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Birth Name: Vera
— min haerin : her alias name, this is what the humans know her as
Years: 203
Species: Demon
Face Claim: Song Jieun

Back-up Face Claim: Ashley Choi

Appearance: With caramel brown hair that reaches down to the middle of her back and chocolate brown eyes, Vera fools humans easily with friendly features hiding the fact that she is indeed a demon. She stands at 165 cms and weighs in at around 50 kg, most of her weight muscle. She has three different tattoos, two of them small, one of them larger. One of the smaller ones is behind her ear, a moon to represent the night that she loves oh so much. Another is a lotus flower on her inner left wrist. Her biggest tattoo lies on her back, a compass to lead her in the right direction.

Style: Vera's style is more formal casual kind of style, but from time to time she changes to a more tomboy and comfortable style. She'd much rather be wearing something that she feels confident in rather than something she's uncomfortable. 
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( + ) // Daring, Observant, Sophisticated
( - ) // Lazy, Stubborn, Blunt, Arrogant, Over-confident

Expanded Personality:
Vera, or better known as Haerin by the humans is pretty sophisticated and likes to think of herself as if she's the best of the best though she really isn't. She loves to challenge people who think that they are better than her, or people who she just finds annoying. She isn't afraid of fighting and will do anything to make sure her voice is heard and make sure that her input is valuable. Of course she wouldn't just pick a fight out of nowhere, she'd rather stand and observe the situation first before acting upon her words, taking in every single detail that is given and making predictions as to what will happen first before making a move. Vera would also like to think that she's fairly sophisticated, always acting as if she's the queen of the world to those around her, it's almost as if she's the queen bee of a cliche book where there's a nerd girl and a queen bee of the school. Yeah, that would be her.

Not only does she have a bit too much confidence in herself, she's fairly lazy making those around her do things instead of her doing it herself. She'd much rather be relaxing in bed than doing actual work but she knows that if she wants to make money she'd have to work. Being lazy isn't her only negative, she's also pretty stubborn. Though it kind of goes with her daring side, she won't take no for an answer and will try everything in her power to make sure things go her way. If it doesn't she will blow her top and all hell will be loose. Vera has no limit as to how far her stubborness will go and she will hold grudges if things don't go as she wanted. If she has to negotiate for what she wants, or if she's speaking to someone that she isn't on good terms with she'll be arrogantly blunt and say anything she wants just to get on their nerves. 

Vera has come from the dephts of hell, born on a nice warm day. She has lived in hell for most of her life, but the moment she had reached 100 years of age, she decided to go and visit the human world for once. After a few days of visiting and slowly falling in love with the human world and how the humans had treated her so nicely, as if she was the queen, she had decided to personally go up to the human world and live there for the rest of her life. While living in the human world, she has developed a love for being the best of the best on everything and is used to getting complimented every where she goes. She interacts with humans on a daily basis as she works as a receptionist for a company. 


— Works as a receptionist/secratary
— Loves getting compliments, she compliments herself daily
— Anybody who praises her she becomes friends with
— Cannot deal with anyone who goes against her.

— Carries around chocolate mints around with her, because she wants chocolate and good smelling breath.
— Lives alone in a pretty big apartment for just one person

Possible Pairing(s): Vulpis, Daemon, Angelis


— Telekinesis // ability to move things with her mind
— Pyrokinesis // ability to control fire
— Mind - control // ability to control the minds of those around her, though she isn't very good at it and can only do it for 10 minutes tops.
— Illusions // she's able to make those around her have illusions, but only if they have a weak enough mental state.
— Flight // she uses her wings to take flight

Comments/Suggestions: I swear I am missing some things. Like seriously, if you see any please tell me! I would appreciate it. Anyways, I can't wait for this story! It's a good plot!

Scene Request(s): 
— a big argument scene with someone about something ridiculous like chocolate or amount of sleep or something!

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