Check this out

Anybody interested to join an exo-l chat group on Line? There are members from all over the world. And currently we are around 21 in number.

We have aptly named it as exo-l erts because Hu Hu Hu Θ_Θ why not? We talk about stuff ranging from exo's beauty to their booty. We show appreciation okay??

And it's for all forms otp,non otp whatever. We become good friends cause that is the ultimate goal out here right? Bonding while ing over exo. So if any of you guys are interested dm me. Oukhayy??



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o/ interested
this is nice but im scared wth the otp non otp thing
madaboutkpop #3
Also, i think, it's ok to mention that it's totally okay to not but, just love EXO and be friends with other EXOLs?

[some don't like the pyonthe idea XD but, it's all cool to be with or, without it, right]