(picture is 150x140)
cecilia kim
nickname(s): CeciCee - only her younger brother calls her this. It is just another cute nickname, Lil Mama - Since she is short and motherly, people tend to call her this. The name was given to her by her group members and labelmates, Camilla - This is her alter ego name. Since she is a gemini, the twins, her family thought it was funny to give her an alter ego, or twin name. Whenever she has an attitude or gets annoyed, they call her Camilla.
age: 24
birthdate: 06 06 1992
birthplace: Vancouver, CA
hometown: Vancouver, CA
lead vocal, producer / nari / jia
ethnicity: Korean
nationality: Canadian
height: 153cm
weight: 49kg

English - native
French -  beginner - taught at her middle and high school
Korean - fluent - taught by her family

appearance:  She is only 153cm. She also has platinum blonde hair with her dark brown roots showing. She has tattoos, one near her ribs,on her fingers, and another on her foot. Ceci loves getting tattoos and is always wanting more. She also has a hoop nose piercing. 
fashion: She loves to wear name brands. It's either Calvin Klein, Tommy Hil, Nike, Addidas, MCM, or Supreme. She likes to be comfortable in leggings but will also wear a tight dress when she wants to. She also doesn't go anywhere without a hat

personality traits: motherly, bossy, humble,  optimistic, worry-wart, shy, patient, hopeless romentic
personality: When you first meet Ceci, she will try to figure out what type of a person you are and what you will be with her. This is apart of her naturally shy nature. She won't open up to you quickly, but once she does, she will care for you like a mother would. She is always afraid of letting people in her tight circle because of the fear that they will treat her badly or leave her. She is a motherly, caring figure with a nice heart. She will always ask if you need something and would even clean after you, even though sometimes she might not want to. She is always cooking for her friends when they are hungry and gives them plenty to eat. She even reminds people to drink water when they need to.

Of course, she does get bossy and when she does, her Camilla side comes out. She gets a huge attitude. Nagging and bossing people around does happen but she doesn't like to do it. She loves to do things for others and finds it very humbling to her. She is a humble person and hates to be spoiled. She feels uncomfortable and feels like she needs to do something back to the person whos spoiled her. Her motherly nature also gives her a worry-prone side. She is always worrying about what is going on and always needs a clear path in which she is going. She doesn't like to take risks and rather play it safe. When asking multiple questions to what is going on, she can't ever find a way to relax fully and calm down. Doing things that are spontaneous drive her nuts. Even though she is not spontaneous and worries, she is very optimistic to new ideas. She is never a judgemental type and rather listen to everything people have to say rather than judge them. Ceci loves to listen to multiple opinions before making a decision or even reacting to a situation.

Watching RomComs get her in a hopeless romatic mood. She has always been one, but they make the trait even more obvious. She dreams of having a perfect family and a cute life. Ceci loves to think about romance. The concept of a romantic knight in shining armor excites her.

- coffee
- tea
- smell of lemons
- early mornings
- newspapers
- Long phone calls
- RomCom Movies
- children
- laying down and listening to music 
- being spoiled
- staying up too late
- when people dont listen to her
- when people look down at her
- driving
- reading
- dancing
- singing
- cleaning
- cooking
- nags people to do chores, etc
- complains when she is the only one cleaning up
- looks out for her friends
- chews on pen caps
- she is a very good listener
- if she gets tired, she will immediately fall doze off
- loves having her nails done and gets tired of her nail color often, so she is always at the nail salon.
- Big fan of Epik High
- she cant do aegyo to save her life
- she carries medicine and snacks with her at all times
- has a picture of Mark as her lockscreen
background: Ceci was born in an average 4 family household. While living with a younger brother, she learned how to take care of children and became a motherly figure through this experience. In high school, she worked as a day-care helper often and began to fall in love with children. Her high school life was pretty average until she met the "boy of her dreams." Yes, this boy was her high school boyfriend. He was very charming and sweet. His name was Mark and he cared for her a lot. He found a way to romantically enter her life and convinced her that he would always stay with her by her side. He even told her that he woukd marry her after high school.Mark implanted the idea of a high school sweetheart in Ceci's mind and of course, she couldn't say no. After 3 years of dating, in their senior year, it all fell apart. Mark got kiled in a drunk driving accident and Ceci has been cautious towards the idea of love ever since. She keeps Mark close to her heart and doesn't feel comfortable with anyone taking him from her. Although she realized they probably wouldn't had gotten married, she still can't let him go. As he left her life, she coped with singing, which was something Mark loved that she'd do. While she was not the best, she wanted to sing for Mark up in heaven. 
While singing in Canada gave her a little more help moving on from the tragedy, she decided she wanted to go to the United States, where she felt there was more opportunity. As she became of age and ignored the traditional route of college, she moved to Seattle and posted song covers on Soundcloud and Youtube. She wasn't getting too much fame, but she was popular in Seattle. She did a cover of "All I wanna do" by Jay Park and it became the most popular cover she had done. Cha Cha Malone and Jay Park listened to her cover and contacted her to join the AOMG crew. She declined the first time because she was afraid to move so far from her family, but kept in touch with Cha Cha and Jay in a friendly way. 
She decided to slow down a bit and join a small college and collect herself, but couldn't resist going back to the singing career she's always wanted. There felt like no way into the business but, looking through her contacts she realized she could always call Cha Cha and Jay back up and accept their offer that was still standing. And that is what she did. They quickly signed her and she has been training with them ever since

Mom - Kim Aecha - Nurse - her mom is generally a sweet person. She loves Aecha with all of her heart and supports her
Dad - Kim Junho - Doctor - they aren't the closest, but her dad loves Ceci a ton
Brother - Jack Kim - student - The closest relationship in the family. Ceci loves her little brother and even though they joke around and annoy eachother, they love eachother a lot.


Ex-Boyfriend - Mark Song  - 22 -  N/A - good listener, caring, sweet, loving - Her boyfriend that passed away, whom she still cares for greatly

close friend - Chacha Malone - 29 - producer, dancer - silly, good listener, caring, smart -  she met Cha Cha in Seattle through mutual friends and through her soundcloud covers, and they would hang out with eachother often

stagename: Ceci
persona: Strong Soul
position: Lead Vocal, Producer
back up position: Main Vocalist
singing twin: ns yoong
dancing twin: jia
rapping twin: n.a
trainee years: 0
pre debut life: n.a She was scouted by Cha Cha 
pre debut experience: n.a
title - year - true/false - info
love interest
name: Gray
back up: Cha Cha
occupation: Singer, Producer
personality: Gray is a very mysterious person, you will not know any part of him until you have a good conversation with him. He is cheesy and kind of a corny romatic type of a guy. He is always thinking about his date and spoiling her in every way possible. He loves corny dates like random, spontaneous hikes. 
In the studio he is more stale-faced. He concentrates and knows what he wants the end result to be. 
interactions:Ceci has always enjoyed Gray's choice for music. She loves his beats and the way he produces music. She adored him from the sidelines in a professional way but nothing more. When they met, she would always stay around him, since her love for music was similar to his. 
He automatically assumed that she would enjoy going out with him, but as soon as they got a little flirty, she would try to pull away from him due to her past history in relationships. She has never told Gray that the reason why she can't get more comfortable with him is because of Mark. He just thinks she is hard to get. She feels like if she gets close to Gray, something will happen to him, too. 
status: They have many  back and fourth fights on dating or not. They are currently a little more than friends..
ending: After trying very hard to charm her enough, Gray eventually dates Ceci
scene requests:
– I would love a scene of Gray taking Ceci on a really nice, but spontaneous, advernturous date. But she freaks out and he gets mad at her for "not appreciating" what he did for her. Ending in a fight
– A scene of Ceci crying in Grays arms telling him the story of Mark and why it is so hard for her to have another boyfriend.

password: red


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