New Film Production Company- Name Help!

Hi everyone!

So happily I made it to graduate school and have been working my off writing scripts and making films! woot! so now, as one of my assignments, I was asked to create a website for something that I love. As many of you know, i have my own business company, however i have decided to create a secondary production company. While the first one still exists, I will be using that for more business related projects, for clients and corporations to freelance me to do their commercials, etc.

This secondary production company will focus strictly on the LGBTQ+ films and series that i wish to create. MEANING, that many of the fanfics that i have been posting will potientially be produced and filmed!! -excited-

HOWEVER. i need your help! Since i couldn't have gotten anywhere without my friends and fans on this site, i would like you all to help me come up with a name for this new production company. Originally i was going to use a name like: Rainbow Retina Films, or Rainbow Hearts Productions, but nothing seemed to fit. so please please please, if you have any ideas for a name, please post it in the comments! The user's comment who i choose as a name will be credited with helping me select the name as well as be part of the company if they so wish- ooorrr if they have a fanfic of their own that they would like to see produced- we can discuss that as well. 

Thanks so much everyone!! Happy writing!




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AHHH IM SO EXCITED FOR YOU <3 I can't wait to see the products of your hard work some day ^^
As for a name... I'm not sure. Something like "5th Prism Productions" ? Since your fanfics all really focus on the 5 boys of shinee, and Prisms have the ability to make rainbows ^^" Either way I can't wait to see your stories come to life!!