∞ Please, Papa! 난 너의 [첫째 아이].


최 넬

Birthname : 최 넬 Choi Nell

Magical Hands → her surgeries are 95% successful and not every cardiothoracic surgeon can pull it off

K Hospital's Doll → her being the face of the hospital made the other workers call her that

Age : 27 y/o (28 in Korea)
Birthdate : 4th May 1989

Faceclaim Seo Sungkyung
Back-up Son Yunju

Appearance : she has a beautiful appearance, v-line face, innocent eyes like a deer, a quite tall nose and natural pinkish thin lips, she isn't the type of beautiful girls who are like perfect and bold and steals the attention with their heavy makeup, Nell tends to wear light makeup, she is like the pure beauty, the beauty of a snowflake. Nell has a beautiful smile, a smile that is bright like a child. standing at the height of 168cm and weighs about 46kg, Nell has a slim body. she has dark brown hair right now and her hair reaches to the middle of her back. Nell doesn't have any birthmarks, scars or tattoos and she would never want to have one in the future.

Style :  Nell wears a lot of brand name items, like Chanel, Louis Vuitton, and more. She usually dresses in a blouse, pencil skirt, and heels. She enjoys looking professional and only wears casual clothing when she is just lounging around at home or around her boyfriend. Her casual clothes usually consist of a loose fitting tee, skinny jeans, and flats; if it's cold she'll add a sweater and if it's hot then she'll wear an oversized dress with usually a floral pattern of some sort on it. Her accessories consist of brand name handbags, sunglasses, and jewelry. 

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History : being Papa's first little girl or should i say first "little army", she was taught about disciplines and military things since she was born. its kinda hard at times but momma is being her supporter. she stayed because of momma and she wouldnt know what to do if momma is not around. 

at school, she was like "god, im free from the jail". she can do anything there without being controlled. her grade was so-so and she's not the brightest in the family but Papa pushed her very hard to study. her childhood life was like home-school-academy-home. she cant hang out with other kids like normal kids do and that make her rebels for the first time. she had a huge fight with Papa and ran away from home and stayed at her friend's house. about an hour after their fight, Papa managed to find her and bring her home and you-know-what-after-that. she was punished by Papa by giving her extra hours at the academy and she's not allowed to go out from her room except for breakfast, lunch and dinner for 3 months!

she got an offer to study medic at Stanford and yeah she accept that. there, she stayed at the hostel provided and hell yeah, she's free from Papa. however when she's back on holidays, Papa will be like extra strict with her than usual and even complains the way she dressed herself. her heart like half hated Papa and the other half was trying to give chances to Papa. but with her siblings and of course momma, she can be herself. they talk about many things and even cried talking about why Papa doesnt like her in many ways. but momma calm her down by saying that papa doesnt hate her, its just he doesnt know how to show his affection towards his children.

when she graduate from the medical school and officially start her residency, it was the first and only time she saw Papa smiled for her success. she started to giving chances to Papa to love her more when he's retired from his army world.




 positive  hardworking, confident, caring, youthful
childish, quirky, sensitive, anxious 

 green light  When it comes to her job, she's always working hard and doing her best. she always puts 110% into her characters and it shows through everytime, even if she's completely drained from it all. Nell also has a ton of confidence in herself and even puts full faith in others, even if they believe it's wrong. she never wishes to put anyone down, so she radiates with confidence that many want to have. because of the fact she can put full faith in others, she's a very caring person towards everyone, even if it's someone who hates her, no matter who it is, she's putting others before herself. and no matter what is said about her, she always stays positive and always shows a warm heart. despite her being in her late 20's, she continues to appear youthful and young towards those around her. it's as if she never ages, both in looks and in personality, and that's something many like about her.

 red light  she's happy. she's kind. she's loving. but deep down inside, she holds internal struggles that not many but her close friends, momma and her siblings know about her. Nell tends to be childish. although that can be seen as a good thing, but to Nell it's the complete opposite. yes, she's youthful, but when her child switch turns on, she tends to become bratty and uptight; just like any other child. in addition, she tends to use a baby voice, which can be seriously annoying for everyone. however, she's fixing her childish ways as she's reaching her adult years. because of her childish demeanor, she can appear quirky at times. it's not particularly a bad thing, but such traits make her appear odd or peculiar since it doesn't really match the rest of her personality that the others knew. since Nell started her career at a young age, she was always sensitive and anxious because of being away from home for long periods at a time to work. she's good at hiding her anxiety and sensitivity to the public, but once she knows there's no one , she'll cry her eyes out. however, when it comes to her fears, she'll immediately wail and close her eyes at that very moment.




 immersed in photography

 PINK is like her color

 musics like R&B, pop, etc.

 sports esp swimming


 Spring season




  being injected ( although she's a doctor)



 bullies, harrassers and everything in between



 drawing (it helps her relieves her stress)



 watching surgeries videos


trembling when nervous

 takes at least three deep breaths with her eyes closed before every surgery she has


 fear of insects (entomophobia, insectophobia)

 fear of thunder and lightening (brontophobia)


  she's a cardiothoracic surgeon at K Hospital

  she's famous among surgeons because able to pull off many surgery in one day and all of it was successful despite her young age

  graduated from Stanford's Medical School

  she mastered 2 languages, Korean and English

  she's still sober up to 6 bottles of soju/ 4 big glasses of beer

✿  curently had all the latest gadgets from Apple 


 her idol is Denton Cooley

✿  she thinks that Audrey Hepburn is the perfect woman all time


 daydreams a lot

 a neat freak

 her gadgets' cover are Captain America's shield


 her must-have things are mirror, purse and sunglass


 is left-handed

  She saved momma at her contact list as "Ace Mom", her 2nd sister as "Goofy Daeyong", her 3rd sister as "Cassanova ______", the maknae as "Kiddo _____", Papa as "General Papa" and Taec as "Tarzan Taec"

 she wears the bracelet that momma gave to her all the time. she says it brings her luck everytime


 allergic to blueberry but likes to eat it and she ended up had rashes on her arms

 currently driving a silver Aston Martin DB9



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Daily Routines : she will wake up at 6 everyday and checks on her phone for about 15 minutes. after that she'll clean and dressed herself for about 30 minutes and head down for breakfast. then, she'll drop the maknae to school and head to the hospital. work, surgery, work and lunch time! she usually eat at the cafeteria with her other colleagues because its easier to rush back if anything happens. she works till 7 p.m. and head home if she's not in the night shift. 

sometimes, she would like come back home a minute ago and head back to the hospital because of the emergencies. literally, she spents most of her times at the hospital and not home.

On her off days (which is literally impossible because she only had 20 days a year for vacations and she would save it on the days she's sick, her friends' wedding, reunion or travelling abroad etc.), she would spend it on hanging out with her sisters and momma.. the girls really know how to had fun. they'll like go out early in the morning and went home after dawn (which make Papa really pissed off because they didnt bring him along hahaha).. she also spends her off day with her boyfriend at his penthouse woot woot you-know-what-they-do.



 Partner In Crime —  심창민 Shim Changmin (28) / fc :TVXQ's Changmin / he's Nell's classmate since they were in  middle school till now. they grew closer as they always being partnered up in schools projects. they went to medic school together and literally he's one of her best friend. Changmin likes Nell and but he had to draw a line because he worried that it might ruin their friendship

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  BFF —이재희  Lee Jaehee (28) / fc: Kiko Mizuhara / these two met when they were in middle school and have been best friends ever since. Jaehee understands Nell's ambition to be a doctor and she supports her all the way. she herself is a famous fashion designer

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  Colleagues — various (various ages) / fc: EXO / they went through residency together and until now they stick together eventhough they're now in different areas but still had time to meet up with each other. These hot doctors really admired Nell for her doctor skills and look up to her eventhough she's not their senior.





Thoughts on...
Papa : "I know he loves his children and I wish he will tone down his military things. I want to see Papa smile again and compliment me."

Momma : "The heroine in my story. the person I look up the most and she had always been my number 1 supporter. I will and always love you, Momma"

2nd unnie : "I need to bring her to a therapist or set her up on a blind date with one of my colleagues"

3rd unnie : "She and Daeyong really need to stop fighting because whatever the hell that they're fighting about, I dont care! But sometimes she can be really handy in relationship's advices"

Maknae : "My little cupcake.. why she's so cuteeeee and melts my heart everytime she did an aegyo.. Gosh, she really knows how to cheer me up at my worst times. Maknae-ya, get a boyfriend to share your aegyo with.. the two of you could reallllllyyyyy be a cute couple"

Would you tell Papa about your love life/introduce your lover to him?
+ I want to tell him about Taec but I know that he wouldn't like Taec's style. I dont want Taec being humiliated by Papa and I made a decision to keep it from my family. however, my sisters know about it. what are them? spying on me?!

What would you do if Papa finds out that you're secretly disobeying him?
+ I'll cry down and beg him to forgive me. because if I wont, the worst scenario will come.

What if Papa wants you to stop meeting your lover?
+ nothing can stop me and my lover. even Papa. I'll just ran away if he doesnt approves our love.

Would you fight for love?
+ YES. I'll do anything.

Pick one! Papa or Him? Reason?
+ HIM. because he had seen me at my worst times, my ups and downs and still loves me the way I am. he had support me all the way and he's there for everything instead of Papa. 

Do you want to change anything about Papa? If yes, what is it?
+ I just want him to be like a normal father. Thats all. its for the sake of our family and our future together.

What would you say to Papa?
+ "Papa, Im very thankful for you being my father but this is my life and I deserves to be happy. Taec and I will marry right away if you approve him. you dont want me to be a spinster right?"



His thoughts...

Have you ever heard that she had a deadly strict Papa?
+ Of course. Nell's like try to avoid telling me about her father but I insisted her to and she did.

What do you think after hearing that? Do you want to meet him?
+ once we've bumped onto him at the mall and we ran away like hell.. yeah he's scary enough like what Nell's been telling me. and I really wish not to meet him again. but if Nell wants me to meet him, anything for my love.

What's your thought about him once you meet him in person?
+ I hope he's changed by the time I meet him again

What would you do if Papa wants you to stay away from his daughter?
+ I've promised Nell to do whatever to mantain our relationsip. I will not stop seeing her and I'm sorry Sir. I just love your daughter so much and I've been thinking on having a future with her.

Do you want to change him or yourself?
+ I should probably change myself if that will approve my relationship with his daughter. I'll do anything for Nell. and at the same time, I wishes that he'll change too.


Name : 옥택연 Ok Taecyeon
Age : 28y/o (29 in Korea)
Birthdate : 27th December 1987
Occupation : Pediatrician
Back-up : 임시완  Im Siwan

Personality :Taecyeon is the son-in-law that mothers want and try to set their daughters up with. He's kind, respectful, polite, tall, handsome, and not overly talkative. He's not the type to stand out in the crowd because of his personality. One's first impression of him is that he's good-looking and nice, but he's quiet. He's usually found smiling and always looking on the bright side of things. In front of the people, he has this sort-of awkward aura around him that makes him more cute than y. He's not particularly good at social interactions, especially not at first meetings, but the man sure does try his hardest to get over those social obstacles.

That awkward part is one of the more obvious parts of him. It follows him, but it doesn't take long for Taecyeon to open up to others. Once he does, he's clingy and affectionate. Hand holding is natural, and a hug isn't anything special. His slightly babyish attitude makes him easy to tease and make fun of, and most of his friends affectionately do so. He's overly generous, making him easy to take advantage of. He knows his own limits in that aspect, and he certainly knows how to protect himself and his loved ones. Despite his smiley nature and warm aura, he can get serious quick. A tear shed by a friend or someone he's close to means an angry Taecyeon. He's an emotional person. He's protective, and cares deeply for those he loves. He's considerate and always looking out for his friends and family, making sure they're always happy even if it means sacrificing his own happiness.


 alone  when they are both free (doesn't happen often), they try to meet in a place quite far from the population. they can both go away to be able to pass time alone together. they would be themselve. they are the type of couple that you will enjoy watching. you can be laughing, loving and even finding them so cute together. they are that type of couple. they are two childs together. they can have crazy competitions against each other or make each other scared for no reason. sometimes, they can be cuddling to each other or simply enjoying each other's presence. sometimes Taecyeon would be sitting and Nell would put her head on his laps. he would be playing in her long hair and sometimes tickle her. or they can be cuddling. if they are on a date, Taecyeon would totally be cheesy to her which it making her laugh a lot. they do a lot of natural skinship together. overall, it's a couple who enjoy each other's presence a lot while being lovey-dovey, crazy and dorky together. they do sometime kiss each other when they are alone.

 in public  in public, they are looking like two good friends mostly because they don't want any crazy rumors about them and they don't want anyone to know about their relationship yet. they are both careful about the Nell's reputation in the hospital since she's the face of the hospital, they don't want a big scandal to appear. when no one is watching them, sometimes, Nell will smile at him. they would be that type of couple that are cute together. they would hold hands and sometimes hug each other if they feel too. Taecyeon tends to be more into the funny and caring boyfriend in public. he will be making fun comments or sometimes, she would make up funny jokes together. sometimes they have funny inside jokes.

 far from each other  when they are both busy working in hospital. they text each other on kakaotalk or call when they have time to. they prefer to text each other when they are free because if they call each other, there's risk that someone overheard the conversation or simply that one of them is too busy to reply. so, they mostly text each other. you'll see Nell smiling at her phone when she's texting. most of the time when they are texting each other, they are sending 1. pictures of their food so it is like they are "eating together" 2. cheesy talks 3. having weird conversation that no one understands. 4. cute selfies. sometimes, Taecyeon would send her audio message of love songs or simply send her the lyrics he writes about her.

 around close friends  around friends is when their relationship went to something even more funny. they act like they are not a couple. all of their friends are aware that Nell and Taecyeon are dating. they would totally make up crazy jokes and being loud with their friends. they leave each other space to breath too. sometimes, Nell would make random ert comments which it makes their friends crack up a lot. if no one is looking, Nell wouldn't be afraid and sneak to go and give a little tap on his or poke it which it makes Taecyeon curse at her and she'll cruse back at him with a huge smile. on some occation at the shift room when no one is looking, he would sneak a small peck on her lips behind a door or in corner real quick haha.

Story : they first met at medical school and the three of them(Changmin, Nell, Taecyeon) being best friends as they were away from home and studying at the foreign country. they still keep in touch with each other eventhough they graduated. Taecyeon and Nell were miracally works at the same place and that made Taecyeon to make his first move as he likes Nell way back when they're studying. Taecyeon confessed his love towards Nell after 3 years working together. they kinda like to keep their realtionship a secret but unfortunately the whole hospital knows that the gorgeous Dr. Choi is dating the hot Dr. Ok. they're now dated each other for almost 5 years and Taecyeon now started to imagine his future with Nell.


Questions/Suggestions : nope =)

Scene Request : i know you'll make awesome scenes!


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