Off to Thailand and other places!!

Hi! So I’m off around the world in the next few months! for those who haven’t heard, in three weeks I’m off to the Great Barrier Reef up the coast of Australia on a cruise ship! I am taking my mini laptop with me so I can write and edit updates during the night. So, when I get back there will be updates for all of you!! I will post pictures too.

For those of you who saw my last cruise images, between then and now I’ve lost 26kg that’s 57.3 pounds! It’s been a hard seven months but I am making progress in my new year’s resolution to lose weight! I hope once I finish all the weight I wanna lose, I will post a progress blog! But I’m not there yet!

In march/April I’m flying off to Phuket to spend 10? Or so days in Phuket’s and an overnight stop in Bangkok!

I know a lot of people go to places to do the ‘touristy things’ but I’m not really the person who wants to go to a museum or see a castle or a cave or rock. I’m the person whose literal list is to; go to a bakery, eat a themed restaurant, go to 3 night time markets, go to KFC and Maccas, do a convince store raid. If you haven’t worked it out, I go for the FOOD! Authentic Thai food. I want to do what the locals would have fun doing. I don’t even wanna ride an elephant. I refuse to go to the Phuket zoo. I wanna go for the food. So, my question is, anyone got any recommendations for good non-seafood food in Phuket? XD I don’t eat seafood. Now I know you must be wondering KFC and Maccas? Well they both accommodate to local food. So, Thai KFC and Maccas is different to what I can get here. And I wanna try it! (rice at kfc? 0-0)


On top of that in October I’m off to Zibo in China. We will probably travel or Beijing and or Shanghai as well because I wanna see the great wall as well. as above I wanna go to Maccas and KFC, I wanna go to a good place for dumplings! *drools* dumplings here can set you back at least $15 for 10 dumplings >_< what is this? I wanna eat cheap good dumplings! I never order Chinese food because just 1 thing on the menu is $10 and when you wanna get Chinese food you wanna get like 5 things and that doesn’t include spring rolls or tongue crackers that’s like $60+ for Chinese takeout. Why! So imma eat a lot of Chinese food in china. I’m also really curious about trying dog. Is it considered bad in china? I know they are breed like cattle in china (I’ve heard) so…is that true? should I try it or is it like a thing people in china are trying to stop. What is there to do in Zibo? Anyone?

As well we are considering possibly a stopover in Korea Seoul for a few days! (if I can save enough to go to Korea T^T) I don’t need help with Korea. I have a list a mile long of food I wanna eat XD kekeke…imma get so fat in the next year *ugly sobbing*


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SharkEsque #1
Heyo, I'm a fellow Australian currently living in Thailand on an extended basis as an English teacher. Let me know if you have any specific questions about the food that you want to ask. I can start by telling you straight up that the fast food chains aren't that different. McDonalds here is pretty much exactly the same. Maybe a little more expensive though. The KFC meals that you're thinking of are the same type of fried chicken as it is at home, just served with a side of rice. You can get fried rice with chicken from street vendors for about a third of the cost. Locals don't really eat at McDonalds ever, but KFC is a bit more popular. Both offer home delivery though. Most Thai dishes you can get let you choose between chicken, pork or seafood for the meat content when you order. Local bakeries here are not very good but you might be able to find something a bit better depending on where you are traveling to while in Phuket. Hope this helps!
Woah that's a lot of weight you've lost there!
I hope you get to your goal weight ^-^ Have a lot of
fun! Be safe and eat many types of food! Sorry I can't recommend
any foods TT-TT I don't know what there is. If you do eat dog,
tell me how it was ^-^
Damn 26kg is a lot! Be careful with that D:
And omg that's so awesome! I hope you have fun <3
I feel you lol if I went to other countries I would probs just eat xD