Life taking its toll (don't read)

This is the first time I would be writing a blog here because I don't know where I could vent this frustration without my friends noticing. I just need a place to talk (write) about my feelings. I'm lonely af.. Help me get a boyfriend plizz..😞😞😞 If you have come this far congratz because i warn you don't read. This is just me venting my screwed up in life. Lets begin how effin 'great' my life is. I'm an international student under scholarship with 10 other friends. Yup, if you have yet to notice, I'm gonna talk about how I in academics while the others are excellent. What I mean by excellent is damn good while hereeee I ammmm *saying 'heyy' while waving* always being late in all subjects. So that's screwed number one. My finals is in 3weeks btw. Secondly, money wise i'm having a tight budget here. Yes, I'm lying its not tight its called NOT FREAKIN gonna SURVIVED the months. I'm freakin out rn because I couldn't find a job and i've bought my travel ticket at the end of the month. FML. Trolololol.. You could criticise me for not having a money plan on hand. Surprisingly, I do make plans. But, its all screwed when my house expenses exceeded by over a hundred. FML again. I'm not gonna point a finger ☝🏼 on who's at fault the expense rises but someone obviously raised our electricity bill. 😫😫 Okay gotta stop now before it gets too confidential. I love my friends. There must be a reason why this is happening. Probably because I have done something bad before. I hope I got the chance to apologise if its connected with real person. I am so gonna regret this post soon. Lets not talk about this ever again okay. Lets move on cause you learn the lesson now. Study harder, work harder, plan for emergency expenses. Got it. Lets start all fresh and bright again. You can do this ikha!!πŸ’ͺ🏼πŸ’ͺ🏼πŸ’ͺ🏼



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