CHECKMATE - Queen Maknae : 강 미영


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BIRTHNAME : Kang Miyoung 강 미영
OTHER NAMES : Vanezia Kang Bellandi (Italian name)

▸ Minyoungie — She seriously doesn't know why but some of her close friends and members calls her this. It does sound like the cuter version her name, but it's longer so what was the point of calling her that?

▸ Mionardo da Vinci — Miyoung honestly love this name that the fans and her members nicknamed her as. As someone who loves art and painting, she is honoured to be nicknamed as one the greatest artist, Leonardo da Vinci. She is so in love with this nickname, that she would address herself as Mionardo too.

▸ Evil Maknae — Oh would you look at that. Another Kpop stereotype. The Evil Maknae. A nickname given by fans and pretty much all of her group members. This one is pretty true though, she is quite the evil and rebellious maknae, always trolling and owning her elders.

DATE OF BIRTH : October 31st, 2000
BIRTHPLACE : Venice, Veneto, Italy
ETHNICITY : Half-Italian, half-Korean

▸ Italian — [Fluent] She has been living in Italy ever since she was born so she knows Italian really well

▸ Korean — [Advanced Conversational] Since Miyoung has only been living in Korea for 3 years, she is still quite bad at it. She trips on her words, particularly the hard ones, and don't know the meanings behind some words too. Even though she is intelligent, Korean is a language she just can't wrap her head around

▸ English — [Conversational] She actually learned English in her Italian school for 4 years so she knows quite a decent amount of vocabulary. She has some sort of Italian accent when speaking English.

FACE CLAIM : April Jinsol
BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : Gugudan/IOI Sejeong
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 163cm & 48kg

▸ Standing 163cm and weight about 48kg, Miyoung is quite a small girl, though she still believes she can grow more. Miyoung has long wavy brown hair, dark brown eyes, slightly pale baby face and overall looks like she is still a 13 years old girl.
▸ As a girl who lives in Italy, a place of fashion designing, she of course have a lot of stylish fashion in her hands. She would always wear ripped skinny jeans, fancy sweater, long thick coats and boots in Winter since Venice is quite cold. And in Summer she would wear simple dresses or shorts with crop-tops since wearing jeans would be quite the burden, Venice is full of water so getting your jeans wet wouldn't be the best thing. She is overall a very casual girl. For practice she likes wearing skinny jeans that fits her, combat boots that she grew to like wearing and crop-tops or hoodie depending on the season.

Who are you inside?

positive. mischievous, cheerful, friendly, adventurous, intelligent
negative. childish, clingy, talkative, rebellious, competitive

Miyoung is still in her teenager years, the years where they literally get hit by the puberty truck (though some are not that fortunate and only got hit by a bike) and is still not in the right mind, and is quite rebellious and bipolar. Despite her somewhat soft and "innocent" look, Miyoung is quite the devil maknae. She loves play pranks against her members, sometimes even going as far as trolling the MCs, and she would sometime team up with Yanghyun and the other units' maknaes to plan for a really big trolling project against the unnies and oppas. Miyoung is very mischievous when she has nothing to do. You know what they say, don't judge the book by it's cover, and Miyoung's unnies and oppas learned it the hard way. Being young, she is quite the joyous and cheerful little thing. She would always somehow remains bright, grinning and smiling happily (sometime not really happy and more of evil). Even though some days she might've woke up on the wrong side of the bed, she would somehow still be able to joke around and smiles a little bit. She is a girl who is able to stay a little optimistic despite the dark days. Because of that, she appears to be someone who is quite friendly and approachable. With a smile on her face, the aura that floats around her just seems very welcoming to people. She got quite a lot of accquiantances because of that. (Sounds very similar to my Yanghyun LOL) Miyoung is still quite a young girl so she is someone who is very adventurous. She is not afraid of finding new things and is quite the daredevil. Some might say fearless, since she is not very hesistant in 'dangerous' things but she would like to say, she is an adventurous girl. She loves discovering new stuff and it would itch her head if she doesn't risk it. In fact, Miyoung's life motto is "You only live once. So YOLO" Aside from her being a evil little thing, Miyoung is actually a low-key/high-key intelligent girl. Her minds just work quite quickly. It might be genes. But either way, she is quite the clever girl, coming up with stuff that most people around her might not know. She succeed in academics quite easily and is overall an intelligent girl. But most of her intelligence is wasted on her pranks.

Miyoung, once again, is someone who is still young and full of youth (too much youth maybe?) So she can be quite childish and clingy like a child. Quite a bratty child actually. If Miyoung is frustrated, her mind just can't think thoroughly and mature-ly. She might just flat out says something really immature and doesn't realise that she might've sound like a brat and is ignorant. It is mostly the bad thing about her because she doesn't realise that sometime it affects other people too. But back on the positive yet very annoying she can be like a child. Clinging onto her unnies and sometime oppas to irritate the heck out of them. Most of the time, it's on purpose, but sometime, rarely, Miyoung just likes to be close to someone for comforts. In those rare times, she likes to be attached to someone and appreciate their presence since Miyoung does sometime feels lonely seeing as she is far away from home without her parents. Most of the time though, she just likes to be clingy and bother her unnies and oppas. (Kinda like this but more friendly and annoying) Miyoung is quite the talkative girl. So any secrets that she knows, even some her ones, she would spill them out like rivers and lakes. just can't help it. She just really like talking to her members and friends. It's kinda like a way to release her stress kind of. By talking it out. Even to strangers. Seriously. Miyoung could make a full of conversation with the taxi driver for an hour and don't get bored or tired. (Like Jackson XD Precious) Though her talking might be a little bit unbearable since she speaks with a very broken Korean, luckily though, because she don't know Korean very well she is limited in coversations. Miyoung, like have once mentioned before, is still a teenager who is not very in the right mind so she is still quite rebellious. Even though it's disrespectful to seniors, Miyoung couldn't help but goes against what they say. It's like there is a mini Shia on her shoulder that whispers in her ear, "Do it fam". Miyoung might look passive, soft and delicate, but she definitely isn't. She is full of power in things like competitions and games. She just somehows likes to go aggressive in competitions and hates to feel like a sore loser.

Born in Venice, Veneto, Italy on the 31st of October 2000 Halloween, a Korean-Italian baby girl was named Kang "Vanezia Bellandi" Miyoung. With a beautiful Korean mom whose name was Kang Sinyeon and a handsome Italian father whose name is Lorenzo Bellandi. Ever since she was a child, she was known as the troublesome child because of how hard to handle she is. She would always cause some kind of mischief to her kindergarten teachers and would try to feigh innocent, pointing the other poor child as the culprit. Even so, her parents loved her as much, mainly because they are troublemakers themselves (XD). She was like a little mini version of them running around. As she grows older and older, she never really changes. Miyoung was still pretty much the mischievous child running around. She likes to play pranks on her friends and is overall very fun to be with. She is also someone who is quite artistic, doodling on her books everywere, painting and overall is quite artistic. She never really got into music until her mom introduced her to Korean music at the age of 12 years old, saying that she used to have a dream of becoming an idol. And guess what? Miyoung didn't even bat an eye at it. Miyoung was not very interested in some girly bois and chopstick girls. Miyoung though, was VERY VERY interested in American Pop. She especially like Imagine Dragons, Eminem and many more. She loved to learn Eminem's rap, though she never really fully learned it, and likes to sing to Imagine Dragon's songs. One faithful day when she was 13 years old, she stumbled on a complication video of a really hot guy whose name is T.O.P, rapping. She just grew to like his rapping and just became the biggest fan. She remembered that her mom says that her dream used to be becoming an idol, and just somehow grew some sort of interest too. In 2014, when she was 14 years old, her family has decided to go to Korea for a holliday visit and something in Miyoung's guts says to research something about Korean entertainment. When she was in Korea for a month, she decided to give KS Entertainment a go. Miyoung, of course, have heard of the big 3 in Korea but she decided to go for a little small this time.


▸ Likes:
- Pizza; Of course she just have to love Italy's most delicious food
- Gondola; Miyoung just love riding on the gondola with her family (boyfriends too) (LOL)
- Jjajangmyeon; Her favourite Korean food of all time
- Rabokki; She really likes eating ramyun and tteokbokki together
- Bubble tea; Her ultimate favourite drink
- Sugar coated gummy candies; She just really loved eating gummy candies with sugar coat
- Gudetama; She loves this egg the most and most of her things are Gudetama. From her pillow case, iPhone case, plushy, slippers, bags and more
- Basketball; Even though not the best at sport, Miyoung has to say she loves playing basketball the most
- Rapping; She became really fond of it after a while
- Pranks; Hands down, the thing she likes doing the most to her members

- BigBang T.O.P; Her role model in Kpop
- Drawing or painting; It's something she is quite interested in ever since she is in kindergarten
- Documentaries; Miyoung just love, love watching it and she don't even don't know why

▸ Dislikes:
- Loosing; Miyoung waves goodbye to this word. She hates the feeling of loosing
- Cockcroaches; She is not afraid of most things but if a cockcroach appears in her field of vision, she would scream like there is no tomorrow, freaks out like it she lost her sanity and probably faint
- Mornings; Definitely not a morning person. She don't like people waking her up at like 2:00am (when it's really 10:00am)
- Cats; It's not that they are not cute but they give her the chills and runny nose
- Being lonely; Believe it or not, she is someone who gets lonely easily so she likes being around people more. She honestly hates being alone and would try to interact with people

▸ Habbits:
- Cracking her fingers when lying; It's something that just naturally developed from her. She didn't know how but she just do it. Her close friends can read her easily because of that
- Saying "Olé" when really happy and excited; She never really know why she says Olé when she is Italian and not Spanish. She just heard someone say it a lot and followed them, now she just say it really naturally

▸ Hobbies:
- Drawing/doodling; Miyoung likes to draw on her book in her spare time
- Pranks; Something she probably does a lot whenever she is bored af
- Painting and make a mess; She likes to do it once in a while since she didn't want to loose her artistic side
- Drinking bubble tea and just watches documentaries; The thing she probably does the most
- Play on her phone; Since she doesn't like to waste her GB on a video, when outside, she would only play offline games

▸ Other:
- She believes she is still growing and her goal of height is 168cm (she still is :D)
- Miyoung is allergic to cats, almost like an asthma even though she really likes them
- She wants to go to Antarctica the most, if she gets to travel anywhere
- Doesn't have any pets and is force to stay away from it
- Miyoung hugs her Gudetama plushie to bed
- Loves Imagine Dragons the most and has most of their songs on her phone
- Doesn't like aegyo but do it for the fanservice
- Miyoung actually can play the saxophone a little bit (because she learned it in her Italian school)
- Might've or might've not have 2 boyfriends before she flew to Korea and never told her parents about them
- Her ideal type is someone who is an athlete
- Her instagram is Vanezia_Bellandi
- T.O.P and her actually have the same art taste
- Once she closes her eyes and goes to sleep, Miyoung becomes a dead corpse because she literally stays really still and is very unresponsive to sounds (Though of course she does become aware after  at least 6 hours of sleep)

Who matters to you?


▸ Father — Lorenzo Bellandi (40) / Teacher / kind, humorous, intelligent, mischievous, playful / 4/5
Miyoung loves being around her father a lot. He is not only very intelligent but also very very playful and fun to be around with. He would sometime take her to the park and play a lot of games there. She is very much a papa-girl and is very close to him. He would sometime tease about how she looks and would try to trick her into sitting down at 11:40pm to listen to him lecturing about how she has grown up and will not have a boyfriend until 30 years old. They would still text each other in Italian on her phone, have some late night conversations on facetime.

▸ Mother — Kang Sinyeon (38) / Teacher / supportive, mischievous, playful, intelligent, stern / 3.5/5
Although Miyoung is a papa-girl, she still loves her mother as much. She would sometime facetime and text her mother to tell her to teach Miyoung some Korean words. She would asks some words means and would rely on her mother a lot on Korean. Whenever talking about boys stuff, she would call her mom to give her some knowledge and overall, would seek comforts from her mom the most because...well, women stuff. (LOL)


▸ BFF — Goergina Mancini FC: Mackenzie Foy (16-17 in 2017) / Student / Crazy, carefree, rebellious, fun, humorous / 4.5/5
Miyoung has quite the big group of friends back in Italy, but she has to say that Georgina Mancini has to her closest friend ever. Her best friends forever. Her bae. She is not only crazy but also very open-minded, fun and humorous to be around with. They are literally a match and they were known as the popular girls in school because of how easily they got in trouble with the teachers. Not only that, they were both really pretty and is those type of tomboy girls. Georgina and Miyoung would tons of sleepovers, talking about useless stuff and is really close. While Georgina was half Italian and Australian, Miyoung was half-Korean and Italian. They are very similar to each other and they would call each other "Bella" and "Cini". They are very close. But ever since Miyoung moved to Korea, they were a little distanced but they still managed to spam each other like always on the phone and would literally face time whenever they can.

▸ Groupmates — Queen (Varies) / KS Ent. Idol / Various / 4/5
Miyoung has some sort of special bond with her unnies. Although she sometime would be her evil maknae self and trolls her unnies, she has some respect towards them too. She loves being around them and how they would understand her in some ways. Like how she is lonely sometime and is homesick, they would always be there for her. So she loves her unnies a lot and is very glad to have them around.


▸ Groupmates — Checkmate (Varies) / KS Ent. Idol / Various / 3.5/5
Miyoung loves trolling other members too. Although not as close and tightly bond as she is with her unnies, she gets along with the other members just fine. She would sometime goes to the Rook members to play her some songs and would play around with her oppas too. Most of them are her friends, but some are just accquiantances.


▸ Fellow Evil Maknae (Twins) — Park "Apollon" Yanghyun (17 / 18) / KS Ent. Idol / here / 4/5
If Miyoung is asked who is the closes to her other than her unnies, she will immediately reply with Apollon. They just get along really easily. They both are one the youngest and literally just love doing pranks so much. They are very similar to each other (Well, obviously since you are both made by the same person lol XD) and just really clicked really well. They would joke around, plan pranks, smirks knowingly behind their elders' back, dissing and well just over having fun. Miyoung wouldn't be afraid to say that they literally are soulmates, but since Apollon have Collin and Miyoung has Georgina, they both agreed with twinnies. They are close enough to call each other without honorifics and give each other nicknames. "Young" & "Yang"

Why do you matter?

SUB-UNIT & POSITION: ♕Lead Rapper, Sub-Dance, Maknae


▸ Singing Twin: IOI Im Nayoung
▸ Dancing Twin: Black Pink Jennie
▸ Rapping Twin: IOI Yoojung
▸ (Instrument) Twin: (required for Rook members)


▸ She entered the company around the start of 2015, when she was 15 years old. It took her quite sometime to convince her parents that, yes she was sure of this and that yes, she knows she's giving up her future for this, abandoning school and everything. As a trainee, Miyoung had the most struggle with singing and languages the most during her training years. Communication especially. She can somewhat communicate in English but English can only get her so far. Italians are not very known in Kpop either and also South Korea itself, she didn't have anyone to really talk to and communicate properly. It was quite sad. But there were lots of nice older trainees that is quite kind to help her with her Korean and grasp the concept of 'oppa', 'sunbae' and 'eonnie'.


▸ N/A


▸ December, 2017 - Checkmate's Vanezia is dating a female? | False | Dispatch caught a photo of Vanezia with a redhead foreigner kissing each other
Miyoung didn't even knew how they came up with that conclusion since kissing each other as greetings in Italy is like a normal thing. But Dispatch apparently captured a photo of her with Georgina kissing on each other on the cheeks when greeting each other. At that time, Georgina decided to go on a holliday with her parents to Korea and asked Vanezia to be their tourist. So they met up and just greet each other but apparently, someone was there without them knowing.

Questions from the CEO


▸ I want to become an idol because T.O.P sunbae inspired me to be one! I mean- he is so great and did you hear his rapping?! Like oh my god, who wouldn't want to become like him?! Seriously. T.O.P-sunbae have some serious rapping skills and his visual is on point! I want to become a female version of him! A mini version of him! Anyway, I don't actually know why I picked KS Ent. to be honest, but you know what? Who cares!  Next question please.


▸ OH YES!!!!! TO BE HONEST I WOULD LOVEEEEEE TO BE IN KING. Beacuse all the handsome oppas is in it. HA! Jokes! Mainly because it's the most fitting?? If you know what I mean- I at instruments so Rooks is out of my reach, I'm good at dancing but not the best y'know so Knights obviously is also barely out of my reach. King on the other hand thooo~~~is just the male version of Queen soo---KING obviously.


▸ I don't even know why you're asking me this but neuteral! I feel that word right?? Did i say it right?! Oh my god. ANYWAY- CEO-ssi is obviously someone who controls everything since the beginning so like--- what's the difference??


OLÉ!!! We will be like---the best sunbaes ever in the future!!!!! Oh my god, I'm actually pretty hype about this. Just think about it, someone who is older than me but debut after me- call me sunbae!!! Omg. Anyway, back to the 'serios' side, I think we'll do well as KS Ent's first group- I mean there is like a lot of unnies and oppas who is very talented.


▸ OH YES!!! DEFINITELY! Once I grow to 172cm tall, I'll definitely try out for modelling! But if I don't, I will cry, I might like to persue variety and.....variety I guess. I'm pretty sure I have no talents for acting or musical or anything like that so probably Variety?? I don't know, we will have to wait....Kekekeke


▸ EY KOUHAI-CHAN. I'M SO JAPANESE HAHA-- I would obviously treat them very nicely, maybe give some tricks up my sleeves to the maknae to prank their members. Kekekeke. And of course, I would give them some advices on how to survive-THE DARK SIDE OF KPOP



replace with love interest 80*80replace with love interest 80*80

LOVE INTEREST : I decided to have her open for any applicants :D


▸ start here


▸ start here


ENDING :  here

LazyBear : Annie

LAST WORDS : Hi lol. It's Anonie :D I'm using my sister's abbandoned account to apply since lol- I liked doing stuff on her accounts without her knowingXDXD Here is my female character, another maknae lol XD (Doesn't Jinsol's lips look like Hyungwon's when she smiles, same with Sejeong too...or is that just me??)

I actually went back and forth with this character, I was like-let's have her as his sister or cousin-. But then I was like nah. I was about to choose the Triple T plotline but i ended up with the evil maknae lmao. and I can't believe I wrote a lot for her, I thought I prefer males character more but apparently no. lol.

"Ciao everyone! Your Italian girl, Vanezia-imnida~!"
Solo (I hope this is okay??) (And omfg Nayoung is such a bae I can't)
Lee Jinsol (Omfg she is so cute >.<)


▸ This character was actually inspired by Jackson :D so maybe like a scene where all foreigners get to see their parents for Christmas.

turn in : story : cheatsheet


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omg, i really hate to do this to espeacially since i already marked your character as "accepted," but i can't find any picture of either face claim that fits the teaser theme...i will continue to look, but hopefully i can find a good enough image, just in case tho please reply with another face claim that you might like! thank you and sorry for inconvience!