adds to his pent up frustations. Doesn't help that he's an introvert that seeks time alone to deal with his problems, so while he cam be dependable, he rarelly will be dependant of others.

BACKGROUND : When he arrived at the human world, Kandar knew he had to get a job. What he felt most confident in was water-related things, so he tried to get some job as a swimming instructor. At first he was accepted only as the gym janitor because he couldn't prove that he indeed won many competitons that proved his knowledge (after all, it was back in the hybrid world). But some weeks after that one of the morning kid classes was having trouble since one of the kids was really afraid of water and the teacher couldn't look out for him and look out for the rest of the class at the same time. Then, Kandar's boss told him to go help and he was in charge to help the teacher to keep a look at the rest of the class and help them when needed. Both the teacher and his boss were impressed how natural he was in the water and how patient he was, so the boss decided to give him a chance. He started to cover up for sick instructors, gained nome beginners classes to teach and soon he was skyrocketing (or should I say deep swimming?) in the job since everyone could see how good he was at it. He not only had the knowledge, but the patience to teach it. It went to the point that his boss indicated him to a swimming coach post that was open in a prestigious academy since said boss was friends with the principal. He started as assistant coach, and when the old coach oficially retired one month and a half later, he had only good words about Kandar.
So now he works Monday to Friday as the Swimming coach at Seoul Academy and Saturday mornings as one of the kids intructor in the G.O.D Gym. Since his schedule at the academy is not that packed, he helps taking care of the house when he's at home. Usually doing grocery shopping (because he can carry many bags) or helping with laundry.


He's a hybrid of a Green Sea Turtle.
▸ His favorite snack is the seaweed flavoured rice snack. Or even just dry seaweed really. He buys tons of it all the time.
▸ He owns a big reef aquarium. It's located on the headboard of his bed.
▸ His favorite movies are Finding Nemo, Lilo&Stich, all the TMNT movies and he bugged everyone in the house to go watch Moana with him.
▸ He hates dry weather or being exposed in the sun without protection.
▸ ^ That's why he's always with a cap on his head and carries sunscreen everywhere.
▸ Swimming and surfing are his favorite past times.
▸ He's always donating small amounts of money to Sea/Sea Creatures Protection ONGs.
▸ Can hold his breath for really long periods of time underwater.
▸ Rarefied air doesn't afect him because of his animal side that gives him a really good blood circulation.
▸ Doesn't like being called "slow" by the other hybrids just because his other half is a turtle. He's a sea turtle alright? Not a tortoise!
▸ He prefers veggies over meat, but he does like seafood (it's his guilt pleasure)
▸ His spiritual meme is the dab turtle.
▸ He has to wear a long-sleeve or half-sleeve swim top during his lessons because of his tattoo (and to his female students to actually pay attention to class instead of ogling to his eight packed abs lol)
▸ He jokes that his abs are the human manifestation of the turtle's plastron (thus, why they're so defined lol)
▸ He wants to go to the beach with his housemates not only to enjoy salt water again, but to teach everyone how to surf too.
▸ He loves to travel and wander, so he's really always planning that beach trip. (and he doesn't mind taking the long trip to the supermarket ot the convenience store, no matter the  time of the day, really)
▸ Since he likes to stay inside the water, he had a bathtub instaled in the bathroom, and he enjoys long baths when he's alone at home.



First Boss — Park Joon (47) / G.O.D Gym's owner / Funny, Energic, Generous / 7
His sometimes too crazy and enthusiatic boss, Joon was the first to give Kandar a chance, and for that the guy is forever grateful. He also likes to boast around about Kandar like the younger is his own family. He often calls Kandar to go drink with him and has the terrible habit of trying to matchmake Kandar with every good looking girl that shows interest in him in the gym. Kandar has mastered the ability to dodge his boss when he hears the words "Kandar my boy! There is someone I want to introduce to you!".

future brother-in-law Student — Song SiCheng (18) / student at Seoul Academy / Shy, Oblivious, Friendly / 5
The airhead senior often finds himself dragged to the pool were the swimming team trains because his best friend Jaehyun is part of it and kinda made the chinese boy the unofficial manager-slash-mascot of the team. Sicheng doesn't minda THAT much because coach Liang is actually cool. And he's kinda friends with his older sister anyway so...
(Kandar will never admit but he DOES have a soft spot for Sicheng, and he's prone to give the boy free passes to stay at the infimary if he's not feeling well a.k.a is too sleepy to stay in classes)

that complicated sister Housemate — Stella Lee (19) / 7/11 store worker / Curious, Lazy, Stubborn / 8
Stella is probably one of the reasons Kandar has headaches, but he cares for her anyway. He often falls victim of her endless questions about everything and anything, but he's also the one with more patience to deal with her. He often tries to use of reversel psycology to make her do things. Or food. Food work wonders too. He does see Stella as his own younger sister, so he probably would act more strict and scary if she ever brings a boy in the house. He lowkey always chose the store she works to go buy things in the ungodly hours of the night (to see how she's doing and to make sure the store gains enough to pay her well) or wakes up early to "casually" acompanny her home from his own morning jog (he totally woke up early to fetch her at her work).

the crazy troup Housemates — Wildlife&Domestic / tbd
Interactions can be specified later if Kandar is chosen, alongside the other two :3

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LOVE INTEREST : Song Qian a.k.a Victoria Song


▸ Qian is one of those people that easily gather others around her. With a presence that is imposing and charismatic, she's always noticed whenever she goes. A true ENTJ, she's commanding, strong willed, efficient and confident. Once she puts a goal in her mind, she will simply go to with until it's finished. There is nothing like "losing" in her dictionary. Because of that she can be seen as stubborn, overbearing and even impatient, being nicknamed "Satan Qian" or "Trainer from Hell" when she's full on into her fiery mode. Easily one of the teachers that the students are most afraid off, and her team always do their best to stay on her good side and not be submited to a hellish workout. She's that typical commanding and imposing teacher that the students scury off when seing her (specially if they are slacking off) or that they imediatelly say "Yes Madam!" to whatever she asks.
▸ Despite her too tough exterior, she knows how to tone down. At least a little. She's a complete mom towards her younger brother and she treats her team as part of the family, completely emboding the "soccer mom" during competitions (and she really doesn't forgive any of the judges if they are biased against her girls). She is friendly with her co-workers and if you're a good student you really don't need to worry about her wrath. She is polite and respectfull towards her elders and superiors (tho she will speak her mind if faced with injustice) and if you come with a problem to her, she will do her best to help.


▸ The thing is that Qian knows that Kandar is a hybrid almost from the beginning. Kandar was in the middle of his second week working as assistant coach when she found out. He was cleanning the pool late at night and thinking he was alone, he deemed it a good oportunity to release his true form while taking a dive, since the bathtub was still not instaled at his home. The thing is that Qian was working on some paperwork from an incomming competition and when she saw the lights of the pool still on, she remembered that the newbie was still there and she wanted to be helpful and show him the side exit they needed to take since the main door was already locked. And the timing was perfect for her catch him leaving the pool on all of his hybrid form glory (half of her has appreciating his godly body while the other half was trying to process why the heck he was pale-green, with things that looked like scales on his body and- was that suposed to be a freaking turtle shell?!). Needless to say that they almost killed each other from heart attack.
▸ Qian was many things and one of them was that she was not a coward. Instead of running away she demanded explanations and Kandar gave the best ones he could while in his a state of shock. They left the school together and each took their path. None of them slept that night, thinking about what happened. On the next day Qian ambushed Kandar on the end of one of his lessons and she asked again if everything was true and if it was not just her hallucinating. He then explained everything again a lot more calmly. He deemed better to explain and gain her trust and her promise of not telling anyone than denying everything and possible having everything backfiring latter. Qian surprisingly took it well (probably the whole efect of the truth had not yet downed on her) and gave him her word. From then on, they became quite friends, because after all, they had a huge secret to keep from everyone else.
▸ The thing is that while Qian became more and more comfortable around Kandar, he still couldn't deal well with all the hugging and friendly slapping because, well, the truth is that he had a crush on her since his introduction day at the academy. Despite everything they did get close, with Qian even saying that he could call her "noona" out of work or when it was just the two of them. The students and the rest of the faculty also realized they got friends because Kandar was one of the few that could actually reason and stand his ground against Qian when she got into one of her fiery moods.
▸ To sum it up, they are friends, but he has a crush on her since day one, so he's pretty much friendzoned. Tho he has great chances of wowing her if he keep the good work as a good and responsible coach (probably would help too if she saw how much of a dad he is towards the other hybrids. Her weak spot is cool & responsible men).


Gymnastic coach/teacher at Seoul Academy.
▸ Sicheng's older sister and loves him more than anything in this world (probably).
▸ She has the same Nike bag as Kandar (just in another color), what is totally coincidental, but helped to built the rummors that they were a thing.
▸ She is Kandar's noona by 4 years.
▸ Frequently forgets her jacket at home, so has to borrow Kandar's (he doesn't complain really).
▸ Always looking good. Seems that she never gets disheveled.
▸ Also loves seafood.
▸ Doesn't have a problem with pools, lakes or rivers, but she doesn't like to enter in the sea because she thinks sharks will come out of nowhere and attack her (silly I know. Even Kandar had to laugh at that one).
▸ If they ever get couple rings, it would be sea themed. Inside his would be engraved "You're my anchor" and inside hers would be engraved "My love for you is deep as the sea".


▸ Would be cool if they finally started dating, but feel free to work it the way you want. Their funny interactions are more valuable to me than their ending lol -run-

Banawarrior : bana

Kandar is the Aquatic plotline, just to let it really clear lol xD
I wanted to make him a tiger monk at first, but then monks live on their temples, he couldn't live with the others, so I just went with turtle instead. ;w; (...now that I think, Bald-Eagle would've make a good pun! 8D)


▸ pleaseplease everyone in the house is watching cartoons, Kandar says he likes Leo (from TMNT) and someone then jokes that if he's Leo, 'wildlife' is Raph, 'Domestic' is Donnie and Stella is Mikey. -run-
▸ I would really enjoy to see him acting as the parent of everyone else. Including trying to be treatening towards Sehun, scolding Wildlife for something stupid they did and/or consoling Domestic about something they're feeling bad about.
▸ Maybe if that beach trip DOES happen, Qian could go together and Kandar would try/convince/stay in the sea with her while she screams incoherent things about mutant sharks, to help her overcome her fear (and because he wants to be inside salt water again) [and because it could be hella funny lol -run-]


turn in : story : cheatsheet


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