Light Banter

Well this is it i suppose i have officially finished school and all i need to do it complete my finals and attend le graduation ceremony and im done. But yah last night was my last school dance and it was fun, and all i got to catch up with all of my friends, eat super fancy food banter w some of my teachers im close with etc. Anyway there were these photo booths where we could take pics and i took some w a couple of friends of mine and posted a them on social one pic in particular in which we all found hilarious cos we weren't ready for it and i posted it up on my priv. Insta account since it was between my close group of friends its practically uncensored. The photo wasnt bad or anything it was just derpy and its been posted by other friends on fb, but one of my friends who was in it req. That those of us who have posted it to take it down cos she doesnt look good it but neither do we cos we werent ready and she messaged me to take it down just then and crop her out but like i cbb and shes always posting pics w all of us looking bad and her looking on point so i find it unfair shes getting worked up over one pic where everyone is looking just as potato as her when she always posts the photos of us when we look bad and request for her to take down but she doesnt. I mean speaking from experience i understand how it feels to have a pic i desperately wanted to be taken down that was set as someones dp twice (and also lettuce not forget my prom incident otl) and i respect her wishes and all but like idk guys i just dont want to do it? I will eventually though but just not rn cos im kinda annoyed by her for acting up on all of us this way when she does it to us. 

Yes im that inmature atm lol but mehhh in the youngest of the year anyway let me have my fun XD 

no srsly am i being a bit much here? If u think i am then yeh say the word cos i dont wanna be mean lol



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Of course you aren't, ayy fair and square lady get back in the line if u got nothing better to say hypocrite