BIRTH_NAME  Chung Yuri (정유리)
- Cookie Monster; Her family has called her this since
she was three, stole her mom's box of cookies, and
at them all. All. She now has boxes of cookies hidden
all over her house, and doesn't play nice with those
who touch them without permision.
- Ice Cream Monster; Funny story, since Yuri was a
baby she liked teething on cold spoons- Specifically
those that were sitting in ice cream. Now, ice cream with
cookies are her favorite. She has an instant dislike towards
anyone that messes with her ice cream. Naturally, this is
from her family.
- Miss Reality Check; Yuri is always the one to give
everyone a reality check. It's become so constant
that it's earned her a nickname. This one she unwillingly

BIRTH_DATE   May 17th, 2000
BIRTH_PLACE Seoul, South Korea
HOMETOWN        Seoul, South Korea
Korean; Fluent, native language
English; Converstational, she's been learning it since
middle school since it's "neccessary course"
QUOTE    "That's...Not possible. But it's so my life."
あなた自身の自己を知らないかもしれない可能性があります。 (Music :: Full)

​FACECLAIM   Heejin of LOOΠΔ/ (Umji of GFriend)
STYLE   At school, Yuri wears the formal uniform, done all right and totally ironed. She rebels with brightly painted nails and lips, bracelets, and the occasional beanie if she's feel particularly against the world that day. Otherwise, Yuri wears a lot of high-waisted shorts and skirts, with half-sleeved shirts, tank tops, thin sweaters, a t-shirts. She's a fan of oversized everything, from sweaters to dresses to shirts to jackets. She normally wears a lot of pastel or neutral colors, like baby blue, black, white, grey, tan, pale purple, but there are days where she wears bright pops of red, purple, yellow, orange, or even a looud pattern. From stripes to polka dots to lace to floral, she really likes to try a lot of different things, Dresses, T-shirt and jeans, oversized sweater and shorts, she likes to wear it all. Her accessories tend to be either very floral, or minamalistic metal. She doesn't like anything too flashy. For her pajamas, she wears a lot of nightgowns. Like...A lot. And when she's not, she's wearing really soft shirts and long pants. No two ways about it.
here + here + here + accessories

EXTRAS  At 166 cm and 57 kg, she is a very healthy, very happy BMI. At age sixteen, she's gotten five piecings (One new one every birthday snince her twelfth bitrhday) and plans to get one new pair every birthday until she feels her ears are done. Then she'll get a bellybutton piercing, then she'll stop. Yuri has a few scars- One on her lip during a fight with a classmate in third grade, when Eunah (The classmate) stole her notebooks, hid them, denied ever doing so, and after the fight got physical, punched Yuri in the mouth- Yuri's lip was busted so badly there's a small scar on her lower lip. However, she also has a scar on her left knuckle from punching Eunah in the face back harder. Eunah's teeth cut her hand, what do you want her to say? There's also one on her right calf from last year and she spilled boiling ramyun on her leg. That one took a trip to the emergency room. Different from many girls, especially those of her age, Yuri has C-cup s that are horribly annoying. They get in the way of everything, bouce painfully when she's going up or down the stairs so she has to hold them, but fortunately catch the food she accidentally drops. Her face is very shaped, very soft and her eyes are the calssic almond-shape, dark brown and kind of pull you in when you look at them. She keeps her hair long and flowing. Yuri takes great pride in her self-care, believing it to be some of the most important things, so she always had flawless skin and silky, thick hair. (That's what you get when you take care of it, shock, I know). Yuri is considered one of the most beautiful in the first years.
ほどけない もう ほどけないよ 真実さえ
PERSONALITY_TRAITS  (+) Peaceful, charming, organized, realistic, sympathetic (=) Playful, quiet, independant (-) Ungrateful, insecure, forgetful, complaintive, greedy
PERSONALITY               Yuri has always been known to be realistic, always looking at things logically and choosing options based on what's realistic. She sets goals she knows she can attain and isn't easy to fool- She knows when something is likely and when it's not. She always takes logic into account. She tends to be very organized and keeps everything in a specific place, making her a more efficient worker. Yuri believes in things are in place, you can work better, and it's true. However, this organization doesn't cure her natural forgetfullness. Yuri just naturally lets things slip from her mind, it's only thanks to her calender on her phone that she ever gets to any appointments or events. Without those reminders and alarms, she would never get to anything, much less on time. She just can't remember, but people like to instead think that she purposefully put it out of her mind. That's when Yuri has to use her natural charms to win people over to her side.
She had this air about her that charms people. Her face and body language naturally invites people to talk to her. Her charm is clean and crisp, and people really love that about her. To add on to this charm, she is playful and loves to joke around. She sometimes flirts playfully and people are sometimes offput by that. Ohers find it cute and endearing. She simply likes to play. Despite the fact that so many people like her, or maybe because of it, Yuri finds herself insecure about her appearance, personality, and likes, dislikes, hobbies, etc. She worries that people find her strange or rude, and that they don't actually like her. Yuri hates it, but she does often overthink her actions. She doesn't have that kind of security in her life, no one was ever really there to reassure her. Because she's so insecure, she tends to keep quiet and to herself. Yuri appreciates the quiet and doesn't really speak out. She's also quiet because she's peaceful- Yuri is happy with her life. She doesn't like to find the bad things in her life and finds peace with those bad things because there's always something good that will come out of it.
At age sixteen, Yuri is very independant. She often grew up on her own. When she was younger, she would spend a lot time with her father, even though he and her mother weren't together, but there wasn't a lot of stability at home. Her older sister was always busy and her mother was always with different guys. She learned to cook, clean, feed, and entertain herself from an early age. The things that others did for her, though, she was never was and still isn't grateful for any of it. When her mother made her dinner, she was never thankful that she did it. When her dad took her for vacation, she didn't care how much effort and money he put into it. Yuri always wanted more and she always wanted to complain about what she didn't get. Yuri always complains, and she always wants more than whta she has. She got a pretty dress for her birthday? She wants a more exprensive one. Her services should only be about fifty dollars? She wants to get paid seventy-five for it instead. And she will complain when it doesn't go her way. Even despite all these bad things, Yuri is sympathetic towards others problems. She can identify with a lot of people and wants the to be  happy. She is sympathetic and people appreciate it.

At school, Yuri tends to keep to herself and her friends. She enjoys the quiet and her friends respect that. Yuri is a new member of the photography club, but is quickly shaping up to be the successor of the current club president, seeing how skilled and passionate she is. She is always on time to every class and activity, always doing just a bit above average in class. She truly finds herself to be normal in school, saving the jokes and laughter for break and lunch. Her only real impact on her classmates is how effortlessly (Or so they think. They don't realizewhat painstaking hours and money she's put into products and using them. Every morning, Yuri takes an hour to do her makeup. Effortless, all right) beautiful she is, and she gets many confessions. All of which she very kindly turns down, with the excuse- She can't date until she's seventeen. That's a lie, it's sixteen but she pretends otherwise for her sake. Yuri is popular with the second years and accepts that. She occasionally tries to befriend new people but pretty much stays with the same two friends she has all day, every day.
Chung Yuri lives with her mother and older half-sister in a two story, five bed, three and a half bath home in the suburbs. Her mother owns a well-loved fashion and hair boutique and her father, though he was never married to Yuri's mother, does check in on the whole family bi-monthly, even Yuri's older sister Bitna, who isn't his. He sends them a fair amount of money each month, which some of which Yuri gets as an allowance. Her mother is rarely home now, five months pregnant with a baby boy (Another new father, this one a two-night stand who wants nothing to do with them) and always working at her boutique. Bitna is at college all day, works at nights, and sleeps in the morning so she's rarely around either. Often, it's like Yuri lives alone. She makes a lot of the meals and does a lot of the housework. They have four pets, a turtle named Squid (Yes, Squid, leave him alone), a cat named Binnie (The cutie, she likes fish flavored chips), a dog named Roge and his son Triscuit. Roger is a babe, Triscuit is very...Playful. Yuri feeds, plays with, and cares for all four of them. Her days are very busy and have very little time for change- She's only free of the weekends.
Yuri wakes up at four thirty a.m. every weekday. The very first thing she does is turn on the coffee pot- The second is feel all of her animals. Most won't wake up later to east the food, but at least it's out. Binnie always chills with her while she drinks coffee and eats her frist breakfast- Cereal, bagel, pancakes, whatever she feels like. Once she's done with her first breakfast, she showers, wakes up her mother, and makes everyone's lunch. By the time that's done with, she's got an hour until school. She finishes up any homework, drinks some orange juice while eating another breakfast- Normally cereal- And reads some manhwa before heading to school. Upon getting hope, she gets a snack, plays with  and takes care of her animals, does any chores that need to get done, does her homework, makes dinner, and gives herself an hour or two to have time to herself. By eight she's picking her outfit and makeup for the next day, calling her father by nine, and by ten she's finally asleep.
On weekends Yuri takes her time to clean her house, groom the animals (As well as take care of their physical and social needs), do her homework on Saturday morning, and just be herself. Do the things she loves. Take photographs and plan imaginary parties, play basketball and shop for hours. She'll occasionally meet up with her friends, but they're not really those kinds of friends, they're only the kind you hang out with at school and confide minor things in. She likes to pamper herself on the weekds, do whatever it is her heart desires and pine for a boyfriend even though she realistically knows that she won't get one until she works to get him. Her life is pretty structured and normal.
- The rain, it's calming
- Cuddling, physical contact keeps Yuri very happy
- Sweaters, how comfy can they be? It's mindblowing. Especially oversized ones.
- Dessert teas, her favorite kinds are almond sugar cookie and strawberry cuppa chocolate
- The winter, it's the best time to cuddle, wear oversized sweaters, and drink dessert tea, right?
- Body hair, it's totally disgusting
- Driving, it makes her super nervous
- Wet socks, are those not the worst things ever?
- Liars, Yuri was one of those girls who got really hurt by a liar
- Drinking, she doesn't understand how anyone can do it. Alcohol is gross.
- Being alone, it's scary to be alone with your thoughts
- Not being able to escape, that thought is one of the most terrifying Yuri's had
- Being rejected, she doesn't deal with rejection well and it's because the thought of it makes her want to cry
- Photography, she's had a camera since she was a kid and has tens of thousands of pictures developed. Her walls are covered with them, from nature to herelf to her friends and family, objects and events, she loves to photograph it all. (Kinda like this but messier, different sizes and film, some poloroids others printed from Yuri's printer, and even more printed at a store.)
- Fishing, she used to do it with her dad every weekend but stopped around age fourteen. She wishes she hadn't stopped.
- Basketball, it's her favorite sport ever.
- Shopping, she's always loved it. She wastes all her money on shopping and photography film.
- Party planning, from simple get-togethers to elaborate baby showers, sleepovers to birthday parties, Yuri is your girl. Just give her a call, explain the basics of what you want and who it's for, she'll tell your her price and get started immediately. She'll also offer an optional photography service, of course only a $50 extra charge, and more if you want pictures printed or Polaroids.
- Pacing when nervous
- Picking at scabs whenever and wherever
- Flirting in uncomfortable social situations, which is a very bad habit
- Humming when alone, it's a comforting feeling and reminds her of being a child
- Overspending while shopping, she just can't help herself. Yuri is going to go broke for it.

- Yuri literally has never met the other girls who suffer (??? three question marks for a reason) from the cursed manhwa. Ever.
- She actually prefers to read horror mangas, that fantasy manga was a total accident...
- Has an intense love for peanut butter cookies
- Wishes she had a pool
- Has a Samsung Galaxy S6. She doesn't want to get new phones too often.
- It's only in the past few years that her family has had enough money to spend comfortably
- Her favorite manhwa genre is horror
- Yuri adores her pets more than anything in the world
- Favorite singer is Bestie's Uji
- Favorite song is SHINee's Prism. The choreo is amazing.
- Sincerely thinks love at first sight is an imaginary thing
- Still had her teddy bear from when she was a baby. he's had a lot of repairs by now, Mr. Blue. No, he isn't blue or sad, that's just the unfortunate last name, as Yuri explains when she was a child.
Chung Ahseong. 37. Mother. Boutique owner. (FC: Lee Hyori) Ahseong isn't the kind to stay loyal or take care of people, so having kids wasn't really the best thing for her. But have two daughters she did, so she at least settled down in a house and started her own business so they'd have some sort of stability growing up. She had her first child, Bitna, at seventeen and Yuri only four years later. It wasn't until she had Yuri that she finally settled down, so Bitna takes after her a lot more. She isn't very close with either of her kids but has been trying more in recent years. They always spend Christmas together, cuddled on the couch and drinking hot chocolate. She does love her daughters, but she was never good at being a mother. Yuri wishes she had tried harder when she was a child, yet kind of appreciates her attempts now. She loves her mother, even if she doesn't always show it.
Lee Bitna. 20. Older half sister. College Student. (FC: Hyojung of Oh My Girl) Bitna was born when her and Yuri's mother was still in high school and had a much more tough childhood than her younger half sister. She had to fend for herself moreso, and then even while she was growing up, she had to take care of Yuri during the latter's youngest years. She had to endure comments about having a teenage mother and life . But Yuri made it better in the end. Bitna adores Yuri, and loves her like she is her own daughter. Even if Yuri doesn't feel that kind of connnection, Bitna does and it means the world to her. She'd give up everything for her baby sister. That being said, Bitna is jealous of her too. Her father at least kind of stuck around after she was conceived, and even after she was born. Bitna's left the same day, and never even looked back. But she has her mother and baby sister to rely on, anyway, so she doesn't need a father...Right?
Min Jaemin. 16. Close friend. High School Student. (FC: Kangnim of Romeo) Jaemin has been one of Yuri's two closest friends since preschool, but that's just it. They're just close friends. They can share most secrets and rely on each other to have their backs, but there's nothing special or particularly close about their relationship. They go out together on the weekends with Jinah, but it's almost like Yuri has put a block around herself, so she can't have a best friend. Of course they all call each other best friends, but it's not the truth. Jaemin and Jinah are best friends, but Yuri and Jaemin are not. Jinah and Jaemin are best friends, but Yuri and Jinah are not. It's an unfortunate truth, and that's why Yuri found that old book store. The book store feels more like her friend than those two...She wishes that it wasn't true, because she loved Jaemin and Jinah. She really does feel the desire to be closer to them. Maybe after this whole mess they can become close...
Kim Jinah. 17. Close friend. High School Student. (FC: Arin of Oh My Girl) I'd say Jinah and Yuri are a little less close than Jaemin and Yuri. Jaemin is the strong male in her life while Jinah is just another girl she knows. Sure, they're close friends and Jinah tells her deeper secrets than Jaemin, but are they really considered best friends? Of course not. Jinah really does like Yuri and wishes that after all these years they could be closer. She works to chip away at the wall Yuri has built, though she isn't overly successful she does make progess here and there. It's always Jinah that invites Yuri out to hang on the weeks or study together on the occasional weekday. She's aware of Yuri's structure in life and respects it. She prefers to offer small changes in plans instead of large ones so Yuri could be more comfortable. Jinah cares a great deal about others' feelings.
Park Eunah. 16. Enemy?. High School Student. (FC: Naeun of April) Well, this is the one. The one who stole Yuri's notebooks, got punched in the face, and punched Yuri in the face. And then got punched in the face. After the incident, they got along even less, both blaming each other for the week-long in-school suspension, and refuse to let it go. Eunah is fairly popular in school and has a lot of friends- She gossips about Yuri all the time, but all of the gossip falls through because Yuri's personality is so very clear to everyone. Eunah really hates Yuri, and Yuri is finding her horribly annoying at this point- She's non-stop in Yuri's way, it's horrible. If she would just stop, then they'd never have to interact with each other again. But she just doesn't get it. /sigh If only she did.
MANHWA      Fantasy [Horror]

GIVEN_NAME  Kim Kibum (김기범)
Kibummie, Bummie, Bum; Just the normal plays
on his name- Mostly from Yuri
The Savior; Yes, well, Kibum happens to be the
savior of the fictional Earth he lives on.
AGE         17~20 (Who knows the truth...)
ETHNICITY   On his Earth, there aren't ethnicities. You state what town you're from- In his case, it's the village of Daegu. Small place, pretty nice. Couple hundred people.
QUOTE     "You need to take me home. My family is in danger."
HIS_PERSONALITY_TRAITS   (+) Social, supportive, maternal (-) Insecure, sensitive, overly trusting
ELABORATION                          Kibum, in reality, is a very sensitive person. Though he doesn't show it often, all of the criticism he gets from some "unhappy" (More like incredibly rude, according to Yuri) "fans" really gets to him. Even if it's something small like "Wow, he was so lazy in the last few seconds- You're our Savior, stop being so lazy! You'll get us all killed!" requires a lot of of comfort fom his family and friends behind the scenes. Kibum is seriously insecure much like Yuri, but in a different way. He simply doesn't have much faith in himself, and is really afraid he'll mess up and get killed in battle. He is confident when it comes to his abilities and his looks, but there's always that burning, underlying doubt. Unforunately, Kibum is too trusting- He often attracts the wrong kind of people and doesn't realize it. He is the hero that trusts the bad guy, before and after being given reasons not to.
Of course he notices when someone isn't trustworthy when it's not him- Because, seriously, he knows when someone he cares about is around the wrong people. Just never himself. He's also quite social. Though in the past interaction wasn't his thing, he loves to talk, go out, and simply be with people. He has a lot of friends because of this, which really is a great thing. He himself is actually very supportive. Kibum likes to comfort people, and he' good at it. Where some people may tell little Mino that he can't be an alien when he grows up, Kibum gives his close friend's child advice like to say "Where is your leader?" when he invades new planets. When Yerin said that she wanted to be a medic, then changed her mind to be an archer, Kibum was with her the whole way. Kibum is maternal- There's no two ways about it. He naturally draws in kids with his caring personality, and though he nags sometimes, he has the best thoughts in his heart. He's not the common hero, he's more like a cult-hit, should-never-have-been-chosen Savior.
FIRST_MEETING          When I stole the manhwa I could hardly believe it, you know? I had just stolen a manhwa from my favorite bookstore. So I start going through my book bag, kinda riffling because I want to find the manhwa, and I take it out and guess what! It's a fantasy manhwa, instead of the horror manhwa. I stole a manhwa and stole the wrong one. So I was pretty mad at myself but figured, hey, I stole it so I should read it, right? It didn't take that long to read, it was fantasy so it was simple once you got used to the universe. No one's home but I realize it's about dinner time and I should at least eat something, so I went to my kitchen to cook something. Here I am sauteing some vegetables when there's yelling from my bedroom. I obviously got scared- Who wouldn't?- and ended up burning my arm on the pan, so I'm trying to turn off my food, grab my phone to call the police, and get a cloth wet to put on my arm when a guy dressed in a half-hanbok, half-traditional-suit thing come running out from my bedroom with a sword and I'm like, "This guy looks familiar." He sees me and the first thing he says is, "You need to take me home. My family is in danger," and all I'm thinking is you're in trouble if you don't get out of my house and I realize. This looks like a real-life version of the guy from the manhwa I stole, except he can't be real. We had to have a very detailed, very long conversation about why his sword wasn't going to throw dangerous, deadly arcs of bright blue magic anywhere.
INTERACTIONS              At first, Yuri was very insistant about keeping Kibum hidden from the world. She told her mother and Bitna that Kibum was a classmate having a pretty hard time that needed somewhere to stay- She offered up one of their extra bedrooms, and she insisted that he should stay there and the bathroom, that he never needed to be outside of either place. Kibum listened to her out of the fact that it was her home, but was very angry and sassy with her. Yuri hardly spoke to him, simply giving him food and more goods- He, luckily, had the same reading and writing system as the real Korea. After a few days, she realized how cruel she was being and became very ashamed with herself. She explained she was afraid what would happen to him and that she wasn't sure how to get him back to his world- She hadn't eant to take him from it. She made him an apology dinner and tried to get along with him- She figured out that they got along rather well, and she found hserself enjoying his company.
HISTORY                        In the beginning, Kibum was convinced that Yuri had taken him from his world, taken his powers and rendered his sword useless. After realizing they simply didn't work in her world, and being allowed outside of two rooms, he started to like Yuri as a person. He enjoyed her quiet, kind personality and found her to be interesting. She started to take him to many of her favorite places, even though he could tell hard hard it was for her to have him there- She could have kicked him out, but instead chose to let him board at her place and ruin her structured days. He was thankful and found her to be genuinely an interesting girl. He didn't know his real age so after a few weeks he didn't know if he was being creepy or not, but Kibum really found himself falling for his savior, he supposed. He was about ti die when he appeared in her world, that blow would have finished him. It was strange, for once not being the savior. All of that pressure was always on Kibum, and now he could relax and enjoy learning about this new world.
He loved this Earth, and Yuri loved his willingness to learn. She scheduled study session for Kibum, so he'd be able to learn more about her Earth while he was there. She didn't want him to get embarassed or stick out like a sore thumb for not knowing obvious things. Yuri woudl when he got something wrong and Kibum would stubbornly mutter about how she took his powers (Even though he knows she didn't, it's worth a shot). She embarassedly asked the bookstore shopkeeper about how to put Kibum back in his own world, but unforunately he was unhappy with her for, well, stealing the manhwa so he told her to never come back. "That wasn't in the plan, even though I knew it would happen..." Yuri felt bad, guilty even that she'd accidentally taken Kibum from his world. Kibum always told her not to worry about it, that they'd find a way to get him back. It was that kind of reassurance that had Yuri falling for him too. There was one day, when they visited a secret little pond that seemed like Yuri only knew about it with a picnic made by the both of them that really hit them with how they felt.
Yuri looked so beautiful as she took her pictures, so in her own element and passionate as she told him why she was taking each and every picture. Kibum felt the affection bubble in his throat and burst in his heart, when she looked back to smile at him, crouching and holding her camera like it was only them and the area aroud them that existed. For Yuri, it was the way he smiled back, that really got her. It felt like he truly could feel how happy she was in that moment, and she loved it more than anything. Loved him more than anything, Their relationship progessed slowly, though, and realistically for what can be considered realistic in their relationship. Not too fast at all, no love at first sight, just change and growth. Just like a "normal" relationship.

ENDING                           Kibum wants to stay. He does and he knows Yuri wants him to stay. But they were always both such realistic people...If they find a way back, he's taking it. If they can't? He'll never stop looking. He has a family, village, and life to get back to. He can't just leave that life behind, and Yuri knows it and Kibum knows it. They'll never be together.

- Kim Kibum does have a love interest- A Ms. Park Yerin, aged seventeen so he figures he can't be too much older than yuri. She looks like this in the manhwa, but more or less would look like this if she came into the real world with Kibum. Good thing she didn't-- She's actually a pretty good archer and helps Kibum out a lot in battle. She's actually a cool female lead that everyone likes, and isn't some weak magic user or healer so. Peoplem like her a lot~ Kibum is pretty into her.
- He naturally has some nice special white-blue colored magic. It's a bloodline thing, if you're born with the magic then in your lifetime there will be this huge catastrophe and you'll have t save the world. His magic is simply reffered to as his "powers" and it pretty much just a lot of horribly blunt or sharp force (Depends on your will and control) that can cause a lot of damage. It is best used through a catalyst, and Kibum's is an ancient sword named Comme Des. He also has it's brother sword, Garcons. They're pretty amazing swords.
- Kibum's world is much like ours, but with various small villages instead of cities, and no computers, phones, TVs, etc. It does have electricity for lights as well as plumbing, thankfully. You don't like in countries, only continents, and instead of ethnicity like Korean, or at least Asian, you say the village you're from. Daegu, Seoul, Los Angeles, San Diego, New York, Paris, etc.
- For Kibum, it's the year 193 Kim. Whatever that means.
01. WHY DID YOU DECIDE TO STEAL THAT PARTICULAR MANHWA?   I didn't want the fantasy manhwa, actually...she sighed, looking off to the side. I wanted the horror manhwa that horrormanhwagirl got...

02. WHAT WAS YOUR REACTION UPON KNOWING THAT A CHARACTER FROM YOUR MANHWA HAD CAME TO LIFE?   That can't happen. Of course that can't happen also get out of my house I'm calling the police-- After calming down the first thing I thought of was how to get Kibummie back ot his world. Er, Kibum.

03. IS ANYONE ELSE, BESIDES THE OTHER GIRLS IN POSSESSION OF THE CURSED MANHWAS, KNOWS ABOUT THIS?   No way, I don't want anyone to think I'm crazy...I wanted to keep this between me, the girls, and the manhwa guys. No need to cause worry for other people that every manhwa they pick and read will bring the main character to life- I know that's what I worried about after.

04. DO YOU THINK THERE ARE WAYS TO RETURN THE CHARACTERS INTO THEIR RESPECTIVE MANHWAS? IF YES, THEN HOW?   Indon't at all, why would there be? If there is, it's some deep ancient magic we prorbably can't find because that's how these scenarios work. But for Kibum's sake, and the other guys, I hope so. The ones that want to go home deserve to. I can't imagine being forced to live out my days in an unfamiliar world.

05. ARE YOU OKAY WITH HAVING A MANHWA CHARACTER AROUND YOU, OR DO YOU WANT THEM GONE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE?   Ask me that the first few days it happened, of course I'd want him to leave! After a while, thoug, I realized it wasn't too bad..Kibum is a ormal person, it's just kinda like he's a guy from Korea who grew up in a foreign one. Not that different at all...
COMMENTS   A wild baby Key/Kibum has appeared-- I hope you enjoyed, sorry if it seems like this app is all over the place... After 5000 words I lost sight of what I was doing. XD
SCENE_SUGGESTIONS  I want one of the awkward "I just walked out of the bath/shower" scenes. Please. Oh, and Yuri planning the girls and their manhwa boys a sleepover.
PASSWORD  Fruits Basket, my first and always manga. <3


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