you next door
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Image result for jung wheein
lee eunri
oppaishmine . rey . 6

NAME : lee, eunri 
- freeloader // seokjin calls her this because of the fact that she basically freeloads off of him, especially when it comes to food.

- dear husband // seokjin also calls her this whenever she uses his wifey title on her. 
- eun-one // her best friend uses this on her because both of their names start with eun. she calls her best friend eun-two. 
BIRTHDAY : 02.28.1994
BIRTH PLACE : jeonju, south korea
HOME TOWN : jeonju, south korea

ETHNICITY : korean
- korean // fluent // it's only reasonable that she's fluent since she's born in korea.
- english // conversational // she's not that good at english but is currently taking classes to improve her english, cause you know. she wants to speak the world language too. 

OCCUPATION : part-time vocal trainer / college student (dance major)
ROOM : 302


FACECLAIM : jung wheein (mamamoo)
BACK UP : choi yuna (yuju, gfriend) 

HEIGHT : 164 cm
WEIGHT : 50 kg

APPEARANCE : she has caramel brown/blonde hair that reaches down to the middle of her back that she likes to keep in slight waves unless too lazy to actually do her hair. she also has a small tattoo behind her ear and a slightly bigger one on her back that shows whenever she wears a backless shirt.  
STYLE : eunri loves wearing t-shirt dresses as well as a big shirt with a simple pair of shorts. she'd rather be comfortable than stylish and will even go out wearing just a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt or a pair of pajama pants and a plain shirt that she slept in the night before. 
// 1 2 3 4 5 //


{ + } // caring, energetic, friendly, confident, optimistic
{ - } // lazy, a bluffer, awkward, finds it hard to talk to strangers, naive

- eunri has always been an energetic and friendly child, she was able to make friends pretty easily as a child but when she started growing up, she became more and more awkward, but tries her best to continue being fairly friendly. she's a fairly confident and prideful human being, putting in a lot of work towards her passion of dancing and singing, but when it comes to simple house-work tasks, she's hopeless and tends to rely on those around her to do the work for her. if it wasn't for the house-work then she would be 100% perfect, according to her of course. she doesn't like to think negatively and always thinks on the positive side, looking more towards the light and not focusing on the dark. she always looks out for those around her, and will do almost anything to keep them happy, if she finds it doable of course.

but then again, there's the simple tasks in life that always hold her back. if you were to look into her room, you'd see a big mess, clothes all over the floor, the sink filled with dishes, and the trash bag filled with old trash that she forgot to take out. this is all thanks to her laziness that she all of a sudden gets when she reaches the apartment building. she can't cook for herself so she always asks her next door neighbor for some help and of course, not wanting to let go of her own pride, she bluffes that she plans on doing her own stuff soon, but that's all just a lie that she'll soon forget. adding to the fact that she's friendly, she actually finds it hard to talk to strangers. she panics a bit over how she should approach them and how the whole conversation will go, only to make it awkward before she's finally able to break out of her own shell and become her optimistic self once again. not only that, but she buys into lies easily, making her the most naive child you'll ever see. she falls for the simplest of tricks, especially when you just hide behind the door when she leaves the room and comes back only to see you no where. when you scare her she automatically screams and cries, so you can call her a scardey cat for sure. 

- likes // colors; pastels and darker blues/purples, sweets, taking naps whenever she can, the cooking of seokjin eomma, hot chocolate, foggy days, learning dances from random kpop idols, going out on a walk in the winter, ddeokbokki (she can live on just this), romantic comedies (though she won't admit it), loves eating oranges
- dislikes // anything that has to do with horror, clowns, overly confident people (she acts as if she isn't one of them), a lot of veggies in her food, coffee, milk chocolate, apples, cooking, house chores
- fears // the dark, seokjin eomma being sick.
- habits // barging into seokjin's house whenever she's hungry, laughs in awkward situations only to make it even more awkward, daydreaming while waiting on her food.
- random facts // she made seokjin give her a spare key to his room for whenever she's too hungry to make her own food, she tends to stay out pretty late at her college studio to practice over what they did in the day, she knows how to confidently make one dish she's proud of (she even has a whole song about it)

LIFESTYLE : every morning she wakes up pretty early for a morning stretch and a light breakfast before going to college and studying there. on days that she have a shorter kind of day, she goes and does her part-time job as a vocal trainer for those either in her college or trainees who need the work done. by dinner time she's home and knocking on seokjin's door for some food, cause of course, why would she want to cook for herself at such a time? she lives a pretty routined lifestyle, not really wanting to break it, unless it's for the committee of her apartment complex. 

BACKGROUND : eunri lived a pretty normal life, she was raised with a lot of love which gave her the confidence she has now. her parents were always supportive of her as well, but of course had they had their arguments and hardships here and there but there wasn't much to her life. she has a nice family consisting of her mother, father, and older brother, and of course she visits them from time to time, always making sure to call them once every two weeks to make sure everything is okay. she had moved away from them after graduating from high school, knowing that she wanted something just a bit more than living as a simple woman, she wanted to dance and so into the apartment complex she went as well as going to a college near there to reach her dreams of becoming a professional dancer. 


lee junho // 26 // dancer // older brother // they get along pretty well, in fact he's the person who gave eunri the idea of becoming a dancer, just like him. she's always looked up to him and always goes to him whenever she needs help perfecting a certain move or just needs advice on how to live. // playful, caring, hard-working

hwang eunnbi // 21 // college student (dance major // best friend // these two met in their dance class and somehow clicked. it was as if they knew each other since forever and it's rare for them to be apart during school. // mischevious, energetic, clumsy


kim seokjin
Love interest

NAME : kim, seokjin
BACK UP : hong, jisoo (joshua)
- seokjin eomma // he's basically her mother who does everything for her
- jin chef // she calls him this whenever she wants to learn how to cook something from him.
- wifey // eunri calls him this just to

BIRTHDAY : 04.12.92
OCCUPATION : part-time mukbang, college student (culinary arts major)

{ + } // caring, motherly, hard-working, loveable
{ - } // perfectionist, over-protective, clumsy, awkward
seokjin is just like a mother, always looking out for eunri and always takes care of all of the house work for her, well at least most of the time. he's very caring yet strict, making sure everything is done just like he wants it to be. he does tend to be a bit over protective of his stuff as well as his friends, always making sure that nothing is wrong and that they will be okay no matter where they are. adding to that, he tends to be awkward at everything he does, including trying to look good and trying to smooth talk. but then again, he's just full on a loveable, awkward, caring guy. 

INTERACTIONS : they act just like a married couple, only this time the roles are reversed. eunri is the husband and seokjin is the loving wife, doing everything for his "husband". eunri loves teasing seokjin with the whole wife thing and is always talking about how delicious his food is every time she takes a bite. they are basically an old married couple that won't admit that they're just a little bit in love.

STORY : they first met when eunri knocked on his door, asking for some sugar. she was trying to make a small cake for herself on her birthday but ran out of some sugar and needed some, and she knew for a fact that her neighbor could cook, especially with the smell of food coming from his door 24/7. seokjin had opened his door, smelling something burning only to see eunri in front of him asking for some sugar. of course eunri hadn't noticed the burning smell but when she did, she immediately ran over to stop the smell from spreading even more than it already had. in the end, seokjin had to bake a cake for eunri, and soon enough, it became a regular thing for eunri to go over to his house for food and snacks!

they didn't fall in love at first sight of course, they slowly fell into a rhythm that worked for them. a day without seokjin's food made eunri miss him just a bit more than the last time, not hearing eunri's praise of his food made seokjin miss her just a bit more than before as well. of course they didn't want to tell each other this, it would be awkward if one liked the other while the other only thought of them as a friend. so patiently and quietly, they both continued to fall more and more with each other, waiting for that one day where they would both admit that they liked eachh other. 

— eunri always goes over to seokjins place for dinner, well unless she goes overtime on practice. that's when she texts him that she'll be late. like a good husband

— seokjin always tries to sneak in a couple of veggies in eunri's food.
— they both become awkward really quickly if they get into a touchy feely kind of situation
— seokjin always tries to take eunri to the gym, but she refuses to. 
— they both can't handle horror movies... 
— eunri loves challenging seokjin to dance battles, knowing that he's a great dancer

ENDING : you can choose! i'm not that picky ^^

Image result for jin bts 2016

get to know you

WHY DID YOU JOIN THE GREEN COMMITTEE : uhm... i honestly don't know why i joined. probably because it was on the entry form and i just said yes for the heck of it. 
ARE YOU CLOSE TO THE MEMBERS : i'd like to think that i'm close with the members! i get along with them pretty well so it's not that hard to talk to them. 
DO YOU HAVE A GYM MEMBERSHIP : .....stupid seokjin made me get one.. but then again, it's good for me i guess, being a dance major and all. 
HOW LONG DO YOU PLAN ON STAYING HERE : as long as i can. i mean it's a good place to live, plus having seokjin next door gives me an unlimited amount of food, so i don't plan to move out until seokjin does!
DO YOU HAVE A PET? IF YES, WHAT IS IT? : sadly i don't have a pet, though i do want a puppy! one would be the best.. though i'm sure seokjin would have to take care of it rather than me... ehe. 
WHY DO YOU LIVE ALONE? : i didn't want to burden my parents anymore, plus it's closer to college so it works out fine for me! living alone also helps with my idepencence, though i am pretty dependent and high maintenance.. 

ending notes

QUESTIONS : uhm... do you like pie? and if so, what's your favorite?
COMMENTS : good luck trying to write the story! i shall enjoy it when it comes out *^* if there's anything i need to fix, just tell me and i shall work on it right away!
SCENE REQUESTS : eunri trying to cook for seokjin would be the best thing ever (using the only recipe she knows xD)

PASSWORD : the song she lives on.


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