This is the last one... I swear...

Right, I’m probably way off base here, but I keep on seeing similarities between what’s going on in these short films, BTS Begins, and the Matrix.

Bear with me...

In BTS Begins we see Jin standing away from the others who are having fun and he pulls a red pill out from his pocket.


In the Matrix, Morpheus (Who in Greek Mythology is the God of Dreams) tells Neo the following:

“ You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. “

Neo, of course, takes the red pill, and stays in “Wonderland” 


Next up there’s the scene in “Awake” when Jin touches the mirror and it ripples.

A similar thing happens to Neo when he touches the mirror, right before he exits the Matrix for the first time...



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I've heard of these things before. The Matrix and the red pill and its connection with BTS Begin and Jin. But I have no idea who the six boys are (V, Jungkook, Suga, Rapmon, Jimin, J-Hope) actually, if they exist in real life but then died or just Jin's illusion/alter egos. Both of the theories could be accepted in my opinion.
I don't even know anymore, too many questions ;-; I wonder if there's gonna be another video tomorrow.. I mean.. All the circles are now 'complete'? They doesn't really look like complete but this video with Jin is special, only on V app and it's little longer and there are so much connections with all of the short films so it kinda looks like the last video but at the same time like some kind of first one.. Like prologue to complete mind XD
Or this is really last video for now and we will waiting for big hit to drop something out of nowhere like always
I knew i had seen that ripple mirror thing before but damn its been so long. Who knows if it has anythung to do with this matrix was based on something else right? A japanese anime if im not mistaken.
Idk why but I teared up reading this lol too much feels ㅠㅠ
Why can't I seem to recall BTS Begins...............
Reading from your theory we can say it's like he doesn't want to wake up to the world where the other doesn't exist (anymore)