Vote for exo on MAMAs,Vote and stream for EXO-CBX!

Disclaimer first:

Last time I posted something like this,someone had the nerve to say that "why you being so whiny about exo,there are other groups who are deserving as well".

So Just to keep things clear,I'm an exo l, I support and respect other groups but I shall be speaking only and only about exo on my know why??? Cause I love them and it's only natural for me to talk about them,please stop whining back to ME in regard to that matter.

Also,for people who are reading this blog,please take note that I'm talking to exols who share the enthusiasm of voting with me,not to others who comment that "all of us don't have the time honey,so we can vote when it's convenient for us",well sweetheart,take note,this is for people who are participating in the voting,not others who support exo and seriously have tight schedules back at home,I understand that.

Why do people get the feeling that I'm pressurizing them whenever I type out stuff like this? It's so immature.

Now that I have got that off my chest...let's get to the main thingy.

Vote for exo in the MAMAs on this link. You can create accounts or mnet ids,which for further information you can PM me,or else you can log in via FB,Twitter or KakaoTalk.

You can vote for EXO CBX on Mnet CountDown and on other music shows because why not?? 

Stream MOnster MV,EXO CBX's Hey Mama mv and also their music on various search engines.

As I said earler this is for exo ls who are DOING the voting thing,cause some of you were asking me about it on twitter.

Let's go! This has been exo's year through and through,those boys had worked too hard for us exo-ls and they honestly deserve ALL the awards and accolades in my opinion!


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I have already created like 50+ MNET accounts and voted for EXO and streamed MONSTER/HEY MAMA! for like 2-5 times per day but the views are increasing slowly:(

[The views still tend to freeze sometimes]
Definitely voting for them! Speaking of Mama, do you have any bias groups for the best band category? I'm not exactly planning to campaign for my fave band (how I wish I have the power to do that) just kinda interested if you have a group you support.