Its late...early...

He'd an interesting night with my mom and my sister. We watched The movies: Valentines Day and Letters to Juliet. Lol that's not my purpose for writing this blog though...ya'know how i'm constantly failing at life? Apparently it started when I was a baby.

First off, I was such a good baby, that my older sister used me as her personal baby doll. Fyeah #thuglife

Secondly, I was such a good baby doll my sister and her best friend had done a fashion show for my grandparents and put me in every outfit I had owned.

Thirdly, When I was a baby I loved carrots a lot. Ya'know how I make fun of spray tans being people of carrot descent? According to mom and Mandy, I ate so many carrots as a baby I started to turn orange.

Possibly the best fail of my entire life: what is it you may ask? Apparently I was a very good baby and could feed myself. But for my first birthday I stared at my cake...moments before smashing my face into it. And no one got a picture. Lolol

There are many fails and laughs from today's trip to the mall but I'll tell those tomorrow. G'nyt...morning...


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Orange u say? Ur deff from Jersey now ;)
FAIL. my brother did the same thing with carrots and was orange. kinda like a spray tan 0.0 maybe it's your hair colors ;)