Sunny Days | J.Hyo | OUTGOING


우지효 (Woo Ji Hyo)

kmcl21 • kumiko • activity rate: 9.5the basics.

name » Woo Ji Hyo (우지효) | Emerald Woo

nickname(s) »
→ Muse :  Mino fondly refers to her as his pseudo-muse, hence, the nickname. (She's his bestfriend.)
→ Emerald :  She goes by Emerald when she was in London. Her friends in London call her this.
→Silver Ji : The trainees both from YG and Starship call her this due to her grey eyes which, apparently to them, looks silver.

birthplace & birthday » Bloomsbury, West End, Central London, UK. | December 4, 1995

hometown »  Bloomsbury, West End, Central London, UK.

ethnicity » Korean-British (But she's a British National since she was born in the UK)

language »
→  English : Fluent :Since birth to 14 years old, she and her family lived in London (occassionally spending vacations in Korea), and English as the medium used.
→  Hangul : Semi-Fluent : Even if they lived in London, her family made sure to still converse in Korean, thus, making her speak semi-fluent korean, with a few flaws and broken sentences every now and then.
→  French : Conversational : She took up French as her Foreign Language subject in London.
→  Spanish : Semi-fluent : '¡Estudiante inteligente!' She could fondly remember the first spanish words directed to her by her very strict professor, which were blurted out accidentally in spanish, supposing it should be french. After that class, she gathered her courage to ask her professor if she could take extra lessons from her after school hours. She wasn't at all expecting her professor to allow her, but it surprised her greatly when she said yes. Her professor's fondness towards her helped as well, as she was very much willing to teach her the said language. She's fluent in it but a few flaws here and there could be corrected.

face claim » Ahn Hani

backup face claim » Choi Sulli


appearance » JiHyo has a wide forehead and has big-double lids almond-shaped eyes. Her nose is viewed as a letter "L" on a side view and she has thin, heart-shaped lips. Her distinctive features are her noticeable grey-eyes (*Can we make it so, because my ethnicity's Korean-Brit? Hehe.) and long legs that could "go on for miles" as Mino says. Her height is normal for her age and she has a toned figure.
(add) She also has a 'y' beauty mark just below the right side of her lower lip.
(add) She has two tattoos. One on the left side of her collarbones and one on the underside of her left .

Left Collarbone -Just Live. A tattoo she had on her 18th birthday.

Underside - A Smooth Sea Never Made a Skilled Sailor. 20th birthday tattoo.

style » JiHyo's fashion is all about feminine-preppy-fashionable-and-back-to-feminine-style-again. At times, she gets called out for her 'risque' fashion because she grew up in a rather liberated country but she sticks with it; it's her fashion statement. She prefers high heels over doll shoes any time of the day but could also switch to rubber shoes (She's a sneakerhead, apparently.). You could say she's on the feminine side obviously and doesn't bother taking a second look on baggy hoodies and harem pants. Big N-O for her. Yep, she wears flat shoes and rubber shoes, but MOST OF THE TIME, high heels are her best friends.
♔ casual
♔ casual 2
♔ casual 3
♔ practice
♔ practice 2
♔ practice 3
♔ formal
♔ house
♔ house 2
♔ house 3

" There is always hope"

"You hate me because I say the truth? If my words provoke you, then feel free to hate on me. "


the girl next door.


plotline » Outgoing
⟪ FANDOM NAME ⟫ Fireballs (Jihyo was known as the Spitfire Beauty, so her fans came up with the fun fandom name of Fireballs.)
⟪ CHARM ⟫ Natural Swag and Icy Stare.

personality »
→ POSITIVE | Tough, Brave, Honest, Rational and Independent.  
→ NEGATIVE | Dominant, Perfectionist, Prudent, Rebellious, and Has a Potty Mouth.
TOUGH: She is known for being strong and determined, hence, gaining the recognition of being a tough lady, as she knows how to tolerate difficulty and suffering on her own. She's the type of person to want to achieve something by means of being tough as she remains determined and doesn't give up; whatever the situation incurs, even when there are difficulties or problems. She's also known for not backing down from any challenges, especially not without a fight. One, don't get started with her friends, family or members, or anyone close to her heart. Her members and family most importantly are her babies no matter how old they are, don't you dare lay any finger on them, or you'll have to face her, their mother hen. She doesn't hurt somebody physically, as said before. But her words could cut like a knife on somebody's whole being. If you want to be safe, just.don't.hurt.her.babies. (OH AND TALK WHEN SHE'S AROUND. NOT BEHIND HER BACK. BECAUSE SHE HATES IT WHEN SOMEONE DOESN'T HAVE THE BALLS TO TALK ON HER FACE.)

BRAVE: She's also known for not backing down from any challenges, especially not without a fight. One, don't get started with her friends, or anyone close to her heart. Her friends most importantly are her babies no matter how old they are (or older than her, in some cases), don't you dare lay any finger on them, or you'll have to face her, their mother hen. She doesn't hurt somebody physically, as said before. But her words could cut like a knife on somebody's whole being. If you want to be safe, just.don't.hurt.her.babies. (OH AND TALK WHEN SHE'S AROUND. NOT BEHIND HER BACK. BECAUSE SHE HATES IT WHEN SOMEONE DOESN'T HAVE THE BALLS TO TALK ON HER FACE.)

HONEST (aka SHE is WHO SHE is): She doesn’t feel the need to conform to the rules of society. She’s a misfit of the good kind. Her friends may pretend like they don’t appreciate her life choices, but somewhere deep within, everyone secretly wants to be her or wants to be with a girl like her. She doesn’t sugarcoat it. It’s true, sugarcoating a problem helps ease the pain now and then, but almost every time, a person would prefer a bullet in the head instead of five in the chest. She says what’s on her mind, and unless they're feeling guilty and miserable  already or if it’s a sensitive issue, her friends would appreciate that trait of hers.

RATIONAL: JiHyo uses facts and reasons as her basis to make judgments. She makes decisions, statements, or judgments using reasoned thinking, based on facts and doesn't base anything on rumors, hence, doesn't act on impulse all the time.

INDEPENDENT: JiHyo is a confident, self-motivated lady who takes responsibility for her actions and never blames the rest of the world for her mistakes or her downfalls. Also, she's the type of lady who pays her own bills (you could ask her Jiho oppa! Kkkk), buys her own things, and doesn't allow a man to affect her stability and self-confidence. She supports herself entirely on her own and is proud to be able to do so.


DOMINANT: JiHyo words things with confidence and certainty. Compare "Itaewon is this way" to "maybe Itaewon is this way, or something?". She's firm and forceful in her approach to problems. She also believes in 'tough love', and try to 'help' others by challenging them to prove themselves, as she herself would. If met by opposition, she reacts confrontational to defend herself. Because she's constantly trying to be 'dominant' in every situation, subconsciously, she does in either by being louder and better than those around her, or more restrained and therefore superior to those who lose their cool. Her confidence and demanding natures makes her a natural leader; she's more likely to take charge if necessary rather than fumbling around worrying. She will 'challenge' others in order to show her respect for the person's strength. She believes that it is important to 'prove oneself'. She says things like "if anyone tries to mess with me, I make them wish they'd never started on me in the first place". She loves competition... but hate to lose. Words like 'hot-blooded', 'brash', 'domineering', 'overbearing', might be used to describe her domineering temperament.

She can be a great, supportive friend who'd take a bullet for those close to her, unless you get on her bad side, in which case she'll try her best to 'rub your nose into the dirt'. It is important to her that she's strong and courageous, not afraid of anything. She will 'rise to the challenge', in order to prove herself, and look for opportunities to do so. It's important for her to be tough and strong. As a dominant person, she strives for independence, because to be dependent is to rely on others, to not be in the superior position. Dependence is weakness. She is 'thick-skinned' in a way, in many cases bulletproof against the criticisms of others, able to shrug or laugh them off.

PERFECTIONIST: She finds it hard to be happy with her work unless it is of a very high standard. It can be self-destructive and time wasting as she often procrastinate to avoid doing important tasks in what she sees as a substandard way. JiHyo pushes herself beyond the normal limits to achieve her goals and people are sometimes surprised by what she can accomplish. She does not deal well with pressure and close deadlines, particularly when her work is important, as she feels that she does not have enough time to make her work 'perfect' and therefore be happy with it. It can be both a blessing and a curse. JiHyo is not the same as those who suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), although she can be obsessive about her work.

PRUDENT: JiHyo is prudent in a way that, she wants everything to be perfect for her taste. It becomes a negative trait when she becomes too controlling, or becomes too much of a perfectionist, though she tries to lessen this sometimes, her members are a testimony of that.

REBEL: JiHyo is a person who stands up for her own personal opinions despite what anyone else says. As a true rebel, she stands up for what she believe is right, not against what's right. It's not about smoking crack, drinking till she's rendered unconscious, or beating the crap out of anyone that crosses her path. It's all about being an individual and refusing to follow a crowd that forces her to think the same way they do even if it means becoming an outcast to society. She knows who she is and do not compromise her individuality or personal opinion for anyone. She's straightforward and honest and she will sure as hell tell it like it is. She is a person who stands up for what she thinks is right, or just her opinions, regardless of what anyone (often her authorities) think. It's about not following the crowd and going through the everyday motions. She is usually outspoken and straightforward, meaning she doesn't care what others think and will tell off anyone. However, there are exceptions; some rebellion is just through passive-aggressive actions (i.e., Ghandi). 'Rebels' aren't non-conformists such as those they would define as "Gothic" or "Emo;"

If she doesn't conform, it's because she actually thinks conforming to the situation and not speaking out is morally wrong. Being rebellious isn't something she does by choice, she's born with it.

POTTY MOUTH: '' '' 'bloody hell' were oftentimes heard coming out from . Who and what is to blame? Her, growing up in a very much liberated country? Or was it the underground rapping scene? Both, if I may say.


trivias »

→ Red Velvet Cupcakes- this was the first recipe she ever learnt to bake and she grew to like it just as much.
→ Peaches- Peaches have always been her comfort food...uh, fruit. When she was younger, her grandmother used to pick peaches for her as an affection.
→ Narcissus flower- Narcissus flowers have been her favorite thing since forever. Her grandfather used to tell her that the narcissus flower is her birthmonth flower. He said that those flowers symbolizes sweetness, and he gives her narcissus flowers he picked every year for her birthday. 
→ Strawberries.
→ Children.
→ Nuts- She's allergic to any kind of nut.
→ Too much perfume and makeup.
→ Dirty places- She scolds her members when their 'dorm' is dirty but she ends up cleaning the mess all by herself.
→ The smell of cinnamon.
→ Dolls- She's creeped out of dolls.
→ Marshmallows.
→ Blood (She has a blood phobia), Noisy people (She loves silence), Frogs, Insects and The smell of Victoria's Secret 'Love  Spell' (She can't take the smell so much that she gets nauseous immediately upon catching a whiff of Love Spell.)
→ Painting
→ Enhancing her rapping skills.
→ Writing lyrics and composing melodies for songs, playing the guitar and piano also. 
→ Playing around with her nunchucks (a gift she got from her cousin, saying that she has to have it for self-defense), scaring her friends less for fear of being hit by the said weapon.
→ Bites her lower lip when nervous, bites her upper lip when in deep thought and chews her lower lip when in a bad mood.
→ Saying "wakey wakey" to herself when she wakes up.
→ Kissing her friends' cheeks in a form of greeting/farewell.
→ Shouts when aggravated/annoyed.
→ Squinting her left eye when trying to keep her temper and raises left eyebrow when disagreeing.

→ Whistles randomly while writing lyrics, trying to think of a melody that suits the lyrics she's writing.
→ She is anemic. She often faints when 1)She's on her monthly period (she bleeds profusely) and 2) When she doesn't get much rest.
 → She's a workaholic that sometimes comes to a fault.
 → Has a night blindess.
 → Allergic to nuts.
 → She looks like your typical pretty girl, but don't be deceived---she can spit fire on you in a matter of one-two-three.
 → She's a great cook and can bake great too.
 → She doesn't drink coffee. ​
 → "There is always hope" has been her catchphrase ever since, inheriting it from her deceased grandmother.
 → JiHyo is known to be very strong. She never cried, not even once, even the trainees in YGE and Starship knew this fact. She cries by herself when no one hears her. She's that strong. She has to be strong.
→ Some trainees from YGE kept on talking and poking fun about her grey eyes that at one point, she resorted to wearing brown/black contact lenses to hide her grey-eyes but soon figured that what the other trainees think about her (or her eyes) don't matter, so she set the contacts aside and grew more proud about her pretty eyes.
→ Phobias: Blood, Dark (She has night blindness)



home is where your heart is.

background » She grew up in Central London from a family of three (Mother, Father and her) but spent her summer vacations and Christmas vacations in Korea, but it stopped when she was eight years old, forcing her to spend her holidays in London, cutting effectively her communication from the ones who love her; her cousin, grandmother and grandfather: who were the only people who showed her what love is and made her feel loved and cherished; at 13, she learned that her grandparents died and her cousin went busy with his career, JiHyo felt as if she has no purpose to live anymore. But then she saw a music video of Tasha's Black Happiness, and was instantly awoken by the lyrics and remembered her cousin as well, and found solace in music. Since then, her dream was to be  renowned rapper, following the path of her cousin and because for her, she could freely express herself in freestyle rapping, it helps that the words flow out of like it's her second nature with a steady tone accompanying it, so she started as an underground rapper as what her cousin suggested her and she kept doing that for a good year and a half, being known underground as J.Hyo, the Spitfire Beauty. She was young, alright, but that doesn't stop the words spitting out of like balls of hire, hence, gaining recognition from those other  underground rappers, making her name known underground and to many former underground rappers before due to word of mouth.

(Add) Left for Seoul in secrecy on her 14th birthday using the savings her grandparents left her with, with only a letter to her busy parents, telling them that they don't need to find her, and that she decided to return to Korea saying she left because she has a purpose, a dream to fulfill, to pursue her dream: She lived with her cousin, Woo Jiho or as he's famously known, Zico, and continued her studies in Korea at day while rapping underground at night. She stopped studying when she was accepted into YGE.



She continued rapping underground until after her fifteenth birthday, since then, she decided to pursue her initial plan: To debut in one of the big three companies, and what's better debuting as a known rapper than in YG? So she auditioned by personally delivering her audition tape in YG Entertainment, which just so happens that it was Dee.P who was entering the building the moment Jihyo arrived so she called for his attention and politely asked him if he could pass her audition tape to the recruitment team of YG Entertainment and he said yes, JiHyo left after thanking him. Three days later, she received a call, telling her to report to YG Entertainment the next day and that she needs to bring her audition materials (i.e: music).

The moment she started to rap, she immediately got Choice37, Dee.P and Rovin's approvals. Halfway through her rap, BIGBANG silently came in and TOP instantly recognized her. "Ah! J.Hyo!" TOP exclaimed, effectively cutting off JiHyo's rap and the team sent TOP a nasty look. He immediately sat down beside the other producers and BIGBANG, and Airplay calmly told JiHyo to start her rap off again, and she followed suit. "Still the same J.Hyo from the scene, huh." TOP mumbled, remembering his underground rapper friends' words of appraisal for her. 

After her rap piece, she bowed down and prepared her music for her dance. But before she pressed play, she looked at the ceiling and let off  a thankful smile with her eyes closed. As she was dancing, she remembers how her grandmother was the number one person to actually support her love of dancing when she was little starting from enrolling her at multiple dance lessons to attending her numerous recitals with her grandfather which her parents seemed to be so busy to attend to. With that though in mind, she gave her best performance, chanting in her mind 'I'm doing this for Mamu and Papu and Jiho oppa' over ad over again. "I like this girl. She has this air of strong determination to her." Lydia told Yunjae who's beside her, to which, the male producer nodded. "Her rap is over the top for a female rapper but her, it's like she's demanding for all eyes to be on her. This is rare." He replied.

"This is a rare case, where I'm totally out of words to say but wow. You had this air of dominance around you. It's as if you were ordering us with your eyes and moves that we should only look at you and no one but you throughout the duration of your audition. Wow. Thank you for a wonderful audition." JiHyo wouldn't forget the words P.K told her the moment they evaluated her. She would've cried tears of joy right then and there but she gathered herself. "Congratulations, kid. Welcome to YG Entertainment." Teddy told her as she bowed dow to everyone.Finally, she's a YG Trainee

As a trainee, she was looked upon because of her various talents, she has many surprises inside her body. She can rap and dance excellently at the same time. But you cannot remove the bullies in every trainees. There are some who bully her because saying she can only rap and dance but NOT sing. Some even got to the extent of comparing her to TOP, saying he could sing better than her. And it's alright. JiHyo acknowledges it and ignores the unnecessary comments.

She was set to debut as a YG soloist rapper but the CEO decided to debut Lee Hi before her. After many months of waiting, JiHyo figured out she'd need to switch companies because YG is getting more focused on others and that her debut is getting pushed back a lot of times, making her feel more and more irrelevant and she didn't want to wait for the time that she'll only be known as someone's shadow, so she decided that she needs her cousin's help. 

She called her cousin up and asked if there were available spots for trainees that he knows. He said he'd love to give her a position in a certain company he works for as a producer, but didn't want her to get criticized by it, so he suggested her to stay at YGE and wait a little more. The moment he told her that, JiHyo decided to talk to YG's CEO to clear things. After some talk, YG reluctantly let go of JiHyo. That's when she went forward and looked for other companies. And lucky for her, Starship Ent has a spot.Her trainee life in Starship Ent is almost the same as when she was in YG. Almost. The big difference it only did make is that, trainees don't look down to others as many did her in YGE.

She's respected just as much because of her rapping prowess. She literally walks, works and spits word like a boss, carrying the pride Zico and GDragon has for her, thus, gaining recognition among her co-trainees and trainers alike.

(add) GDragon, particularly, handpicked her as his trainee upon knowing that she is 'The Zico's cousin, besides that fact, he had heard so much about her from T.O.P, Tablo, Mithra Jin, Verbal Jint, Bang Yongguk, Park Kyung, basically a whole lot of underground rappers, and from the cousin himself, Woo Jiho aka Zico. So he decided to train her in hopes to see if what his friends say would give it justice or the opposite.

"Are they serious? This...this pretty girl? An underground rapper? They're ting me..."
And the results totally shocked him.
This JiHyo girl, who doesn't look like she could rap, spits fire once she opens and words come flowing out with a rhythmic melody.
That's right. Don't judge a book by it's cover. A shame that he learned it from a girl.

family »

→ Cousin, Woo JiHo ⋮ 24 ⋮ rapper and record produce. Famously known as Zico ⋮ Fierce rapper on stage but very intelligent and funny offstage ⋮ Jiho is the closest to a brother and at the same time, father figure to JiHyo. They were close as children, having a lot of stories to tell. And when JiHyo stopped coming to korea for vacation, they lost communication. Not until JiHyo learned how to use the internet on her 13th birthday, that's when she kept in touch with her favorite cousin again. Jiho fondly refers to her as 'gongju-nim' meaning princess, as she's the only cousin he has that he's close with.
→ Father, Woo Yunhan ⋮ 52 ⋮ Businessman ⋮ Business-minded, Serious and Goal-oriented ⋮ Yunhan tries to fulfill his role as a father to JiHyo, so he works really hard for her and their family, but because of that, he forgot that as a father, he should also watch over her as she grows. JiHyo and her father's relationship is distant because of that. She grew to believe that his father's work was more important that her.
→ Mother, (Williams) Woo Alice ⋮ 50 ⋮ Businesswoman ⋮ Cold but loves JiHyo so much, just doesn't show it. ⋮ Alice, on the other side, tries to fulfill her role to JiHyo as a mother in the form of spoiling her with gifts, and all other material things. She also seemed to forget that fact that JiHyo needs to be spoiled, yes, but in the form of a mother and father's love, which she overlooked.
→ Grandparents, Woo AeSan and JungHyo ⋮ 81 & 82 ⋮ Both professors before retirement ⋮ (A) Optimistic and bubbly (J) Youthful and a giver ⋮ AeSan is the best grandmother anyone could ever ask for. She supports JiHyo's endeavors and helps her grow closer to her dreams (She enrolled JiHyo on multiple voice and dance lessons when she was visiting korea on summer vacations, growing up). It's as if AeSan is JiHyo's second mom, she called her Mamu when she's still alive. | Junghyo is exactly JiHyo's example of her ideal man. He proved that the quote 'give until it hurts' never really died. He was a joyful giver, to his family, friends, to anybody needing his help. He was her mighty pillar of strength, her epitome of a knight in shining armor. He would go to his grandchild's recitals with his wife and made sure his grandchild enjoy childhood just as much as he could give.


friends/rivals »

→ Bestfriend, Song Minho ⋮ 23 ⋮ Rapper and member of the boy group Winner ⋮ Charismatic rapper onstage and a dorky, playful guy offstage ⋮ Mino and JiHyo met thru Zico, JiHyo''s cousin. Mino visited him on his house late 2010 and since JiHyo is living with Zico, they were introduced to each other. Since then, they have been close; inseparable, even. He refers to her as his muse and finds it fun to set her up on numerous blind dates involving guys at YG Ent., may they be trainees or idols alike. They are really close but they act like long-lost siblings. Mino treats her like he treats his own sister while JiHyo tries to fill up the sister poistion to Mino since she knows how much he misses his sister.

→ Soul-Sister, Cho Hanjoo ⋮ 23 ⋮ Voice trainer at YGE ⋮ Diva-ish, overprotective and sassy  ⋮ Namjoo is the sister JiHyo never had. They were introduced before as a vocal trainer-vocal student. Namjoo is the only girl out of her four siblings, that's why she sees JiHyo as her sister, maybe not by blood, but for the bond they shared and still continue to share despite their busy lives.

→ Previous mentor/YG Sibling, Kwon Ji Yong ⋮ 28 ⋮ rapper, singer-songwriter, record producer, and fashion icon. Also, leader of famous boygroup, BIGBANG ⋮ Outgoing, life of the party and perfectionist ⋮ GDragon is JiHyo's 'conscience' as what he calls it. Whenever JiHyo's training too hard, he would force her to sleep or generally get some rest. He declared himself as JiHyo's personal mentor when he saw her secretly crying by herself on a recording booth in YG Ent, reason was she thinks she's not good enough compared to the other trainees to make it to the cut. From then on, Jiyong has always been keen on checking her improvements, her stats and her activities. Aside from teaching her rapping techniques, he also sees to it that he passes on some of his writing skills to her, saying that she should pay him a lot, as she's the only one who has his attention (no malice speaking). She's like Jiyong's baby. She mentions it a lot of times, that without him, she wouldn't even probably make it to the cut. He's also the main reason why JiHyo knew so much about composing music for songs and also a little bit about producing.

→ BASHER, Nam Taehyun ⋮ 22 ⋮ singer and member of the boy group Winner ⋮ Sassy, Diva, basically JiHyo's boy version ⋮ Nam Taehyun lives for JiHyo's awkward/embarrassing moments. He's proud that he's her number one basher, jokingly. He always picked on her when she was a trainee in YGE but that's because he wants her to be at her best. He was at first, watching her from afar, but soon, he started to give advice to her. Since then, they had been close. He was the devil side to her angel side as he would like to put it, as when JiHyo's pushing herself to her limit, Taehyun's the one who's forcing her to take a break, or take a rest in general. He calls JiHyo 'my pretty doll'. He's like her Knight in Shining Armor. He hates it when others are making JiHyo angry and upset. That's his job, alone.

→ Protective Unnie, Yoon Bora ⋮ 26 ⋮ idol singer. She is best known as a member of the South Korean girl group Sistar and their sub-unit Sistar19. ⋮ Outgoing, Caring and clumsy  ⋮ Bora is a lively girl, to say the least. she's willing to talk, but doesn't quite think before she speaks which often puts her in awkward situations. for the most part, Bora is just trying to make everyone around her happy even if it means putting her in an awkward position. She is a caring girl. with her kind personality, Bora is quick to trust the people she meets - if they earn it. With that in mind, you should know that Bora is quick to take people under her "wing" so to speak. She'll think of you as a friend right off that bat, so don't be so hesitant to accept her. it's not like she bites or anything. Lastly,  the girl got popular/famous for being the member of sistar who was constantly falling, what more can you expect? of course she'd be clumsy. thankfully, nothing recent has happened to her ... for now, fortunately. Bora never forgets to remind JiHyo how beautiful her eyes are.

→ Rival, Lee Hi ⋮ 20 ⋮ Soloist under YGE ⋮ Timid, Calm and Cute  ⋮ Lee Hi likes Hanbin. She thinks JiHyo stole her BIGBANG oppas from her first, then her 2NE1 unnies and lastly, Hanbin. Hi keeps on pushing JiHyo's buttons but JiHyo just lets her be because she doesn't want to start a war. Hi needs to tone it down or else JiHyo will explode, and it won't end up good for her, knowing that JiHyo has Zico, Mino, and a whole lot rallying at her back.


the one and only.

love interest » Kim Hanbin

backup love interest » Kim Jinhwan


 » Hanbin is pretty cold, whether he means to be or not. Work is always first, and meeting new people is not a priority to him. He may or may not acknowledge JiHyo's presence until after a few meetings. When he finally does acknowledge her, he is pretty awkward. Because he’s kind of an idiot and is a little really awkward, he will continue to say the same things over and over again. When JiHyo do get the opportunity to work together or be close, she would be his little therapist outside of his immediate life that can help him release stress. His dominant personality makes him want to be the protective one. His biggest charm is his slightly lost personality. Since Hanbin spent most of his pubescent years training away, he does not really know what he’s doing outside of his training life. Him being fascinated by everything and always trying to be the ideal man is something that makes him super cute...

(add) As seen in WIN and Mix&Match, Hanbin's personality is as strong as GDragon's. He leads well and he excels in it. He's the most selfless person one could ever meet. He puts s, family, fans and friends before himself. He fought, and fought hard so his group could reach their dream. It came to a point where he gets no sleep just so he would be able to carry all the responsibilities he's holding on his shoulders properly. Off-stage: he's a total sweetheart and a funny guy. On-stage: He's an outstanding leader and fights for s.


love story » Even if they were trainees at YGE before, they didn't get to meet much (due to 1. They don't have the same schedules and 2. Hanbin is more cooped up in the recording rooms while JiHyo is just plain anywhere from rooftop to the lobby. You can't catch her. Also, it doesn't help that the male trainees were separated from the female trainees.)

But Hanbin learned about JiHyo through (surprise, surprise) Mino. Yes, his flop of a match-making excuse. When Mino and Taehyun talked about JiHyo to Hanbin, Jinhwan and Seungyoon (they are the suitable partner for JiHyo, in their point of view), it was Hanbin who got really, really interested. Jinhwan's reaction was "I'm sure she's pretty, by the way you talk about her, and that she''s all kinds of nice. I'm looking forward to meet her." and Seungyoon's reaction was "I don't think we'll mix up well, Minho hyung, Taehyun-ah... Compare my personality to hers.. But for what it's worth, I'd be glad to meet her. She seems amazing from the way you talk about her." while Hanbin's reaction was worth the shock of the century. "Do you think we'll make good babies, hyungs?"

After learning that Mino and JiHyo are close, practically bestfriends-glued-at-the-hip, even, he somehow begged his hyung to introduce him to JiHyo (he's scared of Zico, though they're close, he couldn't possible ask him to introduce JiHyo to him! He would be crushed in tiny pieces the moment he'd ask!) They met personally though through GDragon, when GDragon invited JiHyo to his studio, asking her opinion about the songs he's composing (they're in that level of closeness) and at the same time, inviting Hanbin too, for his thoughts as well. Hanbin's younger than JiHyo... and JiHyo doesn't want a younger male as her point of interest. But Hanbin just... this... this kid! This...brat!!! He just have to have his own way in creeping into JiHyo's life! 

fAt some point, B.I just kind of got into JiHyo's skin and soon developed a cute noona-dongsaeng relationship. B.I really loves to randomly blurt out 'Noona, joahae' to JiHyo, making the girl fluster all the time. One time, his BIGBANG hyungs cornered him and interrogated him, that's when he confessed that he really, really likes JiHyo. From then on, his BIGBANG hyungs and 2NE1 noonas, EPIK High hyungs alongside s and WINNER, have been making moves so that he and JiHyo would spend a lot of times together in private.

Aish. Such a troublesome, adorable, kid.

JIHYO: Hanbin is my version of a human migraine.

Hanbin is JiHyo's biggest fanboy (though he keeps the fanboying private), oftentimes, they are like tom&jerry.


Hanbin always pesters JiHyo nonstop and the girl feels like she's taking care of her son more than her friend. He's the possessive type (yes, even if they're not together. JiHyo views this as him being abnormally clingy to her.). He gets jealous all the time and always need an assurance from her saying that she's not anybody's at the moment. On a daily basis, they act like the usual tom and jerry but sometimes just the spouts of random best of friends and treat each other like oxygen. They care enough for one another and they simply can't sleep with them still having an argument. They make sure to patch things up before sleeping.

Hanbin keeps on planning to confess but chickens out at the last minute every single time + Zico hyung is being a lately! I think he knows something is up!


last words.

comments/suggestions » Hi! If there's a problem with my app, please inform me immediately. I really want to be accepted, but if not, it would be fine with me. At least I tried, ne? Good luck in the story~!

scene requests »
MINO, Zico, GDragon, Taehyun and TOP ing JiHyo and Hanbin (aka The Greatest ers *according to Hanbin* team)
Taehyun pissing Hanbin off by commenting on JiHyo's instagram posts (post-debut. Like how Taeyang was trolling CL on her IG acct: "Dope video! Congratz!!!") and making sure he gets a reply, just for the heck of it.

JiHyo meeting Haru (Tablo's daughter) for the first time and Haru doesn't want to let go of JiHyo.
April Fool's joke of Mino and JiHyo. (aka DATING SCANDAL: Dating scandal with Mino, YGE just laughed it off and Mino posting about it relentlessly for a whole two weeks, finding the rumour humorous. At some point, in april fool's, he "confirmed" that they were dating which ended up as an april fool's joke, making fans dismayed. Mino laughed about it, mentioning their dating ban and that they're just like close siblings.)

Fanservice: Bora x JiHyo fanservice (SNS pictures), Hugging in Public+Awards Shows+Fake PDA (Which Bora initiates: Hold hands tight, hugging, kiss on the cheek). They're dubbed as the "JiRa" couple, much like TaeNy and ChaeRa.
She collapsed one time during a performance because she didn't get enough rest.
Taeyang invited JiHyo to sing 'Eyes, Nose, Lips' with him, with her covering Tablo's rap.
Variety Shows: Running Man, Strong Heart and Happy Together.
Someone from another group, boy group, (EXO's Suho probably) confessed on a variety show that he keeps an eye on JiHyo and Bora, being on the show also, was asked to react about it and she said "She's my wife. I won't give her to anybody~~~" playfully.
Zico performing 'It hurts' onstage(on an wards show or smth) , and he went to JiHyo's place, took her hand, and asked her to sing Sojin's parts.

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