B.A.P 'Badman' inspired Halloween look


Yeah so I'm no makeup artist but I did this cos I was bored and thought it would be cool. I only had two things available on me which was an eyeshadow pallet and watercolours haha so yeah, but tbh the watercolours were really useful cos they gave a cracked, worn-off look.

The whole thing is basically Jongup's look in badman, except more realistic cos I mean Jongup may look flawless after defeating half of America but I wouldn't so yeah

I wish I could actually do this for Halloween but everyone would ask me who I am and what I'm supposed to be etc so yeah, it was fun ^^

Also lets ignore the fact my neck and arms have not a spot of blood on them lol I didn't want to do a whole body look and my watercolours were starting to run out T-T I mean I could have done some bruises...nah lets just ignore that but for now

Peace X 


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I wanna do that! But I'm to lazy to actually do anything other than wear my wolf hat XD
(still gotta figure out what to actually wear with it tho...)
That's pretty cool! ^^)b