Stereotyping - A School Story - Lee Nell


missminho. meenie. online on weekdays. 積読本.
replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc
FULL NAME — Lee Nell
• Belle + it was shorten from the word BALLERINA and its been her nickname at school as she's the most succesful ballerina at their school
• Sleeping Beauty + her brothers called her that because she can sleep ANYWHERE if she's tired
• Fashionistar + being a daughter of a CEO made her turns into a fashion icon at her school. all her clothes are branded and her fashion sense are incredible. all the girls at the school admired her and want to be her.
GENDER — Female
DOB + AGE — May • 4 (18y/o)
BIRTHPLACE — Seoul, Korea
HOMETOWN — Seoul, Korea
• Korean + well she lived in Korea for almost 18 years
• English + she entered many international competition and that forced her to be fluent in English
FACE CLAIMSeo Sungkyung
• born a beautiful princess, people often describe Nell as beautiful ever since she was still a . sometimes it's a joke but sometimes it's the truth,, she has a beautiful appearance, v-line face, innocent eyes like a deer, a quite tall nose and natural pinkish thin lips, she isn't the type of beautiful girls who are like perfect and bold and steals the attention with their heavy makeup, Nell tends to wear light makeup, she is like the pure beauty, the beauty of a snowflake. Nell has a beautiful smile, a smile that is bright like a child. standing at the height of 168cm and weighs about 50kg, Nell has a slim body. she has dark brown hair right now and her hair reaches to the middle of her back. Nell doesn't have any birthmarks, scars or tattoos and she would never want to have one in the future.
OTHER — difference between your face & your character??
HEIGHT & WEIGHT — 168cm & 50kg
• Nell wears a lot of brand name items, like Chanel, Louis Vuitton, and more. She usually dresses in a blouse, pencil skirt, and heels. She enjoys looking professional and only wears casual clothing when she is just lounging around at home or around Namjoon. Her casual clothes usually consist of a loose fitting tee, skinny jeans, and flats; if it's cold she'll add a sweater and if it's hot then she'll wear an oversized dress with usually a floral pattern of some sort on it. Her accessories consist of brand name handbags, sunglasses, and jewelry. Nell enjoys wearing layered and wears a locket her parents, got for her on her 14th birthday. 

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PERSONALITY TRAITS — haughty,out spoken,self absorb, generous, soft hearted, naive, clean, charming, frriendly 

• Nell is very haughty and very princess like, she tends to look down on others unintentionally, except to those who are good looking enough and she will consider them her level; or atleast almost her level. Nell always smiles and speaks in a polite manner, even when she's angry. It makes the boys swoon for her smiles and optimistic trait, but it is actually her self assurance. She never takes everyone's insult to heart always thinks of it as jealousy. She is very out spoken and when she's angry, she will speak out the hard truth that makes some hate her. Nell is so self absorb she thinks everything is about her and why everyone has to pay attention to her, that created a wall between her family and close friends.
•Despite all that, she is very generous and soft hearted. She's full of charms and that makes all the boys at her school swoons over her. She is incredibly clean. Not like she washes her hands and doing dishes, but she definitely keeps her things organized as she can. She keeps detailed notes in school, and her living space is alwasys tidy. She has no trouble making friends or simply making conversation with someone new.
 She is rich and she knows it, but she never hesitate to help others even if she can't. But sometimes people takes the advantage of her kindness and befriend her for her money and she will trust them with their sweet talk.


 Nell was born in Seoul, South Korea on May 4th, 1998 as Lee Nell. Shortly after her birth, about a year, her parents relocated to Taipei, Taiwan after their company, Kingdom Corporations had begun to expand. Her parents originally grew up in South Korea before moving to the United States for university then they moved back to start their own business and to get married on 1985. Nell's mother was already pregnant with her brother by the time her parents had finally gotten married. FYI, he had 3 older brothers. 13 years later, Nell came along.. Growing up, Nell's parents were rarely home and barely showed any attention or love for her and her brothers, the four being practically raised by a nanny named, Jinny. Jinny was more of a mother to the kids than their own mother could have ever been. Nell was always protected by her brothers as they growing up, being each other's best friend.. The family came back to Korea and decide to permanently stay there when Nell is 5. She got inspired to be a ballerina when Natalia Osipova ( a famous Russian ballerina) made a performance on the grand night opening of a new theater building that was sponsored by her father. Nell was touched by the performance and since that she's been practicing hard to be as graceful as Natalia. her hardworks pays off as she became a famous ballerina among ballerinas. even her ballet teacher admit her talent.
Father— Lee Jaehyun (55) / CEO of Kingdom Corporation/ loving, supportive /  Nell and her father were not very close due to his works. but when they're having cenversations, he is usually goes straight to the point as he doesnt like to talk within a long time. though, they barely sees each other.
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✿  Mother — Han Seri  (55) / housewife / Practical, Tedious / Her mother passed down her habit of being tidy and organized, but she is also a procter of some of her biggest insecurities. Her mother wants her to keep her doors open and not put all her faith in becoming a star. They love each other of course, but sometimes just have issues understanding each other
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✿  Older Brother — Lee Shin (31) / Vice President at Kingdom Corporation / charming, women's dream man / Shin actually have no interest in marriage despite of his age. He said that he was too busy for dating. When he goes shopping with his sister, Nell will like pick everything and Shin will pay for it. His love toward his sister are undeniable. Not to mention, he'll do anything to keep his baby sister happy.
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✿  Second Brother — Lee Hyuk (28) / neurologist / dedicated, visonary/ he tends to list down all his dreams and achieve it. Since he's a doctor, he always ditch Nell when they're together beacuse of the emerdency at his hospital. Despite of that, he still loves his sissy very much and spends time with her you know when he have time.
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✿  Third Brother —  Lee Joon (24) / architect  / humorous, loves to make fun of his sister / being an architect which means he's at home all the time except when he got a tender to design a building. His imagination are beyond and sometimes nobody can't think about that. When Nell gets home and he was there, only god know how much he love to annoyed his sister. Its his way to show affection towards his sister because he's not the type shows affections directly. 
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 Partner In Crime — Zelo ( Choi Junhong) (20) / Idol (B.A.P) / like a mother / They met at a party during their childhood days. Zelo's father is a CEO at Zeus Corporation. the two remain best friends until now as Zelo was always be there with her when she need a shoulder to cry.
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  BFF — Lee Jaehee (18) / student / funny, creative, exciting / these two met when they were in middle school and have been best friends ever since. Jaehee understands Nell's love for ballet and ambition to be a famous ballerina and she supports her all the way. she herself in a fine arts major and hopes to own her own gallery someday.
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▸immersed in photography

▸ PINK is like her color

▸ musics like R&B, pop, etc.

▸ sports esp swimming

▸ play instruments esp piano


▸ bugs

▸ injections

▸ dentist


▸ reptilians + amphibians

▸ dark

▸ ghosts


▸  she just have this special feeling towards food. she just love foods but not cooking. no-uh

▸ her idol is Natalia Osipova

▸ she thinks that Audrey Hepburn is the perfect woman all time

▸ daydreams a lot

▸ a neat freak

▸ her smartphone's cover is Captain America

▸ her must-have things are mirror and her locket

▸ is left-handed

▸  allergic to blueberry but likes to eat it and she ended up had rashes on her arms

DO THEY LIKE THEIR CLICK? — HELL YEAH. Around this click, the members understands her more than the other click. You know, the RICH AND POPULAR students understands each other and would never want to husrt each other
IF THEY COULD CHANGE IT, WHAT WOULD THEY BE IN? - No. The POPULAR click is perfect for the RICH AND POPULAR kids. Their family actually are connected together by business and thats make it easier if they want to talk about company things
• Namjoon is a wonderful guy. He is very manly person. He doesn't ever want to be concidered "lame" or a "wimp". So he acts like a big, strong guy.
But Nell knows he has a soft, sweet side. He is very cute and funny when he is around her. They love messing around and hanging out with each other. When they are around each other, they act silly and crazy. He loves when Nell's being a weirdo because he thinks its cute.
• well, Nell and Namjoon actually talked to each other for the first time when they' wer paired up in a school project. Namjoon knew Nell long time ago when they met as a child at the company palying together and he was unsure whether Nell remembers that or not. he liked her all the way and he was surprised to see her attending the same high school as him. thanks to Nell's persona, Namjoon being himself (cutie and weird) around Nell. he's very comfortable when he's with her. since the school project they became closer and closer to each other. 
Namjoon proposed Nell to be his queen in the school hall right after Nell finished her performance. in front of a lot of students and teachers, he managed to have his guts and proposed Nell. and of course, the girl was shocked and speechless. after a while she can get her head straight and accept the propose.
eventhough its something ridiclous to do at school in front of the students and theacher, they let it slide because you know, their fathers are ones who support the school financially.
RELATIONSHIP — they're together until now eventhough they had different persona but still perfecting each other. Namjoon will sneak out from the house to just have a date with Nell and so do Nell
STATUS — the entire school thinks that they suited each other. even some doesnt like their relationship. the two were called "The King and Queen" by the students when they're with each other.

"Oh every time I see you

When I see your eyes

My heart keeps fluttering
You’re my destiny
The only person I want to protect until the end of the world"
(ChenxPunch -Everytime (DOTS OST))
oh man i really had fun doing this!!!!!!!!
• i trust you in making awesome scenes!!!!!!
replace with l/ireplace with l/ireplace with l/i


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