BOIZ (보이즈) Heon (Yoo Sungsik)

yoo sungsik

The oldest

Lavendermalibu - Liv - 7.5/10 

birthname: yoo sungsik

height: 169cm

weight: 62kg

date of birth: 02 / 14 / 1995

birthplace: ansan, gyeonggi-do

hometown: ansan, gyeonggi-do

face claim: monsta x kihyun

backup: b1a4 sandeul


► Cotton candy // A nickname the fans gave him when one pastel comeback style never ended.

LANGUAGE(S): max of 5, only 2 fluent

► Korean // native
► English // basic and with a very strong Korean accent, but Sungsik will do his best to learn enough to speak with their fans a little bit if they ever go abroad to an English speaking country. He just really wants to connect to the fans in any way he can.

APPEARANCE:  Yoo Sungsik is a shortie, this much is undeniable. At 169cm, or 5'5", Sungsik sometimes finds hmself shorter than some girl group members. He's the oldest but quite possible the shortest. Sometimes the company makes him wear shoelifts, but Sungsik prefers not to wear them. While not totally blind, he does require glasses or contacts. He has a pair of round wire-rimmed glassed he wears around the house or occasionally before schedules or during a fansign when his eyes are irritated from the constant contacts and makeup.

Sungsik used to have exclusively natural haircolors, never going beyond a dark brown, until during the Boiz Feel So Good promotions the company thought it a good idea to change things up and make him go with a pastel haircolor. At first Sungsik really didn't like the idea of it, such an unnatural color, but he loved it immediately when it was done. It really softens up his features and Sungsik just likes how colorful it is. He hasn't gone back since and he will be very disappointed if the company ever makes him go back to black or brown.

STYLE: Sungsik is not the best when it comes to style. His stye is muted and simple, and a little boring. Sungsik dresses safe and conservative, preferring sweaters and dress shirts and trousers, sometimes even sweater vests, things that are safe. Even his color choices are safe, tending towards the soft. Lavender or marroon sweaters, grey or black trousers, dress shoes. Sungsik usually ends up looking slightly too formal, even when going to the airport. His style can be described as what you wear to impress your girlfriend's parents.


TRAITS: Optimistic / conflict averse / spacey / dense / anxious / passionate / empathetic / compliant / thoughtful

PERSONALITY: at least 2 paragraphs

Sungsik is, first and foremost, a fundamentally good guy. He's naturally an optimist, trying to see the good in everything even if the company is making it hard on him. Sungsik tries to see the good in people, and doesn't like to think that there are people who don't have the best intentions. He always listens to what the comapny tells him to do, even when their schedule is packed and he's hardly gotten any sleep, Sungsik will still keep a smile on, remain optimistic, and try to keep the mood of the group up. A bit spacey at times, Sungsik can get lost in his own thoughts until someone addresses him, which will result in a confused "what was that?". Sometimes it looks like Sungsik just walked onto the stage and happened to know the song, he can be a bit out of it.

Very much the dad of the group, Sungsik just cares so much about them, and about most people around him.
Almost too empathetic, Sungsik tends to adapt himself to the mood of others. If anyone around him is happy, Sungsik will be happy, but if they're sad then Sungsik will be sad, and when Sungsik is sad he's a bit of a mess. He cries easily and is generally just not helpful when it comes to comforting people because his emotions come on much too strongly. But Sungsik really does care, and he always tries to be thoughtful to those around. Knowing that he hurt someone is one of his fears, and Sungsik sometimes bends over backwards to please even those who don't really deserve it, he's just so afraid of disappointing people. There was some controversy over him being the eldest but not the leader, but Sungsik is fundamentally unsuited for leadership. Too much of a pushover and too much of a mess, Sungsik is very good at keeping the group together, and functioning as something of a moral compass and someone that holds things together, but he cannot lead.

Sungsik sees the group as an extention of his family, no matter how bad some of the members might be. No matter if one of them is too temperamental for his own good, or another too ambitious. They're his family. Family has always been a very important thing to Sungsik, and so that importance reaches the members of Boiz now too, and also their manager. They're the ones he spends his days with, the ones he shares much of his achievements and his hardships with. The good eggs and the bad, he loves them all and they're his family. Sungsik is always ready to help them, and can be a little overbearing in trying to make sure that they are doing okay and don't need anything and are handling themselves. Sungsik is very bad with conflict, so he's useless whenever conflict or drama arises within the group. He just doesn't know what to do to aleviate the tension and sometimes manages to make it worse, even. He means well but Sungsik just doesn't know what is helpful in a situation like that and conflict makes him anxious. Sungsik doesn't like to admit it, but he is wary around the members with stronger personalities who are more prone to conflict, they are all family to him but he's not as comfortable around some of that family as he is around others, but he is loathe to admit it.

Sungsik's biggest problem, aside from his lack of spine, is that he just can't keep up with everything that's asked of him, but he doesn't want to complain or disappoint and just wants to do a good job. But as such he keeps accepting more and more work or responsibility even if he can't handle it, and he doesn't complain about it, doesn't like showing people when it's too much. He'll feel like he failed if he can't do everything that's asked of him even if it's simply too much, until he collapses under the weight of it all. Sungsik has some anxiety problems, mostly when it comes to the possibility of disappointing, of not meeting expectations, or dragging others down. 

Really Sungsik just wants to sing, that is his goal in life. Just to be a singer and stand on that stage and sing, everything else is extra. He'll be a little disappointed that much of their work ends up being connecting to the fans, doing fansigns, photoshoots, VLive broadcasts, and not just simple and pure singing, but as long as he can sing he'll accept it all.


BACKGROUND: For Sungsik, it had always been him and his mom and his grandma against the world. Most of the time it was his mom working several jobs to support herself while his grandma raised him, and Sungsik wouldn't have it any other way. It was tough, but it was home. He always loved singing, it was his favourite thing to do, and when he was little up to when he was in middle school he'd always use whatever allowance he got to pay for noraebang after school and sing his heart out. He never got anything in the way of formal education, but his pure passion fueled him. He'd sing at home along to the radio while cleaning the house or doing homework, he'd sing after school at the noraebang arcade machines, and he sometimes sang while going to and from school to whatever song was stuck in his head at the time. Whenever Sungsik was able he'd always sing. 

Money was always right for them, there were times when he hardly saw his mom because she was working mulitple jobs, and there were times where she was between jobs and they were on wellfare. That was a really shameful time for them, and not something his mother ever likes to admit, though Sungsik never saw any shame in it. Honestly he was happier when she was home and they were on benefits than when she was gone all the time because she had to work. 

Sungsik really wanted to pursue music for a while, but his mom made him promise he wouldn't audition until he'd graduated high school, so Sungsik was 19 by the time he got to auditioning for companies. He couldn't tell you what attracted him to Royal, but it was the first company he auditioned for and he was actually accepted in due to his voice. His acceptance was also a relief for Sungsik, he wouldn't have to go find a job or stay leeching from his mom and grandma, the company would pay for his living costs and he'd still get to do what he loves. He'd never had any formal training before, but after years of singing Sungsik had a strong voice with a very pleasant sound. He got 2 years of intense vocal and dance training and then it was time for SIM.


SUPER IDOL MAKER: Super Idol Maker was very tough on Sungsik.  As someone who is naturally highly empathetic and emotional and just altogether cares far too much for his own good, you can imagine that he was a wreck every time there were eliminations. Even though he never had to worry about eliminations himself, one truly heartfelt performance early on ensured that, it honestly just made the loss of those around him hurt more. Sungsik was always strongly aware of his own priviledged position on the show as the best vocalist and how the unlikeliness of his own elimination might sour his relationship with some of the at risk contestants, and it really hurt him the times that did happen.

Of course he had the utmost respect for the judges, and made sure he showed that. Sungsik was always polite and very grateful for any criticism and praise he received, taking it all very seriously. He also tried to helpd any of the other vocal oriented trainees with their singing where he could. It was really important to him that, since he was in such a priviledged position, he help out wherever he could to make up for it. He really had a lot of guilt about it all.


LIKES: 5-10

► the fans
► hip hop
► singing
► tea with honey
► pastel colors


► swearing
► coffee
► cigarette smoke
► scary or tense movies
► outlandish clothes


► Sungsik still always checks the price of whatever he's buying and carefully thinks about if he needs it even if someone else is 
► Sungsik always warms up his throat properly, even if they're in a hurry. He's very scared of cracking or going out of tune.
► Sungsik gets sweaty palms easily when he's nervous and tends to rub them on his pants. Stylists don't give him light
pants anymore.


► Singing is Sungsik's favourite thing in the world to do. He has a very warm voice that is well suited for R&B but less for 
hip hop, but Sungsik is still very thankful he managed to get into a hip hop group due to his love for the genre.
► Rapping but Sungsik's really bad at it. when he's listening to rap he will often try to imitate the rapper to disastrous results.


► Sungsik's mom tries to watch most of his broadcasts when she has the time and he gets really excited when she's 
► Sungsik is so incredibly thankful to the fans. It's thanks to the support of LOVEs that he is able to stand on stage and 
sing and that means everything to him. He always makes sure he thoroughly thanks the fanse, and that they
understand how much he means to them. He's the one thanking them from the bottom of his heart at any
►Most people are surprised to find out that hip hop is one of Sungsik's favourite genres, but it makes sense when 
you consider his background. Hip hop is about struggle, and Sungsik knows his fair share of struggle. Growing up
he could really relate to the genre, and even now still loves it. He doesn't like the diss raps or the ego  
hip hop though, only the heartfelt kind.
► Sungsik's stage name comes from a name he wished he had w hen he was growing up. He never liked his name much, 
Sungsik isn't a very cool sounding name, so he always wished he had a catchy and short name like Heon. Now he 
►Sungsik was attending Howon university for applied music but had to drop out in his last year to focus on BOIZ.
►Sungsik feels an immense amount of guilt towards the members of YOURS, especially when it becomes apparent that 
they're not being trated right by the company. He would probably do anything one of the members asked just out of guilt
►Sungsik'sgoal is to be able to support his mom so she doesn't have to work so much anymore.
►Sungsik is very awkward around women, he just doesn't know how to talk to them and gets flustered and embarrased
very easily.




POSITION: Main vocalist.



► Sungsik has most of the popular social media and always makes sure to edit his handles appropriately. As a trainee he was simple @YSS_95, during Star Idol Maker if they were allowed to access social media he changed it to SIM_Heon, and when they debut he changed it to Boi_Heon. 

He doesn't post the most interesting content, it's all rather typical and only interesting to fans and friends. Official company retweets, instagram selfies with the group or anyone he talks to back stage even if for a few seconds,  snapchats with cute filter and everything with love to the fans. He's active but it's not very interesting content and it's obvious most of it is pandering to fans.

HIS FAVORITE SONGS: It's all about the lyrics for Sungsik. If the song feels sincere and expresses something Sungsik feels worth expressing then he'll like it. His favorites are  Young,  Carnival, She and Toy.

HIS LEAST FAVORITE SONGS: If the song has typical love or boastful lyrics or  is fake hip hop, Sungsik won't like it. Feel So Good pt. 1, That's My Jam, Hero, Rush, What U, Trespass


GROUP: a short description of his feelings towards s. remember they've trained together since at least late 2016, went through a reality show together and have been in a group together for several months now. delete whichever plotline your character is.

► The Leader : Sungsik doesn't feel any kind of resentment or regret about not being the leader, in fact he's happy that that responsibility didn't fall onto his shoulders, even if depending on the leader's competence some of it might fall back on him anyway. Being a lover of hip hop and rap, Sungsik really respects the leader's abilities too.
► The Oldest :
► The Visual : Sungsik recognizes that he's got a lot of potential in his singing even if he is currently quite weak, and would like to help him realize that, though he might be a little too pushy and eager to help in that regard.
► The Temperamental : Sungsik is a little unhelpful when it comes to the temperamentful's temper, as he is with any kind of conflict, but even if the temperamental makes trouble for the group soemtimes he is still part of the group and thus Sungsik cares deeply about him as part of his family even if the temperamental tends to make Sungsik nervous.
► The Moodmaker : The moodmaker is one of Sungsik's favourites, even if he doesn't like to admit that he cares about some of them more than others, even to himself. The moodmaker's upbeat personalit helps in situations where Sungsik himself can be very unhelpful, such as dealing with emotions or conflict, and Sungsik is very thankful for that.
► The Ambitious : Sungsik was so happy when another member got added to the group, he felt so much guilt for debuting while the other 5 did not. He respects the ambitious' work ethic and passion for self-improvement and Sungsik is always ready to help when he must, even though he's wary of the conflict between this member and the temperamental.
► The Underappreciated : Again Sungsik was very happy at the addition of the underappreciated. He knows that sometimes this member is a little left out, especially when it comes to the fans, and does his best to include him, but he has to admit that even Sungsik forgets about him sometimes. The other members simply have stronger personalities or clear areas of expertise, but the underappreciated doesn't have this.


FRIENDS: a short list of 3-8 idols that he could possibly be friendly with or be friends with. no need for explanations. this is optional.

Hyuk - VIXX

Suga - BTS

Eunji - APINK


Chen (EXO)


IDEAL TYPE: Sungsik's ideal type is someone who is kind and sweet, and he doesn't put much importants with appearance. He would like to find someone he is comfortable with.

IDEAL TYPES: Ah I forgot this. I don't have anyone in mind for Sungshk, but you're free to ship him if that fits the story and the arcs. He's likely demiual, and hasn't had any experience with either gender.  He's too awkward around women and being demiual he hasn't had feelings for a man before,

It would take a wakeup call for him to realize that men are an option, and furthermore an option he doesn't have to be ashamed about, but it would be a nice thing.

BOIZ love

COMMENTS: Sorry for making you wait, I'm finally done with him. I tried to work on him before during finals but that just wasn't possible in the end. Either way I do hope you like him.

SUGGESTIONS: It would be nice to see him struggle with the busy  schedule, and conflict within or without the group. 

PASSWORD: Yes! Yes I did.

the boiz


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