(picture is 150x140)
Nam Jieun
–  Jiji  :: Close friends and family :: A simple way to call her
–  Eun B  :: Everyone :: Her underground rap name, stands for Eun Boss
age: 25
birthdate: December 16, 1991
birthplace: Anyang, South Korea (1991-1994)
hometown: Phoenix, Arizona (1994-2008), Seoul, South Korea (2008-present)
Leader, Main rapper / Park Jiyeon /Ham Eunjung
ethnicity: Full korean
nationality: Korean/American
height: 170cm
weight: 54kg

– Korean :: fluent, native
– English :: Fluent, lived in america for 14 years

appearance: Jieun dyed her hair multiple times but has decided to stick to brown. She has cat like eyes and a pale complexion. She may not look 25 but do not be fooled by her looks. She has a few tattoos. 2 on her back, 1 on her stomach and 1 on her foot. She got both her back tattoos (1)(2) when she was in America, when she was 16 and her stomach tattoo after she gave birth when she saw 17 and her foot tattoo when she was 19. 1 on her right ribcage which says 'C&C' in small cursive lettering which she uses makeup to cover it. (Something like the picture but it's her children's first alphabet), 2 on her wrists where she covers it with makeup or bracelets (Left) (Right) and 1 on her right thigh where she covers with makeup. She is actually planning on getting more since she has a craze for tattoos and piercings.

fashion: Jieun despise skirts and dresses. She prefers dark coloured jeans and shirt mixed with converse and a leather jacket. Her colour schemes are always dark and mysterious. Her style is emo/punk style since she got into emo/rock bands. She hates heels too. She says it is uncomfortable to use. When there is an important event, Jieun would throw on a black dress and converse.

casual - 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Onstage - 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
formal - 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
practice - 1 / 2 / 3 /4

personality traits: +Protective, Charming, trustworthy, determined -Naive, blunt, Short tempered, mysterious


Jieun is described as a charming lady. She has a smile that can melt anyone's heart. She has talents that can wow people. When a task is given, Jieun would handle it with so much hardwork. She is determined to finish something with passion. Having loyalty is what Jieun would tell her kids when they gather to listen to her. Jieun hates betraying her friends or lying to them. She can be protective at times especially with her kids. Due to her past experience, she hates it when she sees kids being beaten by their parents. Her smile would turn upside down if anyone dares to touch her kids.

Jieun can be a naive one, not knowing the real situation. She is dense and is slow in realising something. When jieun is on her time of month, never disturb her or piss her off because, if you do, say goodbye to your poor soul. She has a temper that she can't control. She snaps at people if they piss her off and would get violent. Her label knows about her past life as an underaged bartender and how she used to drink and smoke. Jieun can be blunt at certain points. she can blurt out, mean and nasty comments without even thinking. She doesn't think before she says and would sometimes hurt the other party's feelings. Her bluntless is something to watch out about, since she once made a person cry with a simple, nasty comment.

— Colour black
— ​Rock music
— ​Rapping
— ​Animals
— Milkshake
— Carter and Ciara

— colour pink
— chocolate
— ​ballads
— skinship
— judgemental people
— Jason

— Hanging out with her children
— playing the guitar
— rapping
— Beatboxing
— writing lyrics
— composing

— biting her fingernails when nervous
— covering when eating
— Being overprotective with her children
— Sneezing when smelling perfume
— Mix both Korean and English when lying
— Rolls eye when annoyed

— She is allergic to chocolate, when in contact, she would have trouble breathing
— She has twins who are currently 8 years old
— Hates taking selcas
— An animal lover
— Favourite meal is Hamburger
— Has a youtube account, where she uploads vlogs, blogs and dance covers. Has Millions of subs and views
— Huge Black Veil Brides fan
— has her driving license
— Owns her own house in America and Korea
— Ideal type is someone who can put up with her bull
— Loves Milkshake
background: Jieun was born on December 16, 1991 in Anyang, South Korea. Jieun's mother water broke a few weeks earlier and was rushed to the hospital. While giving birth, Jieun's mother lost lots of blood and passed away hours after giving birth. Her father, loved Jieun's mother a lot and couldn't help but see her in Jieun. He and Jieun's mother never really thought of a name for their baby girl. So, in the end, Jieun's father named his baby, Jieun. Seeing as it is his wife's name.

While growing up, it was hell for Jieun. When she was a baby, her father adored her. he was caring and protective over Jieun. He couldn't help but spoil her. He bought her everything, toys, clothes, shoes. They were rich. When Jieun was only 3, Her father, couldn't stand being in the same house where his deceased wife used to live, so they packed their bags and moved to Phoenix, Arizona. It was fine at first, but when Jieun turned 5, her father dramatically changed. He started coming home late, he smells like alchohol. He would spit words to little Jieun who couldn't understand a single word he is saying. Her father, soon started hitting her. Abusing her. He would spit out those same words, "You are the cause of her death!". It scared Jieun and everytime, her father was asleep, Jieun would cry silently in her room.

This continued until Jieun turned 14, those constant beatings started getting worse. Her father would get a belt and hit her back if she was disobeying his orders. He would punch her if she talks back and would kick her if she does something worse. He locks her in her room whenever there are guests in the house and would always tell Jieun to stop being a spoil brat. Soon, after Jieun's 15th birthday, her father started forcing her to work at his nightclub. He forced her in y, revealing clothes and demanded her to bring those low lives drinks. If she agrees, he would pay for her school bills. Jieun had no choice to agree. She wants an education so she can go to college at another country. She worked in her father's nightclub and had school.

When in school, Jieun made a few friends. One of them, being her most loyal friend, Alexandra hudson. they had a lot in common and would gossip about boys and other things. Alex is the only person who knows how Jieun is treated. She feels sad and tries to help her but Jieun always denies her help. Apart from Alex, she met and fell for her older brother. Jason. She was only 16 and naive, so when Jason asked Jieun out and Jieun accepted. They started dating. Jason was the guy who turned Jieun from a timid girl to a strong lady. He brought Jieun get her first tattoo when she was 16. He was a sweet guy but everything changed, Jason started hurting Jieun. He started slapping her and punching her if she talks back. He went to Jieun's house once, when he was drunk, and unconciously her when she was 17. The most heartbreaking moment was when Jieun found out Jason dated her just to get into her pants. They broke things off soon after Jieun found out about Jason's true reason.

It was heartbreaking, seeing as Jieun soon found out she was pregnant with Jason's baby. She felt nauseous every morning and ocassionally throws up every night. Once she found out she was pregnant, she panicked and packed her bags. yes. She wanted to go away. Run away from this horrible world. Her father, well, he didn't mind. Why? He grew to not care about her at all. He gave Jieun money for the ticket to Seoul and kicked her off. Flying off, she soon met her aunt. She took care of Jieun while Jieun took care of her babies. After 6 months, she decided to go for an ultrasound since her Aunt recommended it. The doctor told her, she was pregnant with twins. That made jieun jump for joy. She cherished the human being in her and promised herself to protect them, even if it means she has to kill herself. She managed to contact Alex. Alex was crying and asking where has she been. Well, after Jieun explained her situation, twisting the story a bit, saying it was caused by a one night stand, Alex managed to calm down and started talking about Korean pop music. Yes, Alex loves kpop.

After Jieun gave birth, Alex visited her. She flew from Phoenix to Seoul just to see her best friend. they managed to talk and Alex managed to convince Jieun to listen to Kpop. Well, at first, Jieun didn't like it, since she was already addicted to rock/emo bands such as Sleeping with Sirens and Bring Me the Horizon. Actaully, the only thing that kept Jieun going on, was rapping. She got into rapping when she was 10, it was the only thing that got her mind off those awful abuse. She wrote down her life on a piece of paper and often try to rap it with a beat. Her aunt supports her of her rapping, so, allowed her to do underground rapping.

So, when Jieun turned 20, she started rapping along with other rappers such as KittiB, Basick and more under the name Eun B. It means Eun Boss. AOMG's CEO Jay Park soon signed her in AOMG after Jieun joined Show Me The Money 3, where she challenged many other talented rappers. Sadly, she was eliminated after a tough fight with CJamm during the 1vs1. She was close to winning but Cjamm's raps were better. Before Jieun started her official training, Jay Park started asking her questions about her life. Seeing as she couldn't lie, she told him and the other AOMG crew, her past life. She thought her Jay Park would nulify their contract but her accepted her. That's when Jieun started her training.

Father | Nam Jingoo | 55 | Owner of a nightclub called "Nightingale" | flirty, ert | He abuses Jieun physically and mentally. He forced her to work in his nightclub as a bartender when Jieun was only 15. He even forced her to drink alchohol and even serve those who to her in the nightclub. Jieun hated it. (Fc. Lee byunghun)
Son | Carter Nam (Nam Jimin) | 8 | --- | intelligent, creative | Jieun's oldest son. Carter is a smart guy. Although only 8 years old, he has a mindset of a 16 year old. He protects Jieun despite having a small build. Carter also protects his younger sister and hates it when she gets hurt. He is the older twin by 7 minutes (Fc. Cameron Boyce)
Daughter | Ciara Nam (Nam Jiyoon) | 8 | --- | lively, talented | Ciara is Jieun's youngest daughter. She is always seen smiling. She is never sad and is always bringing up the atmosphere when it's down. She can be dense at times. (Fc. Ciara Bravo)
Aunt | Jung Hyesoo | 45 | businesswoman | humble, funny | Hyesoo is the person who took care of Jieun when she moved to Korea. She loves jieun like her own daughter and wanted to arrest Jingoo for child abuse but Jieun told her not to worry. Hyesoo takes care of Carter and Ciara if Jieun is away.

Best friend | Alexandra Hudson | 25 | Waitress | loud, cheerful | Jason's younger sister. Alexandra is the most loud and cheerful girl Jieun has ever met. She can never stop ranting about her life when Jieun calls her. The only thing that Alexandra doesn't know about Jieun is that, Jieun gave birth to her older brother's babies. (Fc. Alex Dorame)
Ex-boyfriend | Jason Hudson | 27 | Unknown | cocky, obsessive | Jason... He is the actual father of the twins. He is Jieun's senior during high school and Jieun's High school sweetheart. Well, it didn't end good, at first, their relationship was filled with cuddles and kisses. After a few months, Jason started abusing Jieun. He would slap her and kick her without hesitation. He went to Jieun's house once and unconciously her. That happened when he was 19 and Jieun was 17. (Fc. Cameron Dallas)
stagename: Eun B
persona: Your Charismatic girl crush
position: Leader, main rapper
back up position: Lead rapper
singing twin: Exid LE
dancing twin: Exid LE
rapping twin: Exid LE (Backup; AOA Chanmi)
trainee years: 2 years in AOMG
pre debut life: she was part of Show me the money 3 & Show me the money 4. She was scouted when she joined SMTM 3

pre debut experience: Show me the money 3 & Show me the money 4
scandals: add more if needed
title - year - true/false - info
love interest
name: Jay Park
back up: Cjamm
occupation: CEO of AOMG / rapper
personality: Jay can be a ladies man. He flirts a lot and always have a certain smirk planted on his face. He would walk up to a girl and just say lame pickup lines. he can be boastful at times espcially if he hit a jackpot. Apart from that, Jay is a serious man. He always get his work done without resting and he loves to curse.


Well it all started when Jieun joined Show Me The Money 3. She impressed judges with her mad rapping skills. She was so close to winning against Cjamm on round 3, but failed to because Cjamm's raps were better. She caught the eyes of the CEO of AOMG. He wanted her to sign a contract with AOMG and Jieun gladly accept.

Well When she wanted to start training, Jay started asking her multiple questions about her past. Which caused her to mix korean and english together when she wanted to lie. In the end, jieun told him and the rest of the crew what really happened to her, from A to Z. She thought she would now have her contract cancelled but Jay, being a nice guy he is, still accepted her flaws and let her train in AOMG.

After a year of training, Jieun couldn't help but fall her Jay. His charming smile and awesome tattoos made her heart beat irregularly. When Jay and Loco were made the producers of Show me the money, Jieun went ahead and joined the show again. Many young rappers there adored her and even asked for her pictures. When her time of judgement came, her producer, happened to be Zico. She rapped perfectly and passed.

During the show, Jay and Loco was actually shock to see one of their friend, trainee. Up on stage, giving them nervous smiles. her heart was beating fast but she managed to concentrate. She had an all pass and went to the cypher 1vs1 with Black nut. well she lost again but she managed to impress Jay and attract him when her lyrics said "I've got a crush in front of me," while her eyes directed to Jay.

After the show, Jay decided to comfort jieun, seeing as she was quite disappointed with herself since it was her second time being eliminated. From talking, to cuddling then to making out. Soon, from making out led to other things that shouldn't be talked about. When morning striked, both of them decided to keep it a secret and remain as friends, remain as CEO and Trainee. It was quite awkward, whenever they made eye contact, they would quickly look the other way, if their skin happened to touch, they would flinch. It was actually surprising, as it's Jay Park but he gets all cute and nervous in front of Jieun.

status: Crushing / Friends with benefits (Though they only did it once)
ending: Officially dating. The others soon found out about their hook up. They didn't believe it but they didn't mind. They could obviously see that the two were liking each other very much but didn't know how to confess. in the end, Jay would finally confess with the help of Loco and Simon. They soon become a couple right after first class' debut
scene requests: your story, your choice^^
password: Black. I know it's a shade and not a colour but Black.


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