트와이스: Mirae : The Leader

Lee Mirae (이미래) 
(English name) Emerald Lee | (Chinese name) Wei Chun Hui 春辉
kumiko / kmcl21 / 9.5

Faceclaim: EXID's Ahn Hani
Back-up Faceclaim: AOA's Kim Seolhyun
D.O.B: December 4, 1995

Age: 21
Hometown: (Present) Seoul, SK. | (Past) Bloomsbury, West End, Central London, UK.
Birthplace: Haidian Dist., Beijing, CHN.

  • ♔ Beauty / Mirae directly translates to future, beauty and fortune. Her cousin, Lee Seong Hwa aka Gray and her other friends/trainees call her this.
    ♔ Muse / She was fondly referred to as BIGBANG's muse due to their closeness.
    ♔ Emerald / She goes by emerald when she was in London. Her friends in London call her this.
    ♔ Chunsa / Trainees in JYPE called her this as her chinese name has a 'chun' in it, so they decided to call her chunsa as a play of her chinese first name, technically, calling her 'angel' in korean

    ♔Fancam Goddess ? Her fans labeled her as the fancam goddess because every picture of her taken by a fan looks hella good, even if she was unconsciously being taken a picture; hence, the nickname.

Languages Spoken:
♔ english / from 8 years old to 14 years old, she and her family lived in london, and english as the medium used. / fluent
♔ hangul / even if they lived in london, her family made sure to still converse in korean. / fluent
♔ mandarin / her mother taught mirae mandarin when she was younger but stopped when she became busy due to her work. / semi-fluent

Appearance: (Height) 164.03cm | (Weight) 50kg
♔Mirae has a wide forehead and has big-double lids almond-shaped eyes. Her nose is viewed as a letter "L" on a side view and she has thin, heart-shaped lips. Her distinctive features are her dimples that are deep on each her cheeks and long legs that could "go on for miles" as Mino says (+her very noticeable bumpers/s). And also her unmistakable S-Line. Her height is normal for her age and she has a toned figure. 
♔(add) She also has a 'y' beauty mark just below the right side of her lower lip.
♔(add) She has three tattoos. Two on each side of her collarbones and one on the underside of her left .
 Left Collarbone -Just Live. A tattoo she had on her 18th birthday.
 Right Collarbone - With Every Heartbeat. 19th birthday tattoo.
 Underside - 20th birthday.


Fashion Style:
♔ Mirae's fashion is all about feminine-preppy-fashionable-and-back-to-feminine-style-again. At times, she gets called out for her 'risque' fashion because she grew up in a rather liberated country but she sticks with it; it's her fashion statement. She prefers high heels over doll shoes any time of the day but could also switch to rubber shoes (She's a sneakerhead, apparently.). You could say she's on the feminine side obviously and doesn't bother taking a second look on baggy hoodies and harem pants. Big N-O for her. Yep, she wears flat shoes and rubber shoes, but MOST OF THE TIME, high heels are her best friends.

♔ casual
♔ casual 2
♔ casual 3
♔ practice
♔ practice 2
♔ practice 3
♔ formal
♔ house
♔ house 2
♔ house 3


POSITIVE | Tough, Brave, Rational and Independent.
NEGATIVE | Choleric: Extrovert and Proud, Prudent and Dominant.
♔ TOUGH: She is known for being strong and determined, hence, gaining the recognition of being a tough lady, as she knows how to tolerate difficulty and suffering on her own. She's the type of person to want to achieve something by means of being tough as she remains determined and doesn't give up; whatever the situation incurs, even when there are difficulties or problems.
♔ BRAVE: She's also known for not backing down from any challenges, especially not without a fight. One, don't get started with her members, friends, or anyone close to her heart. Her friends and members most importantly are her babies no metter how old they are (or older than her, in some cases), don't you dare lay any finger on them, or you'll have to face her, their mother hen. She doesn't hurt somebody physically, as said before. But her words could cut like a knife on somebody's whole being. If you want to be safe, just.don't.hurt.her.babies. (OH AND TALK WHEN SHE'S AROUND. NOT BEHIND HER BACK. BECAUSE SHE HATES IT WHEN SOMEONE DOESN'T HAVE THE BALLS TO TALK ON HER FACE.) But with every person comes a difficult characteristic. That's where her sassy self butts in. Yes, she may not talk much, but once you get on her bad side, you'll never hear the end of it. That's how fierce this lady is. You wouldn't want to get on her bad side or else she'll leave you regretting the day you were born.
♔ RATIONAL: Mirae uses facts and reasons as her basis to make judgments. She makes decisions, statements, or judgments using reasoned thinking, based on facts and doesn't base anything on rumors, hence, doesn't act on impulse all the time.
♔ INDEPENDENT: Mirae is a confident, self-motivated lady who takes responsibility for her actions and never blames the rest of the world for her mistakes or her downfalls. Also, she's the type of lady who pays her own bills (you could ask Gray! Kkkk), buys her own things, and doesn't allow a man to affect her stability and self-confidence. She supports herself entirely on her own and is proud to be able to do so.
♔ CHOLERIC: Being a choleric includes being proud and extrovert. Meaning, she believes that it's important to 'say things as they are', to be bluntly honest on her opinions than sugar-coating words. She speaks her mind, yes, but often forgets to mind her speech. Her pride and drive for dominance, as well as her open expression of emotion, naturally leads to outright aggression when challenged. She, when pushed too hard, will raise her voice and get angry to show that she is the strongest, and to assert superiority. She is pragmatic, doing what needs to be done bluntly rather than worrying about fantasy scenarios. She generally believes that she is right, and have immense stubbornness about admitting her flaws, UNLESS admitting these flaws would make her look better than others ("I'm strong enough to admit I'm wrong, unlike you").
She can be a great, supportive friend who'd take a bullet for those close to her, unless you get on her bad side, in which case she'll try her best to 'rub your nose into the dirt'. It is important to her that she's strong and courageous, not afraid of anything. If she's afraid, they will deny it (again, unless admitting it makes her look strong). She will 'rise to the challenge', in order to prove herself, and look for opportunities to do so. It's important for her to be tough and strong. As a choleric, she strives for independence, because to be dependent is to rely on others, to not be in the superior position. Dependence is weakness. She is 'thick-skinned' in a way, in many cases bulletproof against the criticisms of others, able to shrug or laugh them off.
♔ DOMINANT: Mirae words things with confidence and certainty. Compare "Itaewon is this way" to "maybe Itaewon is this way, or something?". She's firm and forceful in her approach to problems. She also believes in 'tough love', and try to 'help' others by challenging them to prove themselves, as she herself would. If met by opposition, she reacts confrontational to defend herself. Because she's constantly trying to be 'dominant' in every situation, subconsciously, she does in either by being louder and better than those around her, or more restrained and therefore superior to those who lose their cool. Her confidence and demanding natures makes her a natural leader; she's more likely to take charge if necessary rather than fumbling around worrying. She will 'challenge' others aggressively in order to show her respect for the person's strength. She believes that it is important to 'prove oneself'. She says things like "if anyone tries to mess with me, I make them wish they'd never started on me in the first place". She loves competition... but hate to lose. Words like 'hot-blooded', 'brash', 'domineering', 'overbearing', might be used to describe her domineering temperament.
♔ PRUDENT: Mirae is prudent in a way that (because she's choleric), she wants everything to be perfect for her taste. It becomes a negative trait when she becomes too controlling, or becomes too much of a perfectionist, though she tries to lessen this sometimes.
Shows a tough persona but deep inside, all she wants is to be loved and cared for. According to her co-trainees and friends, she is very well known for having a strong personality. She is mostly direct to the point and doesn't go all i'm-giving-you-a-sign-so-notice-it.
She is very sensitive and care for other people more than herself. She is very frank and doesn't hesitate to speak out her mind but makes sure that it doesn't sound so much like an insult or an overreacting comment. Mirae is confident and doesn't care about the hate other girl trainees give her in her past as a former trainee, instead, she used their hate as her fuel to keep her going on and learning more to prove to the other trainees that she isn't what they think who she is.

Despite being young, she has a sense of leadership in her and is very dependable and responsible. (By: GDragon of BIGBANG, when he became her coach way back.)

 ♔ How she acts off stage and offcam: Mirae seems really strong but her heart is really soft. She always think of others before herself and she's really sweet. She's good at taking care of others. She seems really serious about all things but she laughs easily, innocently and goodheartedly at almost every legit thing. Very easy-going.
 ♔ How she acts on-stage: She treats the stage as a second home. She makes sure her moves are perfect, her voice is conditioned and her appearance is one of the best. She gives off a cool vibe and a very mysterious aura when she steps onstage. People who don't know her that well thinks she's arrogant and rude. She also has a bottle of swag everywhere she goes. Its like, when she walks, the word 'SWAG' trails behind her feet. Charisma is always with her wherever she goes, it's like the word 'CHARISMA' and 'SWAG' are her shadows.
 ♔ How she acts around her friends: She's very caring and has a sweet spot for all of her friends. Heck, it's like she's taking care of her children. She won't even let mosquitoes near them. Very understanding and calm, she does what a rational person does. Doesn't take any side, thus, tries to solve the problem without taking one's side to avoid injustice.


♔ Born in Haidian Dist., Beijing, CHN, her parents went back to her father's hometown, SK, when she turned 2 years old then she grew up in Seoul from a family of three (Mother, Father and her) she was then forced to move with her parents in London when she was 8 due to her parents' work demands, cutting effectively her communication from the ones who love her; her cousin, grandmother and grandfather: who were the only people who showed her what love is and made her feel loved and cherished; at 13, she learned that her grandparents died and her cousin went busy with his career, Mirae felt as if she has no purpose to live anymore. But then she saw a music video of Super Junior, Miracle, and remembered her cousin as well, and found solace in music. Since then, her dream was to be  renowned rapper, so she started as an underground rapper as what her cousin suggested her and she kept doing that for a good year and a half, being known underground as M.Rae, the Spitfire Beauty. She was young, alright, but that doesn't stop the words spitting out of like balls of hire, hence, gaining recognition from those other  underground rappers, making her name known underground and to many former underground rappers before due to word of mouth.
(Add) Left for Seoul in secrecy on her 14th birthday using the savings her grandparents left her with, with only a letter to her busy parents, telling them that they don't need to find her, and that she decided to return to Korea saying she left because she has a purpose, a dream to fulfill, to pursue her dream: She lived with her cousin, Gray of AOMG and continued her studies in Korea at day while rapping underground at night. She's very young at the age of fourteen but took advanced classes, hence, graduated early for her young age.

♔ Likes: Totoro, Red Velvet Cupcakes, Peaches, Carnation flower, Strawberries and Children.
Favorites:  Hot chocolate, dogs, babies, high heels and bath bombs/essential oils.
♔ Dislikes: Nuts (She's allergic to any kind of nut), Too much perfume and makeup, Dirty places (She scolds her members when their 'dorm' is dirty but she ends up cleaning the mess all by herself), The smell of cinnamon, Dolls (She's creeped out of dolls), Marshmallows.
♔ Hate with a passion: Blood (She has a blood phobia), Noisy people (Except her friends and members) (*Those that are like in a public market), Frogs, Insects and The smell of Victoria's Secret 'Love  Spell'.
♔ Habits: 
 »Bites her lower lip when nervous and bites her upper lip when in deep thought.
 »Saying "wakey wakey" to herself when she wakes up.
 »Kissing her babies' cheeks in a form of greeting/farewell.
 »Chews her lower lip when in a bad mood.
 »Shouts when aggravated/annoyed.
 »Squinting her left eye when trying to keep her temper
 »Raises left eyebrow when disagreeing
 »Eats in the middle of the night
♔ Hobbies: Painting, Composing and Writing music, Swimming and Reading novels.♔ 
♔ I'm not perfect: 
Mirae's Flaws: Due to her frankness and honesty, sometimes, she says a little too much or crosses over the borderline. She can also become very sassy at times-- which sometimes get annoying.
♔ Phobias: Blood, Dark (She has night blindness)
♔ Trivia:
 »She is anemic. She often faints when 1)She's on her monthly period (she bleeds profusely) and 2) When she doesn't get much rest.
 »She's a workaholic.
 »Has a night blindess.
 »Allergic to nuts.
 »She calles her members, her babies.
 »Has prominent dimples on each cheek.
 »A shikshin, but never gets fat because she loves working out.
 »Instagram, cyworld, twitter, weibo, kakao talk, me2day: IV.leemirae.
 »She's a great cook and can bake great too.
 »She doesn't drink coffee. ​
 »"There is always hope" has been her catchphrase ever since, inheriting it from her deceased grandmother.
 »Mirae is known to be very strong. She never cried on broadcast (when they debuted), not even once, even the trainees and idols in YG and JYPE knew this fact. She cries by herself when no one hears her. She's that strong. She has to be strong.
 »She's known to be YG's (even if she's from JYP) youngest rapper line's ideal woman: Seunghoon and Mino of WINNER+Taehyun, B.I and Bobby of iKON+Jinhwan.
 »​Her name became popular toYG Stans as her name's being mentioned a lot in their interviews or on variety shows. Most importantly, she was known before debut as YG Boys' Ideal Woman as her name's always mentioned by WINNER's Mino, Seunghoon and Taehyun, iKON's B.I, Jinhwan and Junhoe and BIGBANG when they ask about who their ideal lady is. She sometimes thinks that maybe they keep on mentioning her name since she's a safe pick :D



♔ Cousin, Lee Seonghwa : 29 : Singer and Producer signed under AOMG. : Worrywart and overprotective : closeness: 10 out of 10 | Seonghwa is the closest to a brother and at the same time, father figure to Mirae. They were close as children, having a lot of stories to tell. And when Mirae and her family migrated to London, they lost communication. Not until Mirae learned how to use the internet on her 13th birthday, that's when she kept in touch with her favorite cousin again.
♔ Best Friend: Lee Seunghyun - 25 - Member of YG Boygroup, Bigbang - closeness: 10 out of 10 - Easygoing, Bubbly and Loudmouth - Seungri and Mirae met thru Gray, Mirae's cousin, even before she became a trainee in YGE. Seungri visited Gray on his house late 2010 and since Mirae is living with Gray, they were introduced to each other. Since then, they have been close; inseparable, even.
♔ Soul-sister, Han Namjoo ⋮ 24 ⋮ Flight Attendant in Korean Air ⋮ Bubbly, optimistic and Easy-going : Namjoo is the sister Mirae never had. They were schoolmates before and became inseparable since, but Namjoo became busy as a flight attendant so she and Mirae rarely see each other often. |Namjoo and Mirae were childhood friends. Classmates from nursery until mid-elementary school, then went their separate ways after but still keep in touch. Namjoo is the only girl out of four siblings, that's why she sees Mirae as her sister, maybe not by blood, but for the bond they shared and still continue to share despite their busy lives.
♔ Kim Heechul - 33 - Member of SM Boygroup, Super Junior. - closeness: 10 out of 10 - Diva-ish, overprotective and sassy. - Heechul always picked on Mirae when she was a trainee (Heechul's always on JYPE for nothing, he's close with them and JYP himself, so he gets to roam around JYPE as himself.) but that's because he wants her to be at her best. He was at first, watching her from afar, but soon, he started to give advice to her. Since then, they had been close. He was her 'conscience' as he would like to put it, as when Mirae's pushing herself to her limit, Heechul's the one who's forcing her to take a break, or take a rest in general. Heechul calls Mirae 'my pretty princess'. He's like her Knight in Shining Armor.
♔ Rival: Lee Hi |  20 / Singer / Timid, Calm and Cute. Lee Hi likes Hanbin. She thinks Mirae stole her BIGBANG oppas from her first, then her 2NE1 unnies and lastly, Hanbin. | Hi keeps on pushing Mirae's buttons but Mirae just lets her be because she doesn't want to start a war. Hi needs to tone it down or else Mirae will explode, and it won't end up good for Hi because Mirae literally has BIGBANG, 2PM, 2AM, GOT7 and many more backing her up.


Stage Name: M.Rae
Persona: Spitfire Goddess

Trainee Years: 3 years in YGE | 3 years in JYPE.

Trainee Life: 

She continued rapping underground until before her sixteenth birthday, since then, she decided to pursue her initial plan: To debut in one of the big three companies, and what's better debuting as a known rapper than in YG? So she auditioned and luckily got in the first time.

As a trainee, she was looked upon because of her various talents, she has many surprises inside her body. She can rap and dance excellently at the same time. But you cannot remove the bullies in every trainees. There are some who bully her because saying she can only rap and dance but NOT sing. Actually, she can sing. Like REALLY sing but she never showed it to anybody except her trainers, Yang HyunSuk, BIGBANG, 2ne1, Epik High (they are there for every trainee assessment) and her family.

She was set to debut as a YG soloist rapper but the CEO decided to debut Lee Hi before her. After many months of waiting, Mirae figured out she'd need to switch companies because YG is getting more focused on others and that her debut is getting pushed back a lot of times, making her feel more and more irrelevant and she didn't want to wait for the time that she'll only be known as someone's shadow, so she decided that she needs her cousin's help.

Before JYP Ent., Mirae was initially in YG. It was her dream company, but sadly, it looks as if YG didn't prioritize girl rappers as it did on CL's, and she had no plans to remove her love for the art called rap so she called her cousin up and asked if there were available spots for trainees in AOMG. He said he'd love to give her a position in AOMG but didn't want her to get criticized by it, so he suggested her to JYP Ent. The moment he told her that, Mirae packed her bags, left YG and her friends behind, to start anew with JYPE.
Park Jin Young, particularly, handpicked her as his trainee upon knowing that she is 'The Gray's cousin, besides that fact, he had heard so much about her from GDragon, T.O.P, Tablo, Mithra Jin, Zico, Bang Yongguk, Park Kyung, basically a whole lot of underground rappers, and from the cousin himself, Lee Seong Hwa aka Gray. So he decided to train her in hopes to see if what his friends say would give it justice or the opposite.
"Are they serious? This...this pretty girl? An underground rapper? They're ting me..."
And the results totally shocked him.
This Mirae girl, who doesn't look like she could rap, spits fire once she opens and words come flowing out with a rhythmic melody.
That's right. Don't judge a book by it's cover.

Soon, Park Jin Young decided it would make a good background story on how Mirae was originally a rapper but turned singer, knowing well that she sings undeniably good (credits to Yang Hyun Suk, who told him about Mirae's secret singing abilities), he decided it would be better if she'd be a well-known power vocal and when the time comes that she has to debut as a solo artist, by then, he'd allow her to be a solo rapper.


  • Lead female in GDragon's "Breathe", "Heartbreaker" and BIGBANG's "Tonight".
  • Lead female in TaeYang's "I'll be there" and "I need A Girl".
  • Her voice was used in 2PM's Hands Up 'Oppa, mideodo dweji, okay?'.
  • Featured in Epik High's 'Happen Ending'.


♔ iKON's Leader, B.I, dating TWICE's Leader M.Rae?/ Early 2017 / After one of TWICE's comeback stage, B.I sweet-talked Mirae into drinking hot chocolate with her that evening to a cafe. Lots of paparazzi shots, one with B.I tucking Mirae's stray hairs away from her face. TRUE. They are together but not dating. YG and JYPE clarified their status now only as close friends and not dating.
♔ WINNER's Mino cooped up in a scandal with TWICE's M.Rae? / Late 2016 / Some delusional fans made a rumour about Mirae and Mino dating way back when Mirae was still a trainee in YGE / Knowing their stalking-slash-researching skills, they found out that Mirae and Mino hang out a lot during their trainee days (thanks to Seungri's pointless matchmaking skills, which were, in fact, not helpful AT ALL) and were too close for friends. (But in reality, those were cropped pictures from when they were out with a large group of friends). When Mino's 'Body' was released, they immediately pointed out that Mirae was Mino's inspiration for the lyrics, most importantly the part where he talks about tattoos. / This still remains as a rumor since neither YG or JYPE responds to this. Seems like Mirae is sandwiched between the YG boys.

♔ Super Junior's Heechul and TWICE's M.Rae?/ March 2017 / Some fans are just beyond delusional as they gave funny colors to Heechul and Mirae's close-knit friendship. SME and JYPE just laughed it off and Heechul posting about it relentlesslyfor a whole two weeks, finding the rumour humorous. At some point, in april fool's, he "confirmed" that they were dating which ended up as an april fool's joke, making fans dismayed. Heechul laughed about it, mentioning their .

always be mine
iKON's b.i (Kim Hanbin)

♔ Personality: Selfless, Good sense of leadership, funny, derpy and clingy.
♔ In Depth:As seen in WIN and Mix&Match, Hanbin's personality is as strong as GDragon's. He leads well and he excels in it. He's the most selfless person one could ever meet. He puts s, family, fans and friends before himself. He fought, and fought hard so his group could reach their dream. It came to a point where he gets no sleep just so he would be able to carry all the responsibilities he's holding on his shoulders properly. Off-stage: he's a total sweetheart and a funny guy. On-stage: He's an outstanding leader and fights for s.


♔ Hanbin and Mirae didn't meet in YGE. However... 
They met at one of the awards show TWICE and iKON both attended. Hanbin's younger than Mirae... and Mirae doesn't want a younger male as her point of interest. But Hanbin just... this... this kid! This...brat!!! He just have to have his own way in creeping into Mirae's life! When he found out that Mirae and Seungri are practically the best of friends, he somehow managed to force his sunbae/hyung to introduce him to Mirae, though the girl knows him already. Hello? That little stunt he pulled on stage? (*see scene request) How could she forget him? And dear lord, her members' scary teasing is pushing her to the edge.
At some point, B.I just kind of got into Mirae's skin and soon developed a cute noona-dongsaeng relationship. B.I really loves to randomly blurt out 'Noona, joahae' to Mirae, making the girl fluster all the time. One time, his BIGBANG hyungs cornered him and interrogated him, that's when he confessed that he really, really likes Mirae. From then on, his BIGBANG hyungs and 2NE1 noonas, EPIK High hyungs alongside s and WINNER, have been making moves so that he and Mirae would spend a lot of times together.
Aish. Such a troublesome, adorable, kid.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Hanbin is Mirae's biggest fanboy, oftentimes, they are like tom&jerry.

Hanbin shamelessly promoting Mirae every chance he gets. Thanks her on every acknowledgement and spam comments on her IG, along with YG Family. He's also the self-proclaimed president of Mirae's fanclub. Also, he always pertains to Mirae as 'My type', 'My Goddess'. (e.g: I want to thank my type, Mirae-noona for etc, etc, etc.| Just wanna say hello to my goddess and thank you for always looking out for me! Mirae-noona! I'm doing good! Hehe!) 


Hanbin keeps on planning to confess but chickens out at the last minute every single time.


♔ Hanbin once sent a gigantic arrangement of Red Roses to Mirae on her birthday. Mirae uploaded it on her instagram saying 'Thank you~' with no clue on who is it. Then Hanbin responded on his instagram with a picture of him blushing, captioned it 'You're welcome~'.
♔ Mirae uploaded a picture of her with Haru (Tablo's daughter) on her instagram, captioning it 'I love you so much, my Baby Haru~' and Hanbin immedately took a picture of him, sporting a cute, pouting face and captioned it as "Baby Hanbin", and nearly fell off his bed when Mirae liked his photo and commented "Migraine baby".
♔ iKON and TWICE both on an awards show, TWICE won an award and B.I stood up straight, cheering for them, obviously because he likes Mirae. He was seen holding a banner that has a "LEE MIRAE" on it from which he borrowed from a fan and took a selca with it, captioning it as "LEE MIRAE #1 FAN TURNUP IN THE WORLD YO"
♔ Hanbin keeps Mirae's picture as his phone's screen's wallpaper, computer wallpaper and ipad wallpaper. When he's mad, sad or exhausted he just looks at her picture and his anger, sadness or tiredness dissipates
♔ Hanbin doesn't cry in front of everyone but he does only when Mirae is with him. If she's not physically present, he calls her or videocalls her and then cries.


Comments: Hi! If there's a problem with my app, please inform me immediately. I really want to be accepted, but if not, it would be fine with me. At least I tried, ne? Good luck in the story~!

Scenes? Requests? Questions:
♔ iKON and TWICE' interactions.
♔ Heechul gloating/fanboying about Mirae on a radioshow, variety show, basically any show he's in.
♔ April Fool's joke of Heechul and Mirae. (aka DATING SCANDAL:(See scandals section) Dating scandal with Heechul in early 2017, SME and jype just laughed it off and Heechul posting about it relentlesslyfor a whole two weeks, finding the rumour humorous. At some point, in april fool's, he "confirmed" that they were dating which ended up as an april fool's joke, making fans dismayed. Heechul laughed about it, mentioning their .)
♔ Fanservice: Heechul x Mirae fanservice (SNS pictures), Hugging in Public+Awards Shows+Fake PDA (Which Heechul initiates: Hold hands tight, hugging, kiss on the cheek). Mirae x hana = mina love team fanservice (their ship~ like TaeNy).
♔ She collapsed one time during a performance because she didn't get enough rest +Super Heechul in action, to the rescue.
♔ (This is the 'little stunt' B.I pulled on-stage) B.I going to Mirae's designated seat when they were singing 'My Type' and gave her one, long-stemmed, pink ecuadorian rose. Pink, symbolizing Mirae's elegance and grace. Hanbin gave it to her in hopes that she catches what he wants to say, with a pink rose, meaning he admires and appreciates her. (I want to remind you that this is his first time meeting Mirae/twice/ in general, face to face. But he's a fan since their former debut. Mirae served as his ideal girl so he made her his inspiration at some point.)
♔ Taeyang invited Mirae to sing 'Eyes, Nose, Lips' with him, with her covering Tablo's rap.
♔ Variety Shows: Running Man, Strong Heart and Happy Together.
♔ Would you like drama and angst?: A little bit, I guess.

Password: iKON


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