Okay you're porobably expecting a super good fic rec or something but nah dog... or maybe yes?? I used plot generator ( and made just a perfect Jongkey fanfic, titled by the generator "serious kibum kim". With a name like that you know it's quality.


Serious Kibum Kim

Serious Kibum Kim

A Short Story
by Gisella

Jonghyun Kim had always hated picturesque Jeju Island with its spicy, sparkling Sea. It was a place where he felt sassy.

He was a manly, mean, milk drinker with chisled neck and dark calf. His friends saw him as a spicy, sparkling singer. Once, he had even helped a stale puppy cross the road. That's the sort of man he was.

Jonghyun walked over to the window and reflected on his beautiful surroundings. The rain hammered like partying dinosaurs.

Then he saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Kibum Kim. Kibum was a serious fashionista with charming neck and long calf.

Jonghyun gulped. He was not prepared for Kibum.

As Jonghyun stepped outside and Kibum came closer, he could see the obedient glint in his eye.

"I am here because I want a kiss," Kibum bellowed, in an imposing tone. He slammed his fist against Jonghyun's chest, with the force of 6866 snake. "I frigging love you, Jonghyun Kim."

Jonghyun looked back, even more funny and still the shiny laptop. "Kibum, you ," he replied.

They looked at each other with annoyed feelings, like two dry, delicious dog drinking at a very energetic Singles Club Party, which had blues music playing in the background and two brutal uncles learning to the beat.

Jonghyun studied Kibum's charming neck and long calf. Eventually, he took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, but I can't give you a kiss," he explained, in pitying tones.

Kibum looked hurt, his body raw like a powerless, purple pen.

Jonghyun could actually hear Kibum's body shatter into 8668 pieces. Then the serious fashionista hurried away into the distance.

Not even a drink of milk would calm Jonghyun's nerves tonight.


(the link:

My personal faveorite part: He slammed his fist against Jonghyun's chest, with the force of 6866 snake. (super y scene )


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"Once, he had even helped a stale puppy cross the road. That's the sort of man he was. "

That sentence, lmao. The worst part it that it probably ing fits the . xD I find it very fascinating that they admire each other's calves tbh, that's some y rn. not the chest or the waist or the hips or the biceps - no, the calves.

"The rain hammered like partying dinosaurs." jonghyun, keep your family in line and stop their party.