☇ ROMANCE : for lee miram

lee miram
oppaishmine . rey . seven out of ten
this is a joke. right? : like you guys aren't really serious about this whole love thing, right? and he isn't serious too... right?
jung wheein
back up
yoon bomi
159 cm
49 kg
the one and only
name: lee, miram
other names:
ram / not only is it the last part of her name, she also is fierce like a ram when she's mad so it makes sense that she's named that. hyunmin and her mother use it against her a lot.
 love guru / the girls use this to kind of tease miram while seriously using it for advice at times. 
birthday: 02 28 1995
birthplace: daegu, south korea
hometown: seoul, south korea
ethincity: korean
nationality: korean
korean / fluent / born and raised in korea so it's essential that she's fluent. 
— english / barely conversational / she loves the english language but is barely able to speak it properlly though she considers herself to be a master.
basics / about character
turning heads
faceclaim: Jung Wheein
backup: Yoon Bomi

height: 159cm
weight: 49kg

style: miram is more for comfort than for style. most of the time of course. she does aim more for guy clothes seeing that they are just a tad bit bigger and much more comfy than most of the clothing that  girls wear today. she absolutely loves wearing large sweaters along with a hat over her head. she rarely wears dresses or skirts but when she does she puts in the effort to look nice and makes sure that she isn't too overdressed or under dressed for the occasion. 01 02 03 04  05 06
appearance: miram has dyed her hair a light caramel kind of brown but has plans to redye it black just so that she can once again have dark hair. she also has a small tattoo of an arrow going towards her palm her inner left wrist, cause why not, she thought it was cool.
all about the face
beauty inside
traits: ( pos ) / caring, humorous, "wise", selfless
           ( neg ) / sarcastic, cynical, dense
miram is the person that you go for some advice. she has the best thinking and is what others say, "wise". especially in the category of love. though she hasn't had a love herself, she loves giving advice to others that are in need and makes sure that they are heard and have clear advice on how they can continue with their love interest. despite that she's pretty funny, at least she thinks she is. she absolutely loves making dad jokes and laughs at her own jokes with no shame. she's 100% confident in her humor and if nobody laughs her answer is, "ahh, i guess i was too funny huh?" though at times her sarcasticness is able to make most people laugh because of how much sarcasm she puts into her words, it's as if she stresses each word with as much sass as she can and the next thing you know, at least one person who knows her well is smiling.

her "only" weakness is her not wanting others to know that she cares about them. she loves putting up a tough kind of front in front of those around her just because of the way she was raised. she's always been a toughy and it's hard to break her down and make her show her emotions clearly despite her giving others all the advice that they need. she also sees her sarcasm as a pro but others see it as a con. miram kind of uses her sarcasm a bit too much in her everyday speech it's almost as if you never know when she is being sarcastic or not, unless it's absolutely clear that she is being sarcastic. another one of her weaknesses is that she's cynical. she finds it impossible that one is able to change another with just them being there. she more believes that if you want something, you have to get it yourself. be independent and do everything without help. it's a part of who she is, she finds it embarrassing when she needs help doing something, especially if it makes her seem like a damsel in distress. there's also the fact that she's pretty dense and isn't able to read the mood well. it takes her a while to realize that the mood has dampened or if somebody likes her. because she feels that she's a bit too boyish there aren't many people that like her so she completely has given up on love with someone. along with this, she's just a bit too lazy to actually find someone to love. being independent she finds it that she doesn't really need anybody to help her. she's perfectly fine by herself and she wants it to stay that way. at least that's what she thinks. 

background: ever since she was born she was raised by her mother. she has no idea where her father is and the only information she has of him is his name and how he looks from before she was born, as well as hearing stories about him from her mother. so, as she was raised, her mother has always told her that she doesn't need any man in her life, and that she should live independently. it's the only way that she was going to be happy and live without any heartbreaks.

as the years went by, miram hasn't had one boyfriend at all, was raised pretty much like a boy despite having lived with a woman for so long. having heard all of the stories about her mother and father's relationship she's used what her mother has been through as advice for her friends around her who have all "fallen in love" with a guy and need help trying to get them to like them. 

lee hyunae (43)  / mother / miram's mother, the one who's raised her all her life and kept on telling stories about her father and their love. of course hyunae loved the man, probably still does seeing that she talks about him a lot, but she's a hardworking mother, always trying to make her daughter have the best time of her life. 

— loves making dad jokes, they're her life.
— basically doesn't believe in love unless it's a family member or dear friend of hers.
— she adores cats
— she doesn't like wearing bright colors but stick to more neutral and pastel colors for her clothes.
— a bad habit of hers is and biting her lips.
— also likes to bite her nails so keeping them long is impossible.
— winter is actually her favorite season, sweaters all day long!
— sweets are love, sweets are life. (her favorites are hershey's dark chocolates) 
— loves giving advice to others, especially about love despite hating love itself. (she makes no sense)
— she'd rather date a cat than a human being at the moment.

— moved to seoul after her mother found a new and bigger job in seoul
— if in an argument she tries to be the bigger person despite being so short.
— miram is a college student, aiming to become a psychologist.
all about the face
name. kang hyunmin
birthdate. 07 01 1994
birthplace / hometown. seoul, south korea
you and i
love interest: ahn jaehyun (actor)
backup: park seungjun (knk) 

hyunmin is the type of person to fall in love pretty quickly. he doesn't like any of the goody goodies or the bady baddies, he goes for those inbetween. those that don't like a lot of attention, those that have humor, and those that just ignore him a lot. but if you had to put him with his friends, he's the one with humor and is the kind of more innocent one of the group. he loves cracking jokes and is able to become friends with strangers easily due to how smiley and friendly he is. he has fallen in love multiple times but is more shy on how to approach the girls he likes unless he knows he is able to get the girl within seconds. there are also a lot of girls that fall in love with him and his cute kind of aura around him but if he doesn't find them interesting enough he only thinks of them as friends. when he does have a girlfriend though, he treats her as a queen, making sure that she is happy and is able to deal with his possesiveness over her. 

interactions: due to miram being able to meet the standards of hyunmin, he immediately falls in love with her but because he doesn't know much about the girl he starts off with the friendly, "hi, i'm hyunmin, who are you?" of course to be polite miram interacts with him and they become almost close friends. as they continue to interact as friends, hyunmin starts making his moves, trying to get miram to notice that he's actually in love with her and wants to make her his girlfriend but because miram is too dense, she only sees him as a friend, almost as an older brother.
love story: miram and hyunmin met in a math class that they had together despite hyunmin being a bit older than she is. of course he hadn't noticed her at first because he was aiming for a different girl but when he realized that the other girl had a boyfriend he was in a depressing mood. amazingly during this time there was a partner kind of project, they had to study for a math test that was coming up and they needed partners to test each other and make sure everyone knew what was coming up. their professor handed out each person a card from a card deck and they had to find someone who had the number or letter as they did. as the two were paired, hyunmin fell in love almost immediately with miram. that was their beginning. 
as the two continue to see each other in this math class, hyunmin continues to fall more and more in love with miram while miram is just having fun being his friend. hyunmin's friends as they see him sit next to her almost everyday during that class and they try to set the two up together but with how dense miram is, she sees none of the signs. 
— hyunmin attempts at trying to be a manly man while hanging out with miram to make her look at him like a man instead of a brother. 
— miram always asks hyunmin to copy his homework whenever she doesn't have hers done and has no shame in having to be all touchy feely with him to get him to give her his math homework.
— hyunmin's friends always tease hyunmin about miram and they try to help make it obvious to miram that he likes her while she's hanging out with his group of friends. 
— miram loves calling hyunmin minnie mouse, cause why not?
— miram does slowly develop feelings for hyunmin but keeps the feels down cause you know, independence

: After a few months of being so frustrated that miram won't think of hyunmin as a man, he brings her out on a date, and tries his best to make her realize that he loves her oh so much. but with much frustration, she doesn't get it so he has to yell it out for her to realize that he loves her. of course she's confused. why would he like someone like her? as she doesn't respond to him, he gives her a kiss on the cheek and walks away, giving her time to think about it. miram avoids him for a few days, leaving him to feel depressed, thinking that he's been dumped due to her not responding. but with much talk with the girls, she's forced by the girls of the group to go out and meet him, tell him that she loves him as well and just to make sure that the two have a happy ending, the whole group follows her to make sure that she doesn't back out. their couple being the last of the group to fall in love and become a couple. 
why did you join romance for dummies?: i just thought that it would be something entertaining. it also gives me a reason to go out sometimes too. 
what was your first impression?: i thought that it was a joke at first, then i realized that everyone was serious. it was pretty surprising. i didn't expect there to be so many girls who actually wanted to do this.. 
what is your current impression?: everything is good! they're all good girls who just want to fall in love with the right guy. everyone is able to talk comfortably and everyone trusts everyone. 
do you get along with the others?: of course i do, i give them all the advice that they need. it'd be weird if i didn't get along with them, they're basically the sisters i've never had. 
who are you closest to?: i get along with chaeeun pretty well, as well as {does it come w/ instructions}. 
do you think they helped you with romance?: haha, of course they did! i helped them a lot with theirs and i'm glad they helped me with mine. though it was a bit awkward having them watch mine go down..
does your love interest know you're in this group?: yeup! he knows that i'm in this group. i'm not that embarrassed of it. it's just a bunch of girls doing girl things you know?
have you ever considered leaving? if yes, why didn't you?: no. though it was pretty amazing at the beginning, and a little bit frustrating, no. they're just girls afterall. 
getting to know you
ending notes
questions or comments: i couldn't resist the urge to put ahn jaehyun in there as my love interest. i just had to.. especially with cinderella and the four knights.. but i hope that you liked her! mine isn't as long as others but i hope you still found her enjoyable! if there's anything that doesn't make sense just tell me! i'll make sure to fix it! oh, and two of the questions from the interview aren't colored cause i couldn't color them QuQ
suggestions: go crazy with the love interest ending xD I do like the idea of all the girls needing to watch over her to make sure she says the three magical words!

scene requests
— girl bonding time is essential. 
— just all of the girls pigging out on some candy and miram going on a sugar high would be nice!

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