Best career choice?

Actually I feel so sleepy right now. HAHAHA but I force myself to post this.. hehe

By the way, I am confused to choose whether want to be a Nurse or Accountant Clerk/PA/Clerk Office. I dont know what course I want to choose after obtaining my O level result. ppl surround me seem to be happy if I choose Nurse & study medicine & stuff like that. I keep searching on google about nurse like what they actually really do & nurse tend to have working shift but I am totally fine w this.

The thing is, am I really want to be a Nurse? despite what ppl say such as Nurse is a perfect job for most girls, respected from ppl, elegent (WHUT?) thats what I heard alot from ppl tho. I never tell my mom that I want to be a clerk too (Due to afraid of receiving judgement/mean comment) people also label Clerk as low level job. idk why? for me, without a Clerk.. the company would be disaster. Am i right?

I am in Dilemma mode ;_; U know I am too aware abt my future. I care about my future LOL who doesnt? I want to go after what I really love the most, enjoy the most. its not bcos Oh Nurse is better bc better paid. Clerk is bla bla bla. urghhhh

Do share ur opinion pls. I need ur guys help ;_;


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GwagHyeYu #1
To be honest, I don't think nurses are 'elegant'. They're responsible, respected and capable; and they're the first on scene when there's danger to monitored patients. But you'll need to be extremely patient and accepting of old vomiting people, screaming, bleeding children and whining adults who might not have anything wrong with them.
Clerks are required, that's true. But they are easily replaced. If you have the intellect to have a higher degree level job, I'd suggest you go for that instead. Clerks are underappreciated and overworked.
But if I were in your shoes, and I like nursing as much as I liked being a clerk. I'd choose to be a nurse. Because they tend to have more respect and their jobs are a lot more fast-paced and rewarding.
It may sound cliche but do what you're passionate about so even if you're working long hours you still feel happy and fulfilled. All the best! :)
follow your heart! choose what you REALLY want cause by the end of the day, it is still your life. i mean come on, whats the point of working at a place where youre not passionate about, right? choose what makes you happy.

if i were you, id choose a career which pays better but at the same time, i'd choose something which I would enjoy doing.

good luck choosing! :)
Don't become a nurse if you don't want to. You'll have to deal with a lot of stupid doctors, a lot of stupid patients and a various amount of body liquid and personal hygiene on others - and you'll be expected to do all of this and more. I know medicine has this status-symbol around the world and that if you can't become a doctor, be a nurse or smth like that, but ... working in a hospital requires a specific kind of person.
I'm not a nurse, I'm a radiographer, but the point is - hospitals really aren't working grounds for anybody. Depending on your apartment you'll see death and you'll have to comfort patients and their families when life seems super unfair. There are a lot of downsides to working in a hospital and if you're doing it for others, then you're probably not going to enjoy it. You can get used to it, sure. But if you're really desiring the business world? Then go for the business world. If that's the case, health care isn't for you - and that's fine!