artificial l.o.v.e ❥ [Nell] model #0099


Cho Chae Eun
miss minho/ meenie         /        activity (08)
basic info

          > Nell  | basically its her English name and                                      Americans found out its uneasy to call                              her by her real name. the often mistaken                          like "Cha eun" "Cheun" something like                                that XD even her family and friends in                              Korea calls her Nell

          >  Cho Taekwan's baby | Nell was born when                                                            Taekwan was 6 and their                                                    mother only look after                                                        Nell for a year. After                                                        that it was like Taekwan                                                    who raises Nell due to                                                        their parents who are not                                                at home mostly. Until now,                                                  Taekwan really cherish                                                        Nell like his own daughter.

d.o.b: 4th May 1994 + 23

birthplace: Seoul, Korea

hometown: Los Angeles >> Seoul, Korea

ethnicity: Korean-American


▸ English — fluent (96/100) because her family moved there when she was a year old until she's 10
▸ Korean — fluent (80/100)  because eventhough they lived in LA, the family talk their mother's language at home

occupation: Ballerina

height & weight: 168 cm and 47 kg

face claim: Seo Sungkyung
backup face claim: Kim Jiwon


 She stands at 5'5 with long brown hair that goes down past her chest and stopping just before her hips. She has fair skin and dark brown eyes. She has rose lips as well and a thin build. with Nell being a ballerina, her figure's lithe and supple, making her moves look just as graceful as ever. before Nell's discovery of make-up, she was fine with going bare-faced, but now, she feels more comfortable with having some bb cream, eyeliner and either lipstick, lip tint or gloss on, but would then wash them off thoroughly at the end of the day. since Nell's a ballerina, she can't really wear her glasses most of the time, and so would go out without it or wear contact lens especially when on a schedule. many are stunned by her looks, btw.

Nell looks friendly, usually giving a little smile and such, and others finding her cute with her resting face on where she would normally look either blank or confused as if she's a lost child, but there are times when her resting face looks as though she's in a bored and y mood with her looking a bit arrogant and haughty which would sometimes give a wrong idea about her. her physical age seems to shift a lot from the expression and clothes she puts on herself 



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the truth
personality traits:
positive : Charming, Hardworking, Tidy, Faithful
Stubborn, Easily Irritated, Obsessive,

Nell is for the most part, very charming and friendly. Most of the time, she has a smile on her face, she had the loudest laugh in the room, or she always has a story to tell. She does her best to keep up a good attitude. She always puts in 150% into anything she does. She was taught that nothing would come to her on a silver platter, and if she wanted something, she needed to work for it. She is incredibly clean. Not that she spends all of her time washing her hands and doing dishes, but she definitely keeps her things as orginized as she can. She keeps detailed notes in school, and her living space is always tidy. She has no trouble making friends or simply making conversation with someone new. She has an unending faith in whatever she does. She believed good things will happen to you when you believe it will.

It would be easy to say that she is perfect and has no flaws, but unfortunately everyone has them. Nell is seriously stubborn, to the point where it can frustrate people. If she doesn't want to do something, if she has an opinion differing from anyone, or something along those lines, she won't budge. It's very difficult to get her to agree or do someting she really doesn't want to. Along with that subbornness, comes a quick temper. When she is mad or upset, words fly from quickly. Whether she means it or not, it can sometimes be really mean spirited. Nell obesses over a lot, whether it be how she looks or a book series, or a food. She is always quick to obsess over everything about it. It may come as a surprise, but she had some looming insecurities. Her weight and facial appearence have always been issues for her. Not to the point of an eating disorder or anything that serious, but she does sometimes feel that some girls she sees around her or more fit or prettier.



the begining of everything  —  Nell was born on 4th May 1994 in Seoul,South Korea.she have an older brother, Cho Taekwan. She's the maknae and always recieve loves from her family. Her family is an average one living in LA a year after Nell was born. she once praised for her beautiful face by the Americans senior citizens. when she's young, she was beautiful and cute. many people cherished her for that.Saying that she would be sucsessful with that face.And yes she did with her natural face plus her good personality.She also grow up with her brother only as her parents are so damn busy.When she was born,they moved to LA and everything just went all crazy and everything need to be checked all the time and so,they has no time to look at Nell.Gladly when she was born, Taekwan's all grown up at least.

a step before anything  — Since she enter the primary school,she had join the school's ballet club. she had fun joining it and entered many competitions. she just have this confidence to stand on the stage and perform the ballet with full of grace and sophisticate.And so,she focus more in her talent and keep on going in competition held by the school. about study, eventhough she's busy with all the dances, fortunately, Taekwan was there to help her with her studies. She is a fast learner honestly. even she skips studies a lot, her family didn't really against Nell's hobby.She even said that she does ballet as a hobby and yeah,the entire family doesn't have any problems with it. 

welcome to the
  new world —2004, here Nell and her family moved back to Korea as her father retired, Nell still pursue her dreams and still entering ballet competition in Korea. in the other hand, Taekwan got casted for a drama as supporting roles.  in 2012, she became the first Korean who won the Ballet International Competition. being the youngest to win in history, she receives many awards for her achievements. she's now currently preparing a performance for the Royal Family.




✿  immersed in photography

✿  PINK is like her color

✿  musics like R&B, pop, etc.

✿   sports esp swimming

✿  play instruments esp piano

✿  Spring season



✿  bugs

✿  being called "Cho Taekwan's baby"

✿  injections


✿  burpings


✿ drawing


✿  eating homemade foods when her diets are over



✿  trembling when nervous

✿  daydreams
✿  sleep-talking


  reptilians + amphibians




✿  she's literally Taekwan's daughter as Taekwan raises her

✿  she's still sober up to 6 bottles of soju

✿  she just have this special feeling towards food. she can be a food show MC XD

✿  she thinks that Audrey Hepburn is the perfect woman all time


✿  daydreams a lot

✿  a neat freak

✿  her gadgets' cover are Captain America's shield


✿  her must-have things are mirror, purse and sunglass


✿  is left-handed

✿  she wears the bracelet that her parents gave to her all the time. she says it brings her luck everytime



✿  her current hair is ombre pink wavy hair


✿  she has 20/100 vision and wears contact lenses

✿  has an obsession with the brand Adidas, Nike and Skechers


✿  allergic to blueberry but likes to eat it and she ended up had rashes on her arms

✿  currently driving a silver Aston Martin DB9



✿  have a female Ragdoll cat named Fiona 


✿  Cho Jaehyun  | Father | 50 | retired bussinessman | Nell and her father were not very close due to his works. but when they're having cenversations, he is usually goes straight to the point as he doesnt like to talk within a long time. though, they barely sees each other until he retired.
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✿  Han Seri | Mother | 45 | fashion designer |  Her mother passed down her habit of being tidy and organized, but she is also a procter of some of her biggest insecurities. Her mother wants her to keep her doors open and not put all her faith in becoming a star. They love each other of course, but sometimes just have issues understanding each other
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✿  Cho Taekwan | Older Brother | 25 | actor | because Tae Kwan wants a sister really bad when he's 6, he took a good care of his baby sister. he adores her and still thinks her as a baby eventhough she's grown up. he's overprotective to his sister till now
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✿  Kai (Kim Jongin)  | Partner In Crime 23 | Idol (EXO)  he's Nell's classmate since they were in  middle school till now. they grew closer as they always being partnered up in schools projects. he had this crazy mind like Nell. he also collabs with Nell a lot of time to coreograph moves in ballet
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✿  Lee Jaehee | BFF 23 | student these two met when they were in middle school and have been best friends ever since. Jaehee understands Nell's love for ballet and ambition to be an famous ballerina and she supports her all the way. she herself in a fine arts major and hopes to own her own gallery someday.
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"artificial" lover

love interest: Choi Minho, SHINee
backup love interest:  Lee Taeyong, NCT-U

Minho is a wonderful guy. He is very manly person. He doesn't ever want to be concidered "lame" or a "wimp". So he acts like a big, strong guy.
But Nell knows he has a soft, sweet side. He is very cute and funny when he is around her. They love messing around and hanging out with each other. When they are around each other, they act silly and crazy. He loves when Nell makes weird jokes and acts erted because he thinks its cute.
But around his fans, he is a hard working, tough guy. He is almost the type of guy that is a workaholic. He eats, lives, and breathes microphone. Minho is a guy that can put he is worries behind him and can put his anger out in the gym
ideal type: graceful and slightly had the same personality as him

(future) interactions:

- Nell & Minho goes swimming and he suddenly becomes protective when he sees other guys eyeing Nell in her bikini

─ Minho saves Nell from slipping at the late night market when they having a late night date

─ Minho & Nell just has a stay at home day watching a horror movie on the sofa and Minho pulls Nell into his arms, their first close skinship.

─ Couple baking and has a flour fight

- post-kiss, Minho and Nell have to perform a y/romantic collab performance for a special stage

Minho learn ballet from Nell

comments: if there's anything wrong in my app, let me know and i'll fix it a.s.a.p
anyway i enjoy doing this app =)

questions: nope not at all

password: l.o.v.e


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