Tiffany returns to SNS after her controversy


After undergoing public scrutiny and enduring backlash for a careless post on Snapchat, Girls' Generation's Tiffany posted an apology and took a break from SNS.  She seems to be back now, though, because on October 19, she posted three new pictures on Instagram!  These are her first normal posts since the incident.

The pictures are simple, showing the idol in different photo shoots, whether it's for 'Sheen,' saying her name is not Tiffany but "Elegant," or for 'Baby G' watches.  The first one she posted was simply one of her back.  

The public response to her SNS comeback is divided.  Some stated, "It's too soon," as she's only "self-reflected" for seven weeks.  On the other hand, most fans were welcoming, stating they had been waiting for her and welcoming her back with open arms.  



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