Do you get embarrass from re-reading your old fanfics?

I don't know if it's me, but when I re-read my older fanfics I tend to get uncomfortable. I just cringe and realise that I've written them awkwardly. Yes, they were good ideas but I feel like I could've done better to make them more effective. I really didn't like the fact that I used.....Korean terms back then and I really want to change them but a part of me tells me not to because it'll change the feel or something.

I started writing fanfics when I was about 15, and by that age, I should've been writing really good. Nope, I was terrible in writing and only got experience from reading what other people wrote. This was because I wasn't sure whether I should write them in a novel format or a lazy format. 

So, yeah that's my thoughts about how much I feel about my old fanfics. If I had a chance to re-write them, I would, to be honest. But that would take a long time, especially since I already have a lot in my hands.

I've already written them like that, it's really too late to change what I've already lead it up to. 

That may just me, I was hoping what you guys think when you re-read the fanfics you wrote in the past. 

PanmiChan Signing Out~


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Yes!!!!very embarrassed.
Lol I feel you. I started writing on this site when I was like 13 or so and I cringe when I read my old stories. But I just can't bring myself to delete them because they're still my work, and maybe I want to rewrite them eventually. I do regret writing certain ideas because they seem a little childish/juvenile now that I'm 17, but they're still mine.
I feel like going back to the past and calling my younger self out because whatever content I put out when I was younger was something close to the definition of the word trash. Everything in my old fics is wrong--EVEN THE PUNCTUATION AND SPACES BETWEEN THE WORDS. My eyes and soul hurt so much from reading my old fics.

But one thing that I like about my 15 y/o self is that she actually tried to be versatile. I remember attempting so many genres and writing styles back then. It was fun. I still had my muse back then.

Nowadays, even if my writing is getting better in a technical term, there's not much soul and emotion put into it. And I stick to only two genres: romance and slice of life. I did try venturing out to thriller and mystery but I gave up halfway because I wasn't so happy with how the story turned out.

Sometimes I just wanna attain that mind-set again. The "I write for myself and for fun". It was much more enjoyable in the past. It's kinda exhausting to be too afraid of failures and flaws to the point that I'm too anxious to post my fics.
If you feel that they are good ideas, then go and change them. They wont lose any feels. You'll make them better now that you have improved and understand emotions better. Stories, even published ones get revised every few years. Fanfics should be the same if it enhance the reader experiences. It'l also enhance your experience in writing through editing. And you can go back and read them without feeling embarrassed.

There are ones that i just trash it without re-reading, because i remembered vivadly what it was about. So i knew that no amount of editing can make it work lol. Most of my recent ones, I reread them everytime i have to write a new chapter, in order to refresh my memories and edit them. Took a while, but it's worth it in the end when I go back and read them. I really do write for my own enjoyment, come to think about it.