Random rant about portrayal of female characters

I feel like ranting so bear with me.

Unlike my last rant, this rant doesn't really concern any idols, rather, it's about how female characters are often portrayed in the fics I read and how they're viewed in what I write.

The other day I was pretty hyped up because I saw that I've gotten a new comment, but the moment I saw the comment my mood just dropped. I guess it's my failure that the character I've built up wasn't seen in the way she was supposed to be so I'll just deviate from here.

But really, whether it's a fic or an OC fic, every time a female character is created as the antagonist she would get a lot of hate which is normal, but I think we need to change our perspectives a little. Scratch that. We need to change that a lot.

However, when the writers themselves portray the characters in such a light, I don't think readers can see them in a positive light. For example, why is it that nearly all female characters I read were nearly the same when it came to a boy? What is up with the constant girl hate? It's a question to all authors, do you really see all girls that way? Because if you do, then I have nothing to say to you.

All these stereotypical fights between best friends calling each other 'es', 's' and other such adjectives are getting old and problematic. When the antagonist makes a move she's labeled these by none other than the protagonist and the readers, which is rather hilarious. If you have no problems calling someone a '' casually (Unless it's affectionately among friends) then odds are, you're the .

Another thing should be cleared right here, the simple action of wishing to impress a boy is not 'ty'. Look up the word '' in your dictionary. I can assure you it says something along the lines of 'a woman with more than one casual ual partners'. Guess what? Someone's life is none of your business so '' isn't a label you should be using at all. But hey, I can't dictate what you say so I'll just let the world be devoured by this cancer called ' shaming'.

I absolutely love when someone is calling a girl a and hating on her for the same thing they would consider a boy (Strictly talking about fiction) 'damaged' for. Isn't that adorable?

Another thing I absolutely love is when these stereotypical fights between female characters are not shown in the negative light. Yes, girl hate exists just as much in reality as it doesn in fiction and it's a realistic side that can be shown in fiction. However, writing it in an encouraging manner is abolutely stupid. Most fics I've read have this message like 'hey, she stole your man and all, but you're better than her cause you aren't a '. If you're actually encouraged by this, then honey, you're absolutely pathetic.

Also, many OCs and female characters are portrayed as stupid and brainless, overly cheery, dependent on others, weak and simply living for the sake of finding love. Do some reasearch. Around 80% of women have better things to do in life. Not everyone is head over heels for her crush to the point of letting him walk all over her. Self respect is a thing that exists.

Call me a feminist or what you will. Feminism isn't a bad thing unless you want to go back to the time when women had no rights. Say feminism is cancerous? You don't know what feminism is. Feminism isn't a simple concept we can use lightly just because it's misinterpreted. So, please be discreet about your words and female characters unless you're fine with degradation of women. You can't except men to respect women when we don't respect women as women.

That's all and bye.


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Persont #1
Yeah, exactly!!!! If two female characters are fighting, tey never seem to have a reason other than a boy! What if they just dont get along? Or somehing else. There needs to be a reason for the fight other than love or its boring. Like maybe someone is trying to hide something and her cover gets blown by accident by the other. would she be mad? yes. and its way more interestng than cat fights
Yessssss. I agree wholeheartedly with your blogpost. Keep the female strength coming!
I could say a lot but I have nothing to say because you already said it all so I just wish I could give this entire blogpost an upvote.
I definitely see what you are saying and I can say that I agree with your statements and I am certainly not blind to them, in fact I've seen other peeps on AFF talk about girls and the problems of how they are portrayed and problems with double standards with boys and stuff. I myself have fallen to some of these things in the past (and maybe still do) when it comes to my own writing, so I'm not going to say I'm not guilty of a few because I am. But, I do like trying to be unique and different from many others (and experimenting) and what they do when it comes to storylines and characters , so I can say that I do try to make my female OC/female idol characters not like the norm or have different styles and types and whatnot (not just to be different tho but also because I like making them like that) or similar while switching things up, and I think so far with what I'm writing and what I plan to in the future, I'm doing a good job (at least, I feel like I am). For example, I currently have a fic (barely started but...) with 7 main OC friends all with different personalities (and they do/will curse at each other affectionately like you point out) and like one of them has this nice, friendly and kinda innocent aura to her but she is still capable of taking care of herself and likes being independent. And then I have another idea that I wanna put out (supernatural) with Vixx where the female protagonist has to go out and save them since they need her help so she will be shown as like a badass fighter from time to time, but I want to make her personality just nice and down to earth as much as I can plus confident as well, while maybe being a little cocky here and there. So yeah, I don't really care much about what the trends are or what's popular for the most part, I write what I wanna write, and if I can make it not so super stereotypical (unless it's like for comedy purposes or something) then the better. Good on you for making this blog, really.