This is unexpected on AFF

So I really do not know what to make of this situation....but many of you guys know that I have an interview thingy going on around on AFF,where I talk to graphic aristes,authors and so on . With their permission I publish their answers.

Now here's the thing.....of course as an interviewer you shall be faced with cases where people are hesitant or even scared to face the interview...that part is ok,and most of them give a huge sigh of relief after I've sent them the questions and they find them to be good or okay. You have to be up for plain refusal sometimes,especially when some authors have serious schedules and they do not find enough time to be online. That's completely understandable.

But this is something I had never expected from an author of whom I was  a huge fan.

So I asked her for an interview sending her the link and requesting if she'd be up for it.

And the answer was something along these lines~ 

~i skimmed through your link and while i think it's a very unique idea that i would usually agree to, i feel like for me as an author, personally, you don't read enough of my fics to accurately "introduce" me in the intro section. perhaps you should find another author whose fics you've read and liked more.

I was confused at that of course I've read her fics and I told her that....I 've read all of them.... and to that she replied~

~i find it hard to believe when you're only subscribed to 3 of my stories, so yeah. perhaps you can find someone else whose stories you've read more of.

And then she blocked me.

This is actually strange. I mean ...I had unsubscribed from some of those stuff which I found to be uninteresting.

What's even stranger is that three subscriptions was not enough for you and you had to block me to prove a point. 

I felt downright humiliated and sad at this kind of treatment. I had not signed up for this kind of stuff. I mean does she realize that I was infact one of her readers and hence a fan? I don't think anyone deserves this kind of mockery on the site.

SO yeah that was all about it.

Sorry for ranting.

I know that I should not talk about anyone here in such a manner,it's not in my nature was an upsetting thing for me.

My friends like Exodious,MelanieMarsh,Breddo and Liyussi had consoled me and I'm very grateful to you people for consoling me through this.

Sorry to you guys again for whining unnecessarily


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Wow I'm so sorry that you had to go through something like when you were being so sweet. The interviews you do are so carefully planned out and much more professional than interviews on TV which makes me scoff at this author for being so rude. If I ever find out who that is and I'm subscribed to any of their stories, definitely unsubscribing immediately. This is plain ridiculous
skoreafan #2
I'm not sure how to console someone in this situation but I just want to say that just leave them be. There are tons of people who aren't grateful enough for what they have and if you had given your time to read all her/his stories, that's nice of you. And that author is just plain mean.
Oh my god, I can't believe someone was so rude like that! I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I unsubscribe from stories a lot after I read them, just to keep my subsriptions from getting all cluttered up. I kinda thought everyone did that? People unsubscribe from mine all the time. Anyways, what does it matter if you've read all her stuff or only one fic? Ahhhh, I'm just kinda angry for you, I can't believe someone would be so rude when you were just trying to support them and basically say 'Hey, I think you're an awesome writer'. Just keep your head up and keep doing what you're doing! I think it's awesome!
That's not very nice of's understandable that you haven't subscribed to all of her stories because after all - each story is its own individual, and there's no rule that just because you like her as an author, that you have to subscribe and like every single one of her stories. I've had readers who really supported one story while it was on-going and commented every chapter, but then disappeared after the story completed - and that's completely fine and normal to me. Anyway, your interview seems like a really interesting and unique idea! I'll go check it out~ don't worry too much about her though, and just keep doing what you're doing. ^_^
In my opinion one doesn't even need to have read another's stories to introduce them. I used to do interviews for the shop I worked at and most of the authors I had never read a word of their writing. To say that 3 stories isn't enough to introduce is not only arrogant and self-absorbed, but it's downright stupid.
sorry you had to go through that, I hope it doesn't mean you'll stop!
Baobeiminnie #6
That is extremely rude and unfair to you. Just because you subscribed to three and not all. I'm a fan of many authors, you included, but I haven't subscribed to every single story made. But never mind her, she doesn't appreciate her readers. I'm sure there are better authors to interview :3
don't worry she blocked you... you don't deserve her
i have exams quizzes and tests tomorrow but i gotta comment in thIS....

woAHH so you gotta subscirbe upvote and comment to eery single fic she has, to prove that youre a fan/reader of her???? iM-- umMM excUSEEEEEEEE ME if your story is not to our liking then i think its the reader's choice wether to subscribe or not?? uhmmm???? wthout your readers whose even gonna read your fic?? be thankful someone even take their time to read your stuffs and 'subscribed' your fic bc that for one proves that the reader liked them thats why readers subscribes so we can follow where the story is going??

you have the right to be mad about this it was uncalled for like srsly who is she? john green??? nicholas sparks??? stephen king???????? (lol all of them were male bt srsly an aff author getting all y bc someone didn't sbscribe to ALL of their fics did you see john green getting all y bc someone didn't buy his book or didnt read hs book??? im so--- whO IS THIs can you at least tell me in what ship does this author writes for or maybe not)
Apparently, subscribing to 3 of her fics isnt enough for her. And blocking you bcoz of that is really rude. I mean you spend time in reading her fics, a little appreciation would be nice.
aki-nakahara #10
I'm really baffled. Some of my top supporters are subscribed to only ONE of my fics so whining that you've only subbed to three? She clearly isn't appreciating what she has.
And really now, blocking you is just plain ridiculous but all right. There are people out there who really think they deserve it all and are super sensitive. A nod to her and you go on your merry way. The way she behaved proves she isn't worth it.
So you, you sweet thing, don't let it bother you because she doesn't deserve to be given that much attention. You deserve better.
ouch.. that was very disrespectful of her. /pats your back/ : ( If I were in her position, I would be honored to be interviewed by you tbh (your interview is really unique idea) and honestly I find this indirectly insult to me as well (im weird lol) but seriously 3 stories like come on how many does she have to say that and wtf I was blocking even necessary?? /face palm
What a cocky arsehole. How the does she know that people "don't read enough" of her stories to introduce her as they suscribed to only 3 of them? Sorry to say, she doesn't deserve to be an author.
OMG that author was kind of moody or she was plain rude!