
Miss minho — meenie — online on weekdays


name — Cho Chae Eun 채은 )

nickname(s) — 

 Nell — basically its her English name and Americans found out its uneasy to call her by her real name. the often mistaken like "Chaeun" "Cheun" something like that XD even her family and friends in Korea calls her Nell

 ​ Cho Taekwan's baby — Nell was born when Taekwan was 6 and their mother only look after Nell for a year. After that it was like Taekwan who raises Nell due to their parents who are not at home mostly. Until now, Taekwan really cherish Nell like his own daughter. 


birthday & ageMay 41995 (22 y/o)
birthplace & hometown — Seoul, Korea


ethnicity — Korean - American

language(s) —  

            ▸ English — fluent because her family moved there                 when she was a year old until she's 9

▸ Korean — fluent because eventhough they lived in America,        the family talk their mother's language at home

▸ Mandarin — conversational because her school obliges to add     one more language class other than Korean and English



face claim & backup — Seo Sungkyung &  Son Yunju




PERSONA  — Spring Blossom, apart from Nell having been born in the spring, the spring season's known to symbolise themes of love, hope, youth and growth. in addition, blossoms tend to be seen as something beautiful and associated with the season. Nell's young and still growing as a person, and as she grows, she's deemed to become prettier and prettier like when a flower's to bloom. spring's known as a time of 'rebirth' and 'renewal', and Nell's thought to give a refreshing aura and image.


POSITION  — vocalist, rapper, face of the group 

TRAINEE YEARS  — 4 years

TRAINEE LIFE  — With Nell's personality, she doesn't have any hard time making friends. Most of the trainee comfortable with her. However, there's still some people who dislike her with the reason that she's just faking her pure personality and does that to garner attention. Though it was quiet hard for Nell to adapt to situation of studying and training at the same time, she had become more hardworking as she receive countless support from her family, aunts as well as her friends in Korea.

me, me, and me. 


She stands at 5'5 with long brown hair that goes down past her chest and stopping just before her hips. She has fair skin and dark brown eyes. She has rose lips as well and a thin build. with Nell being a dancer, her figure's lithe and supple, making her moves look just as graceful as ever. before Nell's discovery of make-up, she was fine with going bare-faced, but now, she feels more comfortable with having some bb cream, eyeliner and either lipstick, lip tint or gloss on, but would then wash them off thoroughly at the end of the day. since Nell's an idol, she can't really wear her glasses most of the time, and so would go out without it or wear contact lens especially when on a schedule. many are stunned by her looks, btw.

Nell looks friendly, usually giving a little smile and such, and others finding her cute with her resting face on where she would normally look either blank or confused as if she's a lost child, but there are times when her resting face looks as though she's in a bored and y mood with her looking a bit arrogant and haughty which would sometimes give a wrong idea about her. her physical age seems to shift a lot from the expression and clothes she puts on herself.

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 supportiveNell is known to be there for her members. when they are at their most vulnerable and scared moments or when they just need her. she's a shoulder to lean on and someone you can count on. she'll listen when you want to talk and talk when you want to listen and will give you advice when you ask for it. she'll try her best to give you the best advice she can give. Nell is someone who you can tell anything and won't make you feel bad about it. unless if it's a really bad decision then she'll try to talk you out of it. she's also went to all her members' solo activities.
 curiouscuriosity killed the cat right? well instead of killing the cat, the cat just follows curiosity until she feels she got what she wanted. if Nell is curious about something, she will continue asking questions and poking at it until she gets an answer that satisfies her. so it's better to answer her questions quickly to get it over with. It's also hard trying to fool Nell because she will keep asking you questions until you finally snap. so those "secret" late night visits you have with that special someone, yeah Nell will probably end up going with you.
 coyNell isn't erted but she isn't innocent. she likes to mix those 2 traits together. Nell knows what she is doing and knows that it's seductive but she pretends she doesn't know. Nell will pretend to be shy and innocent but at the same time she isn't. confusing? don't be surprised, it's something she likes to do. Nell does enjoy watching the reactions as they are quite amusing to her. some may call her an attention because of this but it doesn't matter what they say.
 optimistic: why waste time worrying about the negative things in life and enjoy the positive things. Nell is an optimistic person. she prefers enjoying and looking on the bright side of things. life is too short to be worrying about the negatives. enjoy life and the positive things it give you. she doesn't like sad things, she prefers happy things. Nell is not sunshine and unicorns 24/7. but she isn't a sad, moody person either. if you say the glass if half empty, Nell will tell you it is half full.
 clingywhen Nell was younger she would get bullied by the kids there. she didn't have many friends because her family is the first family who lived in that american community. so whatever friend that Nell had, she would cling to. she would follow them around like a lost puppy. Nell doesn't want the person to get fed up but she doesn't want to stop following them. but when Nell clings on you, it's like a compliment. it means that she sees you as a close friend. people who don't like getting followed may have a problem with Nell.
 protectivedid someone call for a protective rescuer? well Nell has arrived. with Nell it's like a cat and her kitten. you mess with the kitten, you will get mauled by Nell, the fierce cat. Nell hates seeing her loved ones get hurt and is willing to protect them. if one of her loved ones cries because of someone, that person better run and hide cause they're gonna get it. to sum it up things up, just don't mess with Nell's loved ones and you will live to see another day.
Absent-mindedNell tends to daydream a lot that she gets lost in her thoughts because she thinking so much. When she goes into those dazes, she doesn't seem to pay attention to anything around her and when someone asks her what happened in the past few minutes, she will have no idea. She definitely is one of the more forgetful members and is the one constantly forgetting her keys
CleverNell has a clever mind and it's shown whenever she needs to do an activity. She is good at finding loopholes and it's often used in variety shows. She often uses it to her advantage especially when she has to things that she doesn't want to do such as to get out of her chores by strategically leaving the room to go practice. Because of this, some call her extremely sassy. Her cleverness also helps extremely when writing lyrics for their songs. 



  singing & dancing & performance

✿  immersed in photography

✿  PINK is like her color

✿  musics like R&B, pop, etc.

✿   sports esp swimming

✿  play instruments esp piano

✿  Spring season



✿  bugs

✿  being called "Cho Taekwan's baby"

✿  injections


✿  burpings



✿  she's literally Taekwan's daughter as Taekwan raises her

✿  she's still sober up to 6 bottles of soju

✿  she just have this special feeling towards food. she can be a food show MC XD

✿  her idol is Christina Aguilera


✿  she thinks that Audrey Hepburn is the perfect woman all time


✿  daydreams a lot

✿  a neat freak

✿  skilled in composing and writing lyrics

✿  her gadgets' cover are Captain America's shield


✿  her must-have things are mirror, purse and sunglass


✿  is left-handed

✿  she wears the bracelet that her parents gave to her all the time. she says it brings her luck everytime



✿  her current hair is ombre pink wavy hair


✿  she has 20/100 vision and wears contact lenses

✿  has an obsession with the brand Adidas, Nike and Skechers


✿  she performed Brown Eyed Girls' "Abracadabra" at her audition


✿  allergic to blueberry but likes to eat it and she ended up had rashes on her arms

✿  have a female Ragdoll cat named Fiona 


home is where the heart is. 

background — 

the begining of everything  —  Nell was born on 4th May 1994 in Seoul,South Korea.she have an older brother, Cho Taekwan. She's the maknae and always recieve loves from her family. Her family is an average one living in LA a year after Nell was born. she once praised for her beautiful face by the American senior citizens. when she's young she was beautiful and cute. many people cherished her for that.Saying that she would be sucsessful with that face.And yes she did with her natural face plus her good personality.She also grow up with her brother only as her parents are so damn busy.When she was born,they moved to LA and everything just went all crazy and everything need to be checked all the time and so,they has no time to look at Nell.Gladly when she was born, Taekwan's all grown up at least.

a step before anything  — Since she enter the primary school,she had join the school's dancing competition and all since she grew up hearing songs from her brother's playlist.She just have the confidence standing on a stage and then she discover that she can dance [at least better than others lol] when other teachers and her friends compliment her dancing skill.And in her elementry school,there is a dance club and she happens to join it. And she knows that she has the talent in dance. And so,she focus more in her talent and keep on going in competition held by the school. about study, eventhough she's busy with all the dances, fortunately, Taekwan was there to help her with her studies. She is a fast learner honestly. even she skips studies a lot, her family didn't really against Nell's hobby.She even said that she does dancing as a hobby and yeah,the entire family doesn't have any problems with it. you know, as the only Asian who entered the dance club, she was being bullied by the American kids there. she tends to come home crying. at last she quit her dance club because its too horrible and gets into a ballet academy. there, the students have no time to judge other students but focusing on perfecting theirselves.

welcome to the new world  —2004, here Nell and her family moved back to Korea as her father retired, Nell still pursue her dreams and still entering dance competition in Korea. in the other hand, Taekwan got casted for a drama as supporting roles.  in 2010 where she was performing ballet at her school's hall, a staff from DSE casted Nell to  be one of the trainees and join the audition there as the staff thinks that Nell would be a great idol or an actress. the trauma from elementary school hits her back when she's being a trainee at DSE. fortunately, there are some who really cares about her and for sure Nell gets clingy towards them.


family — 

Father— Cho Jaehyun (50) / retired bussinessman / loving, supportive /  Nell and her father were not very close due to his works. but when they're having cenversations, he is usually goes straight to the point as he doesnt like to talk within a long time. though, they barely sees each other until he retired.
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✿  Mother — Han Seri (45) / fashion designer  / Quiet, Practical, Tedious / Her mother passed down her habit of being tidy and organized, but she is also a procter of some of her biggest insecurities. Her mother wants her to keep her doors open and not put all her faith in becoming a star. They love each other of course, but sometimes just have issues understanding each other
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✿  Older Brother — Cho Taekwan (30) / actor / charming, women's dream man / because Tae Kwan wants a sister really bad when he's 6, he took a good care of his baby sister. he adores her and still thinks her as a baby eventhough she's grown up. he's overprotective to his sister till now
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friends — 

 Partner In Crime — Kai (Kim Jongin) (19) / Idol (EXO) / like a mother / he's Nell's classmate since they were in  middle school till now. they grew closer as they always being partnered up in schools projects. he had this crazy mind like Nell. he also collabs with Nell a lot of time to coreograph dances
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  BFF — Lee Jaehee (22) / student / funny, creative, exciting / 4/5 / these two met when they were in middle school and have been best friends ever since. Jaehee understands Nell's love for music and ambition to be an idol and she supports her all the way. she herself in a fine arts major and hopes to own her own gallery someday.
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▪ Format here (ex: Name | Relationship | Interaction)

▪ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, recteque aliquando no vel, brute essent duo ut. Autem denique argumentum duo ea, quod offendit nam an, quas minim possit eu.

the one and only.

love interest — Choi Minho

backup(s)  — Lee Taeyong

AGE  — 25 y/o


personalityMinho is a wonderful guy. He is very manly person. He doesn't ever want to be concidered "lame" or a "wimp". So he acts like a big, strong guy.
But Nell knows he has a soft, sweet side. He is very cute and funny when he is around her. They love messing around and hanging out with each other. When they are around each other, they act silly and crazy. He loves when Hanna makes weird jokes and acts erted because he thinks its cute.
But around his fans, he is a hard working, tough guy. He is almost the type of guy that is a workaholic. He eats, lives, and breathes microphone. Minho is a guy that can put his worries behind him and can put his anger out in the gym

relationship  — the two are as close as can be to be honest for prior to them dating, the two pretty much acted like a couple of sorts behind the cameras, and are shown to be good friends in front of the cameras with the two teasing each other, sharing similar interests, being quite protective of the other, knowing quite an amount on the other, spoiling each other a bit too much and more. their members often tease them, jokingly saying that they're quite cute but sickening to watch and can't imagine how even worse they'll act like if they were 'dating', bringing laughs to them all-ish. they have their occasional fallouts, but often they're on the most trivial of things, but even so their way of handling things are childish and they don't really make up until later on, or they have the 'parent friend' appear to make them both apologise and all before going back to normal as if nothing ever happened. those close to them suspect of the two dating secretly, but would often claim to them that they're not, and they're just close and would start having a talk on why everyone thinks a boy and a girl just can't be 'friends only' hypocrites /le coughs.

last messages.

comments/suggestionsi really had fun doing this!

scene request(S) 

► moments between the girls and their love interest.
► sisterhood moments
► scene where the members met Taekwan for the first time and all went crazy
► draaaaammmmmaaaaa!
► Nell and Minho get in a scandal where they are said that they're married. they both just had on couple rings  and fans mistaked them as wedding rings. which leads to them revealing that they are dating but not getting married.

► individual collabs with other artist and special stages

►post-kiss, Minho and Nell have to perform a y/romantic collab performance for a special stage during inkigayo
► shows : after school club, weekly idol, hello counselor,2 days & 1 night, running man, their own show, etc.

► add anything and I believe that this will be a fantastic story =')


password YES


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