Next Story | Poll for one of my next stories

Now, those of you who read my stories (which I'm assuming is the majority of the people reading this, or otherwise friends of mine), you are well aware I primarily write BTS centric stories. In fact, the only stories I have posted on AFF currently are BTS centered. However, I do like other groups and I do have fics planned for other groups. 

In one of my more recent blog posts (here) I talked about what stories I planned to write of the course of 2017. That being said, one of my goals is to write a story that is not BTS centric, and post it. I've narrowed it down to a few, but I wanted to see if there were a few people who maybe had an opinion on a story they wanted to see next, who they wanted to see next. I have quite a few BTS fics planned for 2017, but I also want to write something about another group. 

Here is a poll of the stories I've narrowed it down to, and who would be in them, etc. Any input or opinion would be lovely~

They will all be romance and have an OC in it, because I'm a er for romance, I almost always just write OC fics (though I do have some and OTPs in other fics).



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I'd have chosen the Baekhyun one in a heartbeat if only I didn't saw Hoshi at SBS gayo few days ago. You can say I fell in love with his black hair, so I'm anticipating to read about him! And it's angsty~