Happy holidays!! +Plan4future +Share thoughts ♡

Happy Holiday guys!! ^^ ♡

sorry i havent replied to those who text me huhu quite busy this lately~ Im searching for job vacancy as a clinic assistant & reception. so far, I already sent my CV to 4Clinics. hopefully i would be accepted at one of the clinic I applied to ^^ pray for me guysss.. ♡♡

I have 2months break for now,theres I cant do much except for housechores /cough/ Im afraid for what outcome result that i would receive next yr. Im totally not confident for what I get :( I hope i can get 5'Os oh btw here I just finished doing my GCE O level standard ^^ so yeah i dont know what Im going to choose for my path.. either doing A level or study in college ;_; but i have strong passion on Eng subj or eng lit. i didnt have a chance to take Eng Lit subject when i was Grade 9 (yr 9) bcos Im not from science class /sob/ Im from general class so I took combined science instd ^^

I either want to be journalist or Nurse/pharmacy. in order to get in a nursing sch here, I must get Grade A2 for my cs.. and Im pretty not sure on my CS (combined science) subject huhu ;_; thinking of what i get, it rlly make me sad idk why maybe im afraid to get disappointed if i dont get what I target of. /cries/ just pray for me dear chingu, yeah? :)

oh dear chingu, btw to those my chinguu here ever taking General Paper.. I'm wondering what is General Paper? mind explain here. u can drop a comment below or Pms? ^^ ur explanation & help r appreciated!! ♡♡

so dear chingu,now Im asking you.. whats ur plan for ur future? whats ur plan in this long holiday breaks? share ur thought here, i wud love to hear/read ur opinion & thoughts. may all of u get the success & never give up to achieve what u want!! and all the best for the students ♡♡

Love, betsy :-*


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jazmintea #1
heyeyy! long time no seee~ haha!
Umm, about A-Levels and going to college... u can do ur A-Levels first and then go to college/University without taking foundation since A-Levels is pretty much the same as foundation? As far as I know. My mom keeps telling me that A-Levels are hard cuz they stayed up and stressing over it :/.If you are planning to go to the UK, yes.. A Levels are required with minimum of 3 As(?). Hope I'm not discouraging you or anything... but GO FOR IT. Believe in yourself. It's different for everyone ;)
GP - General Paper, basically.. their just testing you based on your understanding & ur English. Essays, Essays & essays..i tell ya! u gotta do well in this. 1st paper 50% of ur final, and 2nd paper makes the final grade from paper 1 & 2. Let me know if you have more question about it.. you can also email me, it's much more easier?
After reading this, you really did gave me some kind of motivation to study well :/ (i should've in the first place-- but im a freaking lazy potato) and OMY, your passion n everything is something u should be proud of! (can't put the "everything" in one word idk how to describe it..) I'm sure u did well :D believe in urself. There's always a path for ur goals.. it's just the obstacle u have to go through! All the best <3 may god ease ur journey towards ur future~
- ur most annoying reader XD, j.
I wish the best for you! May you get accepted to the clinic of your choice!
All the best to you :)
oh god! good luck for you and for your future!