Care Less for Careless Words

Today I had maths lessons with my teacher (have I ever mentioned that I hate math with a passion?) and I was the only girl who took the class with him. The rest are all men (or boys, judging by how mentally premature they are). So we were studying as per usual until our teacher gave us a problem to solve. Because the topic was new (and hell was it hard) I was still confused with the fundamentals of the formula. It was the first time we ever touched the topic. I tried my best doing it though, but the teacher kept on staring at me as I did my work and it made me nervous. I don't have any confidence in Math, so even if I was right, it still felt wrong.

In the end, I didn't get to finish it. I saw all the other guys finishing their work by cheating off of others and looking into the answer keys. They had the chance to do that when my teacher drilled his eyes only into my work. So by the time our teacher asked if we were done- voila! They were.

"You did right... correct- and you too!" my teacher said to all of the guys before pointing at me, "Only you didn't do it."

I shut my mouth because I still want to pass his stupid class.

And then he started laughing- like my unfinished work was the most amusing thing ever. 

"All the finished ones are boys!" he clapped, still laughing, "Ah- women..." he glanced at me, ".. the minority."

At those last words my male classmates started wheezing in laughter like hyenas. To be honest I was shocked because some of these guys run around the school announcing that they were 'feminists' and . But now I realise that they only do that to get to our Literature teacher's (who is a feminist herself) good side. Even if they aren't feminists, why the hell did they not say anything?

It's still infuriating to know that they got credited for cheating.

Even after the lesson was over none of them went up to me to talk about what happened. They acted as if nothing happened.

They're lucky I get over things easily, even if that almost made me sad. Almost.

I'm not asking for a women-only red carpet at school, I just want people to stop stepping on others to make themselves feel superior.

Please, it's not a joke when it's not funny.



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Yonggukismyhubby #1
What the hell is wrong with that teacher? What? Making fun of you just because you're a woman? He's a freaking ist... Aishhh these guys are definitely the incarnation of JERKS
You don't have to handle their bull though... Just ignore them all... they don't even deserve to have a reaction. Bunch of s
Hang on there dear. I hope they get what they deserve... you know KARMA and stuff
What kind of horrible teacher is that? I get mad just reading about it. What a bunch of s. Seriously. Can't you complain to the headmaster or something? This should not be tolerated at all. He outed you only to make fun of you. For being a girl. He literally linked you not finishing the problem to your gender. What a ist ing .
leafletters #3
they sound like a nasty bunch of meatheads. hang in there bby~