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Lee Nell
missminho . meenie . online everyday

NAME : Lee Nell
- Magic Hand → her surgeries are 95% successful and not every cardiothoracic surgeon can pull it off

K Hospital's Doll → her being the face of the hospital made others had good impressions on her

- Sleeping Beauty → her brothers called her that because she can sleep ANYWHERE if she's tired

Golden Girl → this nickname is from her school days. born in a rich family and have good genes turns her into a girl that every girls admire and wants to be

BIRTHDAY 4th May 1990
BIRTH PLACE : Seoul, Korea
HOME TOWN : Seoul, Korea


Korean (fluent) → yeah she lives there for about 26 years old

English (fluent) → she got a scholarship to Harvard and studied there in UK



-Cardiothoracic Surgeon at K Hospital

- one of the board director at K Hospital

ROOM : 410


FACECLAIM  Seo Sungkyung
BACK UP   Son Yunju

HEIGHT : 170 cm
WEIGHT : 48 kg

APPEARANCE she has a beautiful appearance, v-line face, innocent eyes like a deer, a quite tall nose and natural pinkish thin lips, she isn't the type of beautiful girls who are like perfect and bold and steals the attention with their heavy makeup, Nell tends to wear light makeup, she is like the pure beauty, the beauty of a snowflake. Nell has a beautiful smile, a smile that is bright like a child. standing at the height of 170cm and weighs about 48kg, Nell has a slim body. she has dark brown hair right now and her hair reaches to the middle of her back. Nell doesn't have any birthmarks, scars or tattoos and she would never want to have one in the future.

STYLE Nell is pretty fashionable, mostly because she keeps getting clothes as gifts as her BFF is a fashion designer and also very very generous. She keeps tabs of trends and dress quite nicely. She doesn't really have a specific style as it depends on the trends and the type of gifted clothes she most recently received, but there are two things that all her outfits have in common : she always have unique accessories and her clothes stay relatively casual. She likes having one-of-a-kind fashion items and accessories but she's otherwise a fan of effortless clothes. She's fashionable but it's a casual kind of fashionable. 

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PERSONALITY TRAITS haughty,out spoken,self absorb, generous, soft hearted, naive, clean, charming, friendly 
ELABORATION : Nell is very haughty and very princess like, she tends to look down on others unintentionally, except to those who are good looking enough and she will consider them her level; or atleast almost her level. Nell always smiles and speaks in a polite manner, even when she's angry. It makes the boys swoon for her smiles and optimistic trait, but it is actually her self assurance. She never takes everyone's insult to heart always thinks of it as jealousy. She is very out spoken and when she's angry, she will speak out the hard truth that makes some hate her. Nell is so self absorb she thinks everything is about her and why everyone has to pay attention to her, that created a wall between her family and close friends.
Despite all that, she is very generous and soft hearted. She's full of charms and that makes all the boys swoons over her. She is incredibly clean. Not like she washes her hands and doing dishes, but she definitely keeps her things organized as she can. She keeps detailed notes and her living space is alwasys tidy. She has no trouble making friends or simply making conversation with someone new.
 She is rich and she knows it, but she never hesitate to help others even if she can't. But sometimes people takes the advantage of her kindness and befriend her for her money and she will trust them with their sweet talk.





  immersed in photography

  PINK is like her color

  musics like R&B, pop, etc.

  sports esp swimming


  Spring season







 bullies, harrassers and everything in between



 drawing (it helps her relieves her stress)


  watching surgery videos


 trembling when nervous

 takes at least three deep breaths with her eyes closed before every surgery  she has


 fear of insects (entomophobia, insectophobia)

 fear of thunder and lightening (brontophobia)


  she's graduated from Harvard Medical School

  she's famous among surgeons because of her skills despite her young age

✿  she graduated earlier than usual and starts her residency when she's 23

  she's still sober up to 6 bottles of soju/ 4 big glasses of beer

✿  curently had all the latest gadgets from Apple 


✿  she thinks that Audrey Hepburn is the perfect woman all time


  daydreams a lot

  a neat freak

  her gadgets' cover are Captain America's shield


  her must-have things are mirror, purse and sunglass


  is left-handed

✿  she wears the bracelet that her parents gave to her all the time. she says it brings her luck everytime


  allergic to blueberry but likes to eat it and she ended up had rashes on her arms

  currently driving a silver Aston Martin DB9


LIFESTYLE : she will wake up at 6 everyday and checks on her phone for about 15 minutes. after that she'll clean and dressed herself for about 30 minutes and cooked herself breakfast. then, she'll head to the hospital. work, surgery, work and lunch time! she usually eat at the cafeteria with her other colleagues because its easier to rush back if anything happens. she works till 7 p.m. and head home if she's not in the night shift. 

sometimes, she would like come back home a minute ago and head back to the hospital because of the emergencies. hospital is her 2nd home.

On her off days (which is literally impossible because she only had 20 days a year for vacations and she would save it on the days she's sick, her friends' wedding, reunion or travelling abroad etc.), she would spend it on hanging out with her siblings or lounging at home.. she also spends her off day with her boyfriend at his penthouse woot woot you-know-what-they-do.

BACKGROUND : Nell was born in Seoul in 1990. Her father own a hospital and Nell was confronted with meeting lots of people ever since she was young. She used to be the star of the hospital and every doctors and staffs knew her and adored her. She was a bundle of joy and loved singing randomly to people to see if they would join her in her singing. They usually would, if only to hear her laugh with delight. at home, being the only princess, she was spoiled by her older brothers (which 4-5 years older than her) they pretty bought everything that she wanted until now.

Nell was sent to a private school and graduated earlier than everyone. she proceed her studies to Harvard Medical School and also graduated early (maybe because she watched all the procedures when she was little). she was like the genius among genius. she started her residency at her father's hospital at the age of 22. 

she decided to live in her own home when she turns 25 and had finished her residency which makes her brothers shocked. she said that she's old enough to take responsibility and want to try living without the butlers, maids, chefs and drivers. her father just agree with that and convince her brothers that she's now an adult not their little kiddo anymore.

she searched for an apartment and the one at Hannam-dong caught her eyes. located on the fourth floor, big, nice view, and overall she liked it. it will be a perfect first step on living alone. she furnished the apartment to her style and this how it looks like :




Lee Shin - 31 - Oncologist at K Hospital - Nell's older brother a.k.a the charming guy - Shin actually have no interest in marriage despite of his age. He said that he was too busy for dating. When he goes shopping with his sister, Nell will like pick everything and Shin will pay for it. His love toward his sister are undeniable. Not to mention, he'll do anything to keep his baby sister happy. - charming, lady's dream man


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 Lee Hyuk - 29 -  Neurosurgeon at K Hospital - Nell's second brother a.k.a the good child -  he tends to list down all his dreams and achieve it. Since he's also a doctor, he always ditch Nell when they're together beacuse of the emergency at his hospital. Despite of that, he still loves his sissy very much and spends time with her you know when he or Nell have time. - dedicated, visionary


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Lee Joon - 27 - Anesthesiologist at K Hospital- Nell's third brother a.k.a the not-so-bright-guy - he actually dont have interest to be a doctor but after the parents pushed him and now look where he is. he often being teamed up with Nell in a surgery. he's very serious about his job but at home, he's like the cerefree man. he loves to annoy his little sissy very much and its just his way to express his affection towards his sister. - humourous, loves to make fun of his sissy

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✿  Lee Jaehee - 26 - the very generous fashion designer that made Nell her model - BFF - these two met when they were in middle school and have been best friends ever since. Jaehee understands Nell's ambition to be a doctor and she supports her all the way. she herself is a famous fashion designer that love to doll Nell up. -  funny, creative, exciting

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✿  Kang Haneul - 28 - Orthopedic Surgeon at K Hospital - Partner In Crime - he's Nell's classmate since they were in  middle school till now. they grew closer as they always being partnered up in schools projects. they went to medic school together and literally he's one of her best friend. Haneul likes Nell and but he had to draw a line because he worried that it might ruin their friendship - like a mother


✿  Bae Saerin - 25 - Teacher - Her Neigbour a.k.a her dongsaeng - Saerin is acually the first person to greet Nell when they bump with each other at the ground floor where Saerin was playing with her phone that time. since Nell move in, she didnt have any chance to greet the other neigbours because she's so busy at the hospital. after their first meeting, they actually bumped a lot of time after than that. Saerin decide to become closer to Nell and yeah they became close. Nell treat Saerin like her own sister because she didnt have any sister. yeah thats what like their relationship- affable

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✿ Various - 28++ - Doctors at K Hospital - Colleagues - they went through residency together and until now they stick together eventhough they're now in different areas but still had time to meet up with each other. These hot doctors really admired Nell for her doctor skills and look up to her eventhough she's not their senior. - various persona







last, first
Love interest

NAME Choi Minho
- Ming - she saved his phone number on that name and sometimes its just cute to call him that
BIRTHDAY : 09.12.1990
OCCUPATION : Captain of Korean soccer team
ROOM NUMBER : optional. delete if they don't live there

PERSONALITY : Minho is the son-in-law that mothers want and try to set their daughters up with. He's kind, respectful, polite, tall, handsome, and not overly talkative. He's not the type to stand out in the crowd because of his personality. One's first impression of him is that he's good-looking and nice, but he's quiet. He's usually found smiling and always looking on the bright side of things. In front of the people, he has this sort-of awkward aura around him that makes him more cute than y. He's not particularly good at social interactions, especially not at first meetings, but the man sure does try his hardest to get over those social obstacles.

That awkward part is one of the more obvious parts of him. It follows him, but it doesn't take long for Minho to open up to others. Once he does, he's clingy and affectionate. Hand holding is natural, and a hug isn't anything special. His slightly babyish attitude makes him easy to tease and make fun of, and most of his friends affectionately do so. He's overly generous, making him easy to take advantage of. He knows his own limits in that aspect, and he certainly knows how to protect himself and his loved ones. Despite his smiley nature and warm aura, he can get serious quick. A tear shed by a friend or someone he's close to means an angry Minho. He's an emotional person. He's protective, and cares deeply for those he loves. He's considerate and always looking out for his friends and family, making sure they're always happy even if it means sacrificing his own happiness.


 alone  when they are both free (doesn't happen often), they try to meet in a place quite far from the population. they can both go away to be able to pass time alone together. they would be themselve. they are the type of couple that you will enjoy watching. you can be laughing, loving and even finding them so cute together. they are that type of couple. they are two childs together. they can have crazy competitions against each other or make each other scared for no reason. sometimes, they can be cuddling to each other or simply enjoying each other's presence. sometimes Nell would be sitting and Nell would put her head on his laps. he would be playing in her long hair and sometimes tickle her. or they can be cuddling. if they are on a date, Minho would totally be cheesy to her which it making her laugh a lot. they do a lot of natural skinship together. overall, it's a couple who enjoy each other's presence a lot while being lovey-dovey, crazy and dorky together. they do sometime kiss each other when they are alone.

 in public  in public, they are looking like two amazing couple. with Nell's reputation and Minho's, they're da bombz! with Minho being well known around the world made their relationship became public already. the people said they're like "relationship goals". they would be that type of couple that are cute together. they would hold hands and sometimes hug each other if they feel too. Minho tends to be more into the funny and caring boyfriend in public. he will be making fun comments or sometimes, she would make up funny jokes together. sometimes they have funny inside jokes.

 far from each other  when they are both busy working in hospital. they text each other on kakaotalk or call when they have time to. they prefer to text each other when they are free because if they call each other, there's risk that someone overheard the conversation or simply that one of them is too busy to reply. so, they mostly text each other. you'll see Nell smiling at her phone when she's texting. most of the time when they are texting each other, they are sending 1. pictures of their food so it is like they are "eating together" 2. cheesy talks 3. having weird conversation that no one understands. 4. cute selfies. sometimes, Minho would send her audio message of love songs or simply send her the lyrics he writes about her.

 around close friends  around friends is when their relationship went to something even more funny. they would totally make up crazy jokes and being loud with their friends. they leave each other space to breath too. sometimes, Nell would make random ert comments which it makes their friends crack up a lot. if no one is looking, Nell wouldn't be afraid and sneak to go and give a little tap on his or poke it which it makes Minho curse at her and she'll cruse back at him with a huge smile. on some occassion at the shift room at the hospital or at the changing room at the stadium when no one is looking, he would sneak a small peck on her lips behind a door or in corner real quick haha.

STORY : Nell met Minho on the street actually. not like the very cliche' love story, these two met very normally outside of a cafe. Nell was walking in with Shin at the same time Minho was walking out. Coffee ended up all over the front of her and her brother demanded that Minho pay for her runined t-shirt. Nell insisted that it wasn't a big deal and they went on their way.

About 2 months later, Nell was with Haneul on their way having lunch at the cafeteria when they saw Minho walks in the hospital. Minho noticed Nell and went to her. It took her a second but she did eventually recognize him.

"Hey, do you remember me?" 
"I spilled coffee on you. Your brother nearly had me arrested."
"Oh! Hi. I can't believe you remember that."

They didn't have a lot of time to talk as Nell to run for lunch, but they exhanged numbers. A lot of their friendship has been over the phone, except for a few times they happened to run into each other.


they're now dating for about 2 years already

they give cute nicknames to each other like Nell's calling him Ming and Minho's calling Nell, Pwincess

their favourite dating places are Nell's apartment or Minho's penthouse

Minho still havent paid for the t-shirt! hahahaha

Nell's brothers are aware on their relationship but still keep a good eye on Minho except for Joon because he's carefree

in love with little kids escpecially Minho's nephew, Choi Suri and Choi Daehan

they had went two trips together, London and Australia

Nell is there on the V.I.P seat on every Minho's game

Minho gave her a necklace on their recent anniversary

everyone in Minho soccer team adores Nell

✿ he will text her the moment he see a post of her with another guy even Haneul and her colleagues

ENDING : choose for me pwetty pwease *blink blink*

replace with your l/i 90x90

get to know you

WHY DID YOU JOIN THE GREEN COMMITTEE : I just signed up for anything in this community once I moved here
ARE YOU CLOSE TO THE MEMBERS : not really but Saerin been helping me a lot on knowing the members..I felt less awkward with them now
DO YOU HAVE A PET? IF YES, WHAT IS IT? : nope. I'm rarely home so I dont want to risk the pet's life
WHY DO YOU LIVE ALONE? : since I'm in my mommy's womb, I've been spoiled with luxuries. a year before I moved in, I went to Africa with my brothers for a volunteer mission. there, I met a girl abandoned her family just to search for a job. I'm so touched by that and that was the first time I felt like I'm an adult now, I should get out for my parents house.

ending notes

QUESTIONS : nothing
COMMENTS : you're an amazing author for creating this story!!!!
SCENE REQUESTS : nah I'll just leave it to you

PASSWORD : Justin Bieber's Rich Girl


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