SunRise Trainee [Nell]

Missminho| Meenie| 9/10



Hey, nice to meet you! I'm...

Name: Choi Nell 


🌹 Se7en's daughter | Se7en's fans call her that literally because he raised her

🌹 Gongju | Se7en calls her that then its like a spreading virus and now everyone calls her gongju

Age: 18 y/o (2011) / 23 y/o (2016)

Birthday: 4th May 1993

Birth place: Seoul, South Korea

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Have you lived in Korea? If so, how long: 18 y/o

Blood type: B+

Ethnicity: Korean

Nationality: Korean


🌹 Korean, fluent | her native tongue
🌹 English, fluent | had lived in America for 3 years


Acting The Part

First face claim: Seo Sungkyung

Back up face claim: Kwon Sujeong

Height : 5'6 ft

Weight : 50kg

Style :  

From a pure pastel dress to darker edgier outfit, Nell plentifully pulled diverse look out. She is highly praised by the netizens for her gereat fashion sense. Nell may have rough situations in her life but her fashuon game's has always been #onpoint. Known for her extensive collection of practical basics, the queen of nomcore proves thaf simple doesnt have to be boring. She can wear casual clothing but accessories such as socks,clutch, sunglasses and hars #headress always amp up her look.

But if she have to pick what she really care about, it would be homewear and sleepwear. Its one of her quirky habits. Her fashion change everyday, when she want to feel like a dream girl, she will wear 2 pieces lingerie or silk dress, even sprayed some perfume before going to bed and after her bath in the morning. But its not like she is weird everyday and not for anyone else to see. Its her self satisfication. After a long day, comfortable oversized t-shirt or camisole with pajama trousers will do also.


 everyday —       


 home —      


 sleep —      


 formal —      


 practice —      


 outdoor —      


 airport —      


Small details : Nell is usually regarded as one of the prettiest SunRise members, Nell is stunning, but alas, much of this beauty is refrained to first impression. When you first look at Nell, she does indeed look gorgeous, with her stoic gaze and doll-like features. But while “doll-like” features look cute on dolls and other inanimate objects, they look misproportioned on humans, as best seen on Nell. 


This Is Who I Am 

Personality : 

good traits - --positive/ optimistic --hard working  --tidy --charming/charismatic 

not-so-good traits - --stubborn --easily irritated --obsessive --insecure


In Depth: 


Nell is for the most part, very charming and friendly. most of the time, she has a smile on her face, she has the loudest laugh in the room, or she always has a story to tell. she doesn't actually know what people think of her or say about her, but she has faith that it's good things. she does her best to keep up a good attitude, especially around her fellow trainees. being a trainee is hard and you have to practice and put the hours in and there isn't always a guarentee that you will debut, but she stays hopeful and tries to do the same for her friends around her. she always puts in 110% into anything she does. she was taught that nothing would come to her on a silver platter, and if she wanted something, she needed to work for it. so she lives by always trying hard. 

she is incredibly clean. not that she spends all of her time washing her hands and doing dishes, but she definitely keeps her things as orginized as she can, she keeps neat notes about her training and what to improve on, and her living space is always tidy. in the dorms, she helps keep the living area and kitchen clean(though that's definitely a team effort. she can't take all the credit.) she hopes the fellow girls don't end up calling her umma. she has no trouble making friends or simply making conversation with someone new. she excells at variety and talk shows simply because she isn't shy and she has a quick wit. 

it would be easy to say that she is perfect and has no flaws, but unfortunately everyone has a couple. Nell is seriously stubborn, to the point where it can frustrate people. if she doesn't want to do something, if she has an opinion differing from someone else's, or something along those lines, she won't budge. it's very difficult to get her to agree or do something she really doesn't want to. along with that stubborness comes a quick temper. remember the quick wit i mentioned, well when she is mad or upset, words fly from quickly, and whether she regrets them or not, they can sometimes be really mean spirited. 

Nell obsesses over a lot. whether it be her looks, her performing skill, or something mundane like a book series, she is quick to obsess. sometimes healthy, sometimes not. if she is obsessing over her looks, you could find her in the bathroom trying on and taking off make-up to see what makes her look the best, (in her opinion.) if she is obessing over her skills, she will be in that practice room until she deems the movement or the note she is singing good enough. and if it's a book series or something like that, you better get ready because she is about to tell you, the whole plot, who dies next, and why her favorite character is the best. it may come as a surprise, but she has some looming insecurities. her weight and facial appearance has always been an issue for her. not to the point of an eating disorder or anything that serious, but she does sometimes feel that the trainees and fellow members around her are more fit or prettier than her.


tumblr_ncktuaQSAm1r9xp6bo1_500.png tumblr_nbtkl4Sq1d1r9xp6bo1_1280.png tumblr_n10x5ezJx11r9xp6bo1_1280.png tumblr_nl6hujTs3h1u0prxso1_540.jpg tumblr_njmzlpSjxz1u84dm5o1_540.jpg tumblr_myn3siuJLV1s4s5szo1_500.png 



🌹 Jewels, Diamonds etc.

🌹 Photography/ Photoshoots

🌹 Americano ( she needs to drink it everyday)

🌹 latest gadgets

🌹 Food



🌹 Singing & Dancing & Performances

🌹 Movies (all genres)

🌹 Her brother a.k.a Se7en

🌹 latest trends in fashion

🌹 Kids 



🌹 Injections


🌹 Silence (she cant stand in one)

🌹 sour/bitter taste


Hate with a passion:


🌹 Reptilians, Amphibians etc.

🌹 Rude people/ bullies/ backstabber

🌹 Storm/ Thunder ( she'll cry the hell out )



🌹 Trembling when nervous

🌹 likes to draw/ doodling

🌹 avoid eye contact when she's lying

🌹 first thing she do in the morning is stretching

🌹 checks her phone every 2 hours

🌹 calling her brother Sebong Oppa instead of Dongwook Oppa/Se7en Oppa

🌹 her face will be all pink when she's embarrased or shy or she laughed too much



🌹 searches for new songs everyday and download it

🌹 doing adventurous things like skydiving, paragliding etc.

🌹 addicted to video games

🌹 writing whats on her head and it eventually became a lyrics


I'm not perfect:

For once in a while, she'll cry the hell out when all the members or anyone starts to talk about their parents while she barely remembers hers. The only person who can calm her down is Se7en. The recent incident was when SunRise made their debut and all the members' family came to support their child while Nell had only Se7en.



🌹 losing her loved ones

🌹 blood



🌹 her idol is her Sebong Oppa XD

🌹 has all the latest gadgets from Apple

🌹 her gadgets' cases are all Captain America's shield

🌹 she likes the number 9

🌹 she wrote letters to Se7en everyday when he's in the military

🌹 she thinks that Audrey Hepburn is perfect and she wants to be like her

🌹 her favourite season is Spring

🌹 she had a bunch of Pororo dolls in her room

🌹 skilled in composing and writing songs

🌹 she can play guitar, piano and drums

🌹 she literally woke up the earliest among the members

🌹 her must have things are her purse, mirror and sunglass

🌹 Se7en bought her a silver Aston Martin DB9 when she got her car license

🌹 she still sober up to 6 bottles of soju

🌹 she will flirt with everyone when she's drunk

🌹 she is left handed

🌹 Se7en and her went to the same church as SuJu's Siwon every Sunday

🌹 daydreams a lot

🌹 she never took off a bracelet that Se7en made special for her. She said it brings luck

🌹 she's a total skinship lover

🌹 after 2 years of exercising hard, Nell revealed her perfect abs to her fans through her SNS




So What's The Story?


Nell was born as Choi Nell on 4th May 1993. her family consist her parents, her older brother and her. as the maknae in the family, Nell was treated like a princess by her family. everything she wants and she will get it. Nell is Choi Dongwook a.k.a Se7en's baby sister. with the of 9 years, Se7en cherishes his sister a lot like his own daughter. Nell grew up in a loving family.

A year after Dongwook debut as Se7en which is on 2004, the Choi family excluding Dongwook and Nell got into an accident after they visited Dongwook at his place.

the accident had claimed the lives of her parents. that time Nell was at her academy studying. a year after the accident, Se7en brought Nell with him to America as he have to promote there. Se7en actually have no other options as their late parents were not that close to their relatives and Nell have no one to care about her except Se7en.

Nell grew up listening to Se7en's playlist and his dances. Nell's passion for music were quite actually influenced by that. she looked up to her brother. she began to take singing and dancing classes and in no time, she was acing her singing class. she joined singing competitions since she just had this confidence to stand on the stage and shows off her talent.  

years later, Se7en and Nell came back to Korea and permanently stayed at the penthouse in Seocho-dong, Seoul that Se7en bought.

When Nell turns 15, Se7en decided to bring Nell to see his CEO. actually, Papa YG was searching for new trainess. and at that time Se7en taught, Nell would perfectly fits to be the trainee there. the next day, Se7en personally brought her to Papa YG's room to audition. Papa was amazed by her clean voice and amazing dances and her bright future as an idol. Papa describes her as Se7en's daughter as her talent were very similar to his brother. In no time, Papa accept her to be the trainee there.

in 2010, YG announces that they'll collab with SM in exchanging some trainess to give them more experiences. and Nell's name was the first on the list. 







👦 Choi Dongwook (Se7en) | Older brother a.k.a Father | 27 | Idol (soloist) | 5 | caring, responsible, humble, savior



Best Friend:



👧 Song Jaehee | 18 | student | 4  funny, creative, exciting | these two met when they were in high school and have been best friends ever since. Jaehee understands Nell's love for music and ambition to be an idol and she supports her all the way. she herself in a fine arts major and hopes to own her own gallery someday.




👦 Lee Taemin | 18 | Idol (SHINee) | 4 | Optimistic, Goofy, Dancing is his life | Nell and Taemin are became friends gradually as they often being partnered up in scool projects. Taemin acts a lot like a mother to Nell as she lost her mother when she's 11. Taemin always scolding Nell for being so stuborn. She calls Taemin "eomma" a lot to mess with him.





👪 SM Family | Various | Idols, actors, actress, models, CEO | 5 |  Various



👪 YG Family | Various | Idols, CEO | 3 |  Various


They Make My Heart Race



Love interest: Ji Chang Wook

Age: 24 y/o (2011) 29 y/o (2016)

Birthday: 5th July 1987

Group/OC: Actor


 (Positive) Observant, Meddlesome & Opinionated, Sweet & Funny, Romantic

(Negative) Blunt & Insensitive, Stuborn, Jealous, Temper

In Depth: 

💫 Observant -  Changwook is quite good at noticing changes and moods in people.  He knows the strain that Nell is constantly under, he can see it in her every move.

💫 Meddlesome and opinionated - As observant as he is, Changwook feels that he can't sit idly by while Nell's under so much pressure. He's always telling Nell what he thinks she should do. He tries to be supportive, but he's just so opinionated and he feels the need to voice these opinions at all times too.

💫 Blunt and insensitive - Changwook is also not very good at voicing his opinions in a thoughtful or subtle way. He says it the way he sees it. There's also the unfortunate side-effect that he always thinks he's right, and when he is proven right he can be downright insufferable about it.

💫 Sweet and funny - He doesn't always use his powers of observation in bad ways. He can be really sweet to those he cares about, and he always knows how to make Nell laugh and when she most needs it.

💫 Romantic - Changwook is a big fan of romantic gestures, both big and small. He believes in holding open doors, offering his coat to her at the slightest hint of coldness, and giving her flowers. Normally this would set Nell's heart flutter, and really it still does.

💫 Stubborn - When Changwook wants something, he's very insistent about it. With determination Changwook has usually gotten what he wanted in life, and he's learned that if she doesn't give up then in the end he'd get what he wants. The man just doesn't quit, and that's a bit part of the problem.

💫 Jealous - Another unfortunate trait of Changwook is that he can be rather jealous, sometimes irrationally so. He can get frustrated and irritable when Nell spends a lot of time with other boys, or even if variety shows push love lines. 

💫 Temper - Changwook has a bit of an explosive temper. He would nevet hit anyone, but when he really gets going he yells and rages and throw stuff over and says things he'll regret. 


How you met:

The two first met in 2012 while shooting K.Will's I Need You MV with Nell being the lead actress and Changwook the lead actor. as the MV requires a lot of skinship like hugging etc. they got closer and closer like they have been friends a long time ago. Changwook blends well with Nell's personality and that made them not too awkward with each other. they exchange numbers and been best friend since. they hang out like normal friends do.

In 2013, they were feautred again in SPEED's Thats My Fault & It's Over MV due to the director who worked with them in K.Will's MV and adored their chemistry a lot.

Early 2014, they were paired up in the show "We Got Married". As they were close friend, their first meeting in the show was rather fun and exciting and there's no room to be awkward between them. The fans nicknamed them "Movie Couple" as the two really loves to watch movies and had a movie date every weekend. They also called them "Abs Couple" due to one episode where Changwook brought Nell to his gym and they revealed each other perfect abs. 

Changwook realizes that he had a weird feeling a.k.a love when he was with Nell. He can be whoever he wanted to without being ashamed. He's in love with his own friend. While in the other hand, Nell feels like that too since the way that Changwook take care of her in the show or outside was like a boyfriend towards his girlfriend. 

The last episode in "We Got Married", Changwook confesses his real feelings towards Nell right in front her face instead of having a farewell like normal couple in that show does. She was flustered for a while of course and make her mind up and accept Changwook's feelings towards her and she wants to love Changwook back. And thats how the real couple was formed!

After their shocking dating news, the couple were offered various CFs and photoshoots as a couple. Due to Nell's hectic schedules and Changwook's schedule, they didnt have time to date in public together but instead in each other house or just in the car.

In 2015, Nell and Changwook was offered as lead roles in The K2 and making them the first korean real couple acting together as leads.


The way you act around each other: 

When they sit together, he will make sure he sits closer or the closest to her. When eating, he would feed her and demands her to do the same.When he is super happy , unknowingly he will pick her up and runs around the room carrying her. When he's in his teasing mood, he will make that kind of erted face and traps her inside of him.When they walk together, he would always offers her piggyback ride, even if he himself is tired.His new hobby is to (the kind of teases that would make girls totally fall and blush for), even if she reacts sarcastically, he still found it amusing. He will calls her in the middle of the night asking things like, "Hey love, are you dreaming of me?" or "Hey sweetheart, are you hugging the teddybear I gave you? Or are you actually imagining you are hugging me instead?" and more and more. 

 They are each other's support systems. When his temper gets riled up, she knows how to calm him. When she gets too reckless with everything and tends to forget about herself, he's the one to put her in check. Nell likes to think of him as her big teddy bear and loves to cuddle with him although he can get on her nerves with his teasings. When he's with her, his dorky personality tends to come out and his smoothness of being a flirt doesn't work on her. They know that they can be their own selves around each other and there's just something about the way they click that makes him want to be the perfect gentleman for her. Nell was surprised at how sensitive and softhearted he can get because he rarely shows it, but she just finds him more attractive than he already is. He doesn't know how to say no to her because all he wants to do is be the best man he can be and give her the world that she deserves. He knows he messes up most of time and she ends up always forgiving him, but he does want to prove that he's going to be a better man for her. They also love to joke around with each other and it's seen through their interactions together during appearances they have together. 

Status: still dating

Scene requests:


💖 A scene where Changwook goes to surprise her on set while she is filming Emergebcy Couple


💖 Changwook planned a surprise birthday party for Nell and vice versa


💖 A scene where Changwook comforts a crying Nell because she heard a loud thunder


💖 inviting members/real life bestfriend to their WGM house.


💖 double/triple date with other couple

💖 going to Africa together for humanitarian mission 


💖 going on a field trip with the Song triplets as Changwook really adores them

Arch Nemesis

Rival: [optional] Name - Age - Occuptation - Group/OC - Personality [key words] - How did the rivarly start? - The way you act around each other

The Journey

Trainee life: 

when she fist got into YG, many knew that she was Se7en precious sister, and some trainess would try to get closer to her because of thta. there were even some who would think that the trainers were showing favourism towards her when she was praised, yet it wall all due to her hardwork. this continued, she started getting insecure about certain things, fortunately, it all soon stopped after a while and she made a lots of friends easily, being the social butterfly that she is. more people liked her for who she is and acknowledeged her of her singing skills.

in 2010, YG announces that they'll collab with SM in exchanging some trainess to give them more experiences. and Nell's name was the first on the list. 

when she was well adjusted to how things worked around the industry, she focused more into her trainings at SM. she wasnt one of the best dancers but her dances was decent. her singing however, was what she was most confident in. her dances have improved since she began taking lessons but no doubt that her singing was better.

talent aside was maintaining your visuals as it played an important part as well for the standards of a kpop idol. diets were an essential for trainess and she may have been reprimanded multiple times despit her lean figure for snacking too much. amongst all that, the tiresome and endless practices from early morning to late into the night almost made her call quits at some point. it was exhausting but she endured it, waiting for her debut.


How long were you a trainee:

YG ENT. = 2 years

SM ENT. = 1 year

Pre debut activites: none

Any scandals?: none

Would you like scandals in the future? If so, what kind?: none

A Shining Star

Stage name: Nell

Persona: Spring Blossom

Personal fan club name: Blossoms

Fan club colour:  #ff9999 

Singing twin: F(X) Krystal

Rapping twin: F(X) Krystal

Dancing twin: SNSD Yuri

What position would you like to have: lead dancer, lead singer,  face of the group

Small details: she can compose and write songs. and even choreograph dances for the song

Social networking sites: instagram, twitter, snapchat (@/nellista)

Fanservice: she'll pose for every camera no matter its at the airport, backstage, or even the street. She'll also give out some candies to the fans at fansigning and attends all the parties that Blossoms threw. she's also active in her SNS for her fans' sake

Going solo:

Actress , Ambassador, Song Producer , Spokesperson


Important Questions

Messy or Neat: Neat

Can you cook and clean?: both yes but not too good at cooking

Would you mind a roommate?: yeah sure

Noisy or Quiet: A bit noisy but quiet sometimes

Do you like animals? If so, would you mind pets?: I like animal but no pets please because no one will take care of them while we're working.

Are there any concepts that you'd like SunRise to try out?: y concept? or maybe halloween type? ooh and cheerleader concept too!

And That's It Folks!

Comments: I love you sooooo muchie 💋

Debut song suggestions: SNSD The Boys

Other song suggestions: Twice Cheer Up

Scene suggestions: 

🎀  moments between the girls and their love interest.
🎀 sisterhood moments
🎀 scene where the members met the Se7en for the first time and all went crazy
🎀 draaaaammmmmaaaaa!
🎀 Nell and Changwook get in a scandal where they are said that they're married. they both just had on couple rings  and fans mistaked them as wedding rings. 

🎀 individual collabs with other artist and special stages

🎀 post-kiss, Changwook and Nell have to perform a y/romantic collab performance for a special stage during inkigayo
🎀 shows : after school club, weekly idol, hello counselor,2 days & 1 night, running man, healing camp, their own show, etc.

🎀 add anything and I believe that this will be a fantastic story =')


Would you like drama and angst?: hell yeah

It's all DONE:


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