The soul consuming continues... pt 4 (yep, more links)

So I thought about updating my last blog but I just have too many feels right now to contain in an old entry.

I finished watching Love Sick season I and season II (WHY NO SEASON III?!?!?!) and am utterly obsessed with PhunNoh (CAAAAAP) and EarnPete (AUGUST YOU GORGEOUS BABE).  

Unable to continue living life as is, I decided to throw myself into more BL and decided to catch up on SWAP.  Of course, if any of you have seen ep 5... let's just say I decided to drop it like it's hot.  The acting was already terrible to start and the plot an utter mess... then this happens and I'm just like NO.

Rainbow Age caught my eye cause of certain y uncut scene but after a mere 6 minutes into the movie, I was quickly convinced that I should only skim through it and not waste my time because the plot is literally WHAT THE .  Although can I just say... the guy in black (from the uncut scene) SERIOUSLY looks like the male version of Yoona from SNSD.  Anyway...

I found a few more movies to add to my list including Red Wine in the Dark Night and My Bromance but haven't gotten around to watching either because I just don't know.  Still not ready for Night Flight (see previous post... not sure when my heart will be ready for this one), I decided to give Grey Rainbow a try because holy the actors are hot AF.

This has led me to the current state of having finished episode 2 of 4 for Grey Rainbow.  But of course, I was naive.  I made the mistake of reading a comment that possibly foreshadows a sad ending (surprise right).  So now, I'm stuck in limbo unsure if I want to proceed with this series (who am I kidding of course I will), unsure if my heart is ready for yet another sad ending, unsure if the world is playing mean jokes on this poor girl's gay-loving feels, and just unsure of how I'll survive through life without more happy gay endings.  

So I sit here, in front of my computer, unsure of my future and what I should watch.  



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