✖ DO OR DIE — Park Bomseok


Park Bomseok


upanddownsyndrome : Syn : 8.5


Just look at that smile...


→ Bomi (이)⋮ Given by his close friends when he was training to become an idol. This nickname can actually replace his original name because of how often he's called Bomi
→ Jjoleb (Beginners Level) (
쪼렙) ⋮ Because of his ious experiences, among the cast he's the "beginner" of the contestants There are the masters, “newbs.” This word is a slightly altered version of 쪼그만한 레벨, meaning a small or low level.  
Kimbap : If you ever see Bomseok in public almost everytime he's eating some sort of kimbap 
→ Shikshin (Food God) (식신) : He is a god of food. He's good at cooking, eating, and eating what he's cooking
→ Gyopo Oppa (교포 오빠) → He was raised overseas, but has only been in America for only been there for 9 years

BIRTHDATE:  01/06/95
BIRTHPLACE:  Brooklyn, New York
HOMETOWN:   Seoul, South Korea
ETHNICITY:   Full Korean
NATIONALITY: Korean-American


→ English ⋮ He was born in Brooklyn and spent his elementary school life in Brooklyn. So, he's very fluent in the language. (Ecspecially when with the curse words) He also has a bit of a New Yorkers accent
→ Korean ⋮ He learnt Korean the months before he moved there. He kept speaking it, until he became semi-fluent. He has trouble when it comes to spelling and writing

FACE-CLAIM: Lee Hyunwoo (actor)
BACK UP: Park Bogum (actor)
WEIGHT, HEIGHT: 172cm (5'8) and 55kg (121cm)


Well, Bomseok has that natural "Oppa Next Door Kind of Look" to him. I mean, he has that nice and cute smile on his face that transforms his eyes as small cresent moons, when he's super excited and happy. He originally had black hair, but he had dyed it as a light brown when he was trainee. Plus, he has a nice tan complexion that can come across as a bit y to his cute image that he portrays. He also has a nice pack of 6 on him right now. He also has a bit of a birthmark that's on his right eye-lid, that you have to look really closely to see.

Despite having the cute image, it's sad that his image hasn't reach it's true pointential because ever since his trainee days, sweatpants and his sweatshirt are his best friend. Plus, he doesn't have a passion for fashion. He just throws on whatevers comfy. But one thing that's always consistant in his outfits, is that he wears a snapback each day.

But when he was to look good, he usually wears a jeans, a sweater, and of course his snapbacks.









Good → Ambitious, Passionate, Optimistic, Outgoing, Empathetic
Bad → Perfectionist, Tireless, Downheartened, Nervous, Vulnerable


"This is how I do it." // So, with Bomseok, he is one of the old (age wise) contestant and has a bit of a long training career (which will be explained in the Background) he must have a  pretty strong desire and determination to train and to have waited for so long to become an idol. He wants to succeed at what he does best and that shows when he's onstage performing. You can just feel his passion for what he does, and that he wants to be on the stage so badly and to get his hand on the microphone to tell who he is for 3 minutes. His passion is what drags you into his performance, and make you just want to listen more. Because of that, his stage presence is on fleek. When his parts come on, you best believe that he's making the audience remember her name and making sure that his part is what stands out. 

// "There's a light at the end of the tunnel." // But when Bomseok's off the stage and not training he's pretty much not what he portrays himself as what he is. Because you know the saying, "Fake it 'till you make it.", right? Because in reality when you see idols onstage, you literally can only see them for 3-4 minutes and done. Goes with variety shows too. Not everyone is who they actually say they are. Bomseok's is no exception. He does show a confident and charismatic side of him onstage, but of the stage is a different story. Because due to his past, it has left him in a vulnerable state. But he just has to keep reminding him something what he's doing this for - who's he doing this for. Because that's the reason why he's walking in a very shaky, and a road with a lot of unexpected twists, turns, and bumps. To know and just hope that all the hardwork and pain will be paid off one day, and to just see the people who were behind you the whole time to just cry because you made it. To know that they're proud of you is what Bomseok thinks - knows that all the pain he faced and others faced is what makes their loved ones smile.

// "Hi, is the first word of friendship." // With his past crawling back to his thoughts during the competition, Bomseok tries his hardest to make sure that the boys (ecspecially the younger ones) to know what they're in for. He wants them to know that it takes sweat, blood, and a whole lot of tears to just train. Everyone knows that a trainee lifestyle is hinderous no matter what. But the expierience is a whole lot easier when you have allies. Because he started out young, and he had to sacrifice a lot in his youth, but with the people that he met it made them feel like he was not sacrificing that much (if that makes sense). With the contestants that he meets through the show, he wants to be like the people he encountered in his trainee life. He's like a Hyung who always has he shoulders ready for them to lean on and the simple pat of the back when they did a good job. Bomseok even spends some time with other trainees to tell them what they look like they're struggling with, and has bit one-on-one with them as well. Plus, the figure to remind them that the road to be an idol is not the glitz and glamour.

// "Never give the opportunity to waste your time twice. // Bomseok is treating this compeition as a second chance for his dream. It took a lot of courage for him to get his head back in the game. Now, he's rested, and ready to rumble because this is probably the factor in his life that changes who he's going to be and he wants to make sure that what he's going to be in the furture, is what everything he does in the present doesn't go to waste. He is probably the last person that leaves the practice room because he's still training himself past his limits which can lead him some minor complication. Because he's a perfectionist, it slows a team down when he knows he didn't do something right, he wants to restart to make sure that he's timing, position, and everything is right. He doesn't really care how much his eyes flutter when he's tried, or how sweaty his training clothes get, even with the amount of people to tell his to stop. He wants to start this competiton with his all, and leave the competiton to know that he gave his all.

// "Being nervous isn't a bad thing. It just means that something important is going to happen." // Even despite being couragous enough to come back to the harsh trainee life. No matter how hard he had it before in life, doesn't mean that the same amount of jitters can change. No matter how confident he may seem onstage, he' still nervous and scared that he might fumble his lines, and has to play it off like nothing has happened. Also, there's time where he does doubt himself  if he's picking the right path. That maybe the past event were a sign to tell him that this is not right path for him. He does lose his the fire that was inside of him at times, because he's scared that the cycle that he faced will hit him like a typhoon. And trust me, it's scary.

// "People don't cry for being weak. It's because sometimes we were strong for so long." // Bomseok may seem confident, and charismatic, but let me tell you something. It's easier to say that there's nothing wrong, but it's harder to keep your head and being strong. Bomseok faced a lot of hardships when he came to Korea. He thought that the hardships will make him stronger than he was then, so he held in a lot of tears to himself because he didn't want other people to know he was hurting. Some of his experience made hhim feel vulnerable. He thought if music was the right path for him and really consider to quitting in the past. He still does now, but because he doesn't want to fail in front of others, he has to put on a mask on to make him seem strong, but when he's in bed, he grabs her blanket and he just cries, because it really is hard to actually be strong. 



// New York // Just by looking at the title you know where I'm going with this. Bomseok was born in Brooklyn, New York. He didn't come from the most well off families, but he made do with the make do. It made him appreciates the value of a dollar (which explains why he can be cheap at times) and doesn't want to waste a lot of money. His parents owned a convenience store that was a block away from school, so a lot of kids from his class knew who he was. He was always the kid who appreciates what he had/has. As you may know that New York isn't the most racial friendly city. But atleast some people weren't raised by racist people, and didn't mind his ethnicity. In New York he was always someone who didn't really talk as much, but he as a damn good friend to lean on when you needed it. He made a lot of friends when it came to music. At his parents convenience store they would play the radio and listened to a lot of hip-hop and R&B. He still remembers when his friends would whip their phone out at free period, and would listen to the latest track of Jay-Z's new album.

// Gotta Go Back // Unfortunatley (age 10), there was a time where his parents convenince store weren't getting enough money and had to back to South Korea to get a better job there. He had to start anew. He only knew basic Korean because his parents taught him enough to get him by, but he had a bit of an Brooklyn accent to his voice that made him mispronounce some words. So he would get made fun of a lot and it kind of restrained him from talking because it would embarass himself.

// Lean On Me // Learning more Korean more traditionally weren't cutting for him that much. Luckily, there was music. To fit in with some people at his school in Brooklyn. Like hip-hop. He listened to a lot of old-school hip-hop like Wu-Tang Clan, N.W.A, Warren G, etc. Then he had to listen to Korean Music to make him feel like he wasn't that different from other kids. It was like music was somehow, always there for him to help him. it helped with feeling like he was different, that it was okay to be different, and that he wasn't alone. 

// How It All Came Together // Bomseok became an avid fan of Khip-hip. Because he had to admit that the beat was great, and probably because the lyrics were in another language, and had a lot more meaning, then what he usually heard in American hip-hop. He came to know Epik High, Verbal Jint, G.o.d, and of course his all time favourite 1TYM. He made friends because of his common interest in hip-hop. He also had a habit that comes out when he listens to music with headphones, and would just rap a long with it, without even knowing he's doing it.

A year after living in South Korea, his parents re-opened a convenince store down the street from his school. So, as a chore he was usually looking after the store (as a cashier). He would rap along to the songs that the radio played, go back to work when there's customers in the store.

It was only when he was 14 years old, after school one day, he was looking after the store, while his parents were resting for a while at home. A man in a very professional looking suit came to the cash register to pay for instant ramen and looked up to see his handsome face that a thought was conjuring in the mans head.

He literally asked if Bomseok liked hip-hop, in which he (Bomseok) hesitantly nodded in response. The man gave him a card, and said, "You have a good face, tryout for our company. I'll put in a good word in for you." And left (with his instant ramen).

When he told his parents about the news, his parents were unsure to push him towards that path, but they told him to do whatever he wants. He talked to his friends during school, and they said that he was should tryout. And since they were bestfriends Bomseok didn't want to audition. It was only until after school the next day, his friends dragged him to the company (that was called Stardom Entertainment).

He rapped to some lyrics that he wrote himself, when he was inspired by Lessangs' "I'm Not Laughing". Then about after a month he got confirmation that he was an official trainee of Stardom Enertainment.

// Blood, Sweat, And A Lot of Tears // Bomseok, didn't look after the store when he started to train. He felt bad for his parents because they were working, when they should resting. But his parents assured him, as long as he's doing something that makes him happy, and making them happy because of that, then it's okay.

Bomseok was considered a baby when he entered the company as he started training. He was a 13 year-old boy going through "the sensitive time" phase. He was nervous if he seemed like he wasn't the hip-hop type. Because he looked at some of the other trainees, who looked way more hardcore than him.

Despite being nervous, there were trainees (now close friends of him) who made him feel like he had a sense of protection. 

As a trainee he continued to improve a lot with his rapping, and dance moves. Also, he got to practice composition. 

But as we all know trainee life, is hard to do. Because he would wake up in the morning, got to school, train, and repeat. Plus, when he had to focus a lot more school when he's there.

But when there was news in 2011 when the company's head was forming the "Korean Eminem Project", evey trainee was working hard. Even Bomseok who was on his high at that time, hoping to debut along with his close friends that he made. Unfortunatley, he didn't make the final cut for thr group (that we know as Block B). He was okay with the decision, because his hyungs were a lot more experienced when it came to hip-hop and was proud to see his hyungs progression in the future. 

Bomseok continued to train for two more years, and that came to the news about Stardom's Entertainment CEO ran away with the money that Block B's parents had gave him. Everyone of the trainees were shocked. Because that's what happened to Block B, then what would happen to them?

His parents immediatley wanted him to pull out of his company at that point. But they couldn't because Bomseok's contract couldn't be renewed until 2015. 

What was really heartbreaking to Bomseok ist that his parents bought a TV for the convenience store, to see him onstage for when (at that time) he would debut. So, it hit his parents hard when his contract expired, and their son had to take a break of his dreams, and go back to regular life routine.

// What Now? // Bomseok left the company after 6 years of training, and left at the age of 20 years old. Because Bomseok seemed to focus more on music in his years of youth, he didn't study enough to go to a good college. But he did end up going to small local college, and is attending his first year as a major in Business.

He still writes raps, and monitor himself out of habits from he's a trainee, but he hasn't fullout performed as of yet.

It was only until one random day, when Jiho (a.k.a Zico) called hiim (they still kept in contact with each other after they debuted and moved to Seven Seasons) up one day. Bomseok, who made a barrier out of books on his college dorm desk and had a packs of canned coffee under it, and his ringtone woke him up. 

"Yah! Bomi-ah, you up?"

"I was. What do you want?"

"Uhm... How do I put this easily?"

"I'm scared now? Put "what" easily?"

"You know how you wanted to be an idol, but you were never really given a chance to show it?"

"Why do you have to bring that... Yeah."

"There's a survival show that's looking for contestants to join."


"Yah! Aren't you in college? You should join!"

There was a moment of silence. Bomseok reminicised his trainee days, and the last days of being in Stardom.

"I'm in college now. Plus, it's already been a year, I have to do something for my parents to be proud of. Music is just a hobby now, and studies is a priority. You know how hard it is on my parents when they have to look after the convenience store."

"How about the TV in the store? They bought that to see you on stage. Even if they see you once on that small screen, they would be proud of you. Don't you want them to feel proud to see their son on TV, doing what makes him happy?"

After Jiho said that, another moment of science came back.

"Just... Just think about it. Do what makes you happy."

// Do or Don't //

Soon, Bomseok found himself in the cycle of the entertainment industry once again. 

He decided to audition for the show, for his parents and himself to be "himself" from back then again.









- Hip-hop - Of course, a rapper that likes hip-hop. But he does listen to other genres, like R&B, pop, but hip-hop is what he majorly listens to

- Math - Hard to believe that the a person would like math willingly, right? Well, with being a cashier for most of his life, he got pretty good with numbers, and is one of his few talents. He can almost instantly calculate anything in his head, excpet long equations when he has to write his theories down

- 90's hip-hop - He prefers the 90's hip-hop because, in Bomseok's opinion, back then rappers would write their own stories into lyrical poetry. Instead of how some artists of today's music would be generic in their songwriting process (but then again this is solely Bomseok's opinion

- Block B - Yes, we all saw this coming. The boys of Block B and Bomseok were and still close with each other back in their trainee days. They would treat them like a baby, because of his age when he started.  Zico and Park Kyung like to joke back in the days that they were Bomseok's parents when they were training. Despite not being able to debut with Block B,  Bomseok is a proud member of the BBC family and wishes them all the best

- Verbal Jint - When it came to listening to Korean hip-hop, Bomseok is a really big fan of Verbal Jint. His flow, voice, just his everything.

- Kimbap - Again, another obvious like about Bomseok. He is always snacking on any type of kimbaps. When he's in his dorm and has nothing to eat, he would either make himself kimbap, or by some at the convenince store

- Cooking - As a good son that he is, he would cook his parents dinner at times when they worked to hard, and are tired when they come back home

- Show Me The Money - It's a guilty pleasure of his. He watched season 4 when Zico was one of the producers for the show. He ended up loving it, and watched all the seasons. He ddn't pay attention to the drama, but mostly on the raps

- Coffee - As a college student, majoring in Business, is pretty tirig as Hell. Because of the studying and tests, coffee has become his best friend when he's in need of a quick pick me up. Plus, canned coffee is pretty addicting and more convenient then actuall making it

- Dancing - Trust me, he ain't no Michael Jackson, but he sure knows how to move and look good doing it. He mostly learnt when he was still a trainee under Stardom


- Dissapointing His Parents - Of course, as children of our own parents we  hate seeing them disappointed in us. When Bomseok's contract with Stardom expired and was unable to debut, his parents said it was okay, but as kids we know when parents say that, it's the oppisite. He wants to see his parents proud of him again

- Mnet Editing - One word. Devil. Mnet is renowned for their "devil editing". Bomseok didn't like how they cut things to make a fake problem, but real drama for other people. 

- Giving Up - May come across as a bit confusing because of what was stated previously. But, Bomseok didn't give up music, he kept that a hobby. He just took a break from training to become an idol because, he's 21 know, and has to think of different things after his contract expired

- Singing - Bomseok is a rapper for many reasons. He loves hip-hop, he's been listening to rap for almost half his life, and also because he is not a singer by choice, but because he cannot sing for .

- Squid - He's allergic to squid, so whenever his parents decides to treat him for a seafood feast for special occasions, he has to always be concious of whether he's eating squid or octopus

- Being Called "Cute" - He may look cute, but he hates being called cute. Because, I mean, he is 21 years old, and tries to be manly and charismatic. Plus, he's very awkward if you ever ask him to do aegyo, but he ends up being cute anyways

- Horror Movies - He hates horror movies. He hates the jump scares, he hates blood, any form of masks and prostetics, anything that he thinks will scare him for life and give him internal nightmares in any form or way

- Makeup - I mean, he never wore make-up ever in his life - so he has nothing against it, but it just not his style

- Not Doing His Part "Perfect" - Being the perfectionist that he is, whenever he performs and thinks that he didn't do his best, he's always hard on himself, and he won't blame any members, but himself. Because in the world, the only person you can blame is you only

- The TV in His Parents Convenience Store - When Bomseok became a trainee, his parents bought and installed a TV in the convenince store to see their son onstage doing his thing and being happy. But when his contract expired, and he didn't debut, he hates seeing the TV there because when he's working there on his off days from college it kind of makes him feel like his parents bought for nothing.


- Rapping With Headphones - Bomseok has a weird habit of whenever he listens to hip-hop songs on his playlist on his phone, he conciously raps along to the lyrics

- Flpping His Snapback Backwards - Due to him wearin snapbacks, turning it backwards is kind of his ritual when he's rapping. It's kind of a way to show that he's no longer Park Bomseok "The College Student" or "Ex-Trainee", but he's Park Bomseok "The Idol That You Left" or "The Person Who Just Raps"


- Cooking - Sometimes his parents would be too tired after work at the convenince store and stressed about how much income is coming in, so away to make their lives a bit more easier, he started cooking for his parents. **If he becomes a contestant on DoD, he would be the chef of the dorm**

- Composing - Of course, when he was a trainee under Stardom he was taught to compose his own songs. So, if there's a time when they have to compose a song, or make their own rap, Bomseok got you

- Taking Care of The Younglings - Again, he wants the younger trainees to know that they have an ally in the competiton, so he likes taking care of them as little brothers


- During his trainee days of Stardom he and was close to the boys of Block B. If he has to choose the members that he's most comfortable with it would be the rapper line

- Zico is the one to push him to atleast audition for Do or Die

- He was #1 at his mock exams for his high school, but when he the actual ranking for his exams came, he was 3rd place

- If/when he was picked for Do or Die he was given the nickname of "Jjoleb" (Beginners Level" Because he hasn't been training for a while, and is focusing on his studies. But on the show, he's like repeating the process of becoming an idol, but more intensely 

- What he wants to acheive during the show, is that when his parents turn on the TV in his convenice store, is that they will see their son doing what he originally wanted to do

- If Kimbap was a person, he would marry it

- If he had to pick his ideal person, no matter the gender, if the person makes kimbap well, that's all that matters to him

- He's an expert at making kimbap

- He prefers the food in America, because he was raised eating the hot dogs from the street vendors on the corners, but he liks Korean food when it comes to snackin (except Twinkies, because they are life)

- He hopes that Do or Die will give him a helping hand for continuing his original dream as an idol

- He doesn't like to call himself a rapper, instead he calls himself, "A person who raps" because he thinks the title of being a rapper, is for the people who are really good at it and devoted themself to get to that point of their careers









⟪ Please introduce yourself. ⟫ 

Bomseok looks around from the unfamiliar settings, with the extraterrestial creature they call cameras, and iights, and producers, getting nervous when the cameraman counted down to when he introduces himsel.

"A-annyeonghaseyo. I'm the person who just raps Park Bomseok."


⟪ How did you find out about Do or Die? ⟫ 

Pauses at the answer, and blows up his cheeks from thinking of how he's going to the next question.

"Due to my past, I got to become close friends with Zico of Block B." He started to laugh to himself remembering how he heard of the show.

"He calls me one day, when I studying for an exam for college. He said that I should audition."


⟪ Why do you want to be an idol? Are you prepared for everything it entails? ⟫ 

He to the side, from how hard the questions are getting. He hadn't thought of why he wanted to be an idol for quite a while, so he just has to reframe from when he was a trainee.

"Becoming an idol wasn't what I thought I would ever had a chance to do." He notices one of the producer forged eyebrows from his answer. 

"My friends and parents pushed to me to audition to become an idol. As a former trainee, I learned that not everyone can become an idol. Like, I can't become a rapper." Snaps his fingers to get his point more understood. "Like that. But I'm just a person who raps, that wants to earn the title of becoming a rapper. And during my trainee years, I had to endure a lot of hardships, so I think I can handle a bit more."


Do you have any prior experience in the entertainment industry? ⟫ 

He gave out a heavy sigh, thinking about his Stardom days.

"Yes. I was a former trainee of Stardom Entertainment." Thinking that he could stop there the producers gestured him to add on to his answer.

"I was a trainee under Stardom for 6 years, since I was 13 to when I was 20 in 2015. Even when the scandal came about out ex-CEO, I had to continue training due to my contract." As he blinks, he can feel his eyes getting more watery and takes a mini-break to calm himself down.

"It was hard to continue training after the news because... Well, at that point, I thought to myself, that all the minutes, hours, and even years I spent training weren't worth it."

Bomseok notices that his was voice was breaking.

"Can we continue with the next question, please?"


⟪ Where do you feel you're strong, and where do you feel you're lacking? ⟫ 

After recollects himself from the former question, he finally took a big breath in and exhaled to answer the question.

"Because in my former trainee years, I was mostly taught to rap. So because I spent 6 years practicing my rap, and dance, rapping is my strong point."

Pauses for another moment.

"So.. Singing is my downfall."


⟪ Why should we choose you for Do or Die? ⟫ 

Bomseok was thinking of his answer, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt like he was going to break down again. 

"Because I want to just touch an actual stage once. Because I want to earn myself the right to call myself a rapper."

He listed some of the reasons of why he wanted to be on Do or Die. But smiled to himself after he thought of the perfect reason. 

"But because I want my parents to see me on their convenince store television, making them proud of doing what I wanted to do in the first place."

Not to be a bit too dramatic, but he couldn't help, but shed one tear down his cheek after saying his answer.


main talent






STRENGTHS: Despite not able to perform live in front of an audience before, it's kind of surprising to see him perform with some charisma. It's like when he turns his snapback, he just changes to a total different person.

He was always charismatic onstage, and maybe it's because of the turn of his snapback, but maybe it's the power of his younger self that he couldn't show when he was a trainee and couldn't debut. Either way, he is trying to prove himself that he deserves to be on the stage.

Also, he is very versitile with his rapping because has been trained for a pretty long time. He's very charismatic and powerful with an upbeat song, but can also be sentimental and intimate with slow songs.

Also because he was training in composition during his years of Stardom, he learned to compose his own songs.

WEAKNESSES: Y'know sometimes when he's performing an upbeat song, it sometimes comes across a bit too desperate since he was always been waiting to become a trainee, and he's treating this competiton like it's his last chance to debut.

Also when it comes to dancing, he was taught the basics of dance when he was training. But sometimes he has trouble following choreography and has to spend more time on dancing.

Also because he was always a trainee and never faced a camera professionally and he probably might have to do some photoshoot as part of the competiton, he might be so stiff and awkward that he doesn't even know what he's doing. And would kind of repeat the same expression and won't have a diverse photos.

PREVIOUS EXPERIENCES: As mentioned above, he was a trainee at Stardom Enterainment when he was 14 years old. And trained there until he was 20. So he trained approximatley 6 years. 

He was also in a bit of Block B's pre-debut photos. So, some people recognized him from the pictures. 

He appeared as an extra in:

- Block B's "Tell Them"
- Block B's "NalinA" 

RAPPING TWIN: iKon's Bobby






ANY LAST COMMENTS: This is my first app, I hope you can give me some feedback for next time I make an application

- Zico suprising Bomseok for his first live performance (& probably crying after seeing his "son" grow up so much since they haven't seen each other with Block B's schedule)
- If Bomseok makes it to the finall stage, he says, "Mom, Dad, I'm on the stage now. If I don't make it to the very end, I'm happy that you saw me on the TV."
- Maybe a few fluff moments with Bomseok and the younger trainees
- Bomseok having a mini cooking show(?)
- Maybe as one of the final performances on Do or Die, a group performs Team B's (a.k.a iKon)

PASSWORD: Pass or Word





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